NITI Aayog’s SATH Program launched in Assam

National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog’s SATH (Sustainable Action for Transforming Human capital) Program was launched in in Guwahati, Assam.
The SATH program aims to provide structured support to Assam in identifying key health priorities and implement the solutions towards transforming the health and improving the well-being of people of state.

SATH program

The vision of SATH program is to initiate transformation in education and health sectors. It embodies the philosophy of co-operative federalism to addresses the need expressed by many states for technical support from NITI Aayog. The program will be implemented by NITI along with McKinsey & Company and IPE Global consortium, who were selected through a competitive bidding process.
SATH Program aims to build three selected states viz. Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka as future ‘role model’ states for health systems. Under it, NITI Aayog will work in close collaboration with state machinery in these three selected states to design a robust roadmap of intervention, develop program governance structure, set up monitoring and tracking mechanisms, handhold state institutions through the execution stage and provide support on a range of institutional measures to achieve the end objectives.


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