Nomura’s Food Vulnerability Index ranks India at 44th

A report published by Japanese Nomura Global Market Research have ranked 110 countries in Nomura’s Food Vulnerability Index (NFVI) 2019 on the basis of three components (1) Net food import, (2) Country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person and (3) Share of food on household consumption.

Theoretically, a country with lower per capita GDP will have higher net food imports and a higher share of food in household consumption making the country more vulnerable in food prices.
India was ranked 44th in the ranking. Remember this a ranking based on Vulnerability, which means higher the ranking the country is more vulnerable. Lower-ranking or the lowest ranking of 110th means the country is least vulnerable among the group of 110 countries in the list in the index.

In October 2019, due to an increase in food prices, India’s retail inflation touched a 16 month high of 4.6%.

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