NITI Aayog’s State Energy and Climate Index

The State Energy and Climate Index (SECI) has been launched by NITI Aayog. It is a first-of-its-kind index that aims to track the efforts made in the energy and climate sector by the states and UTs of India. This index’s parameters have been devised while keeping in mind the country’s goals regarding clean energy transition and climate change.


  • This index has ranked the states and the UTs of India based on the efforts they have put towards improving energy consumption, energy access, safeguarding the environment, and energy efficiency.
  • This index has also helped to move toward the agenda of the accessible, affordable, clean, and efficient energy transition at the State level.
  • This index has also encouraged healthy competition among the states and UTs of the nation in different fields of climate and energy.

Parameters of the Index

Six parameters have been used by this index that are:

  • Access Affordability and Reliability of Energy
  • Discoms’ (Power distribution companies) Performance
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Clean Energy Initiatives
  • New Initiatives
  • Environmental Sustainability

These parameters have been further divided into 27 indicators. Based on SECI Round I’s composite score the states and UTs of the country have been ranked as smaller states, larger states, and UTs, based on geographical differences and size. The States and the UTs have been categorized into three groups i.e. Achievers, Front Runners, and Aspirants.

Top 3 performers among the larger states

  1. Gujarat
  2. Kerala
  3. Punjab

Top 3 performers among the smaller states

  1. Goa
  2. Tripura
  3. Manipur

Top 3 performers among UTs

  1. Chandigarh
  2. Delhi
  3. Daman & Diu/Dadra & Nagar Haveli

Unsatisfactory Performance among the larger states

The states like Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand were placed at the bottom of this index.



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