NITI Aayog launches Decarbonizing Transport Project

On June 24, 2020, NITI Aayog along with the International Transport Forum of OECD launched “Decarbonizing Transport in Emerging Economies”.


The five-year project is to help India build a path way towards a low-carbon transport system. This is to be achieved by developing policy scenarios and modelling tools.


The project will help India convert its climate ambitions into actions. The modeling tools will provide an analytical assistance to identify the climate actions. Further it will aid in framing policies based on data analysis.

Being the second most populous country in the world, India is diverse in its demographics as well. Therefore, it is essential to estimate the demand of transportation in the country. Based on the demand, the modelling should compute carbon-dioxide emissions. By this, the targets fixed will be feasible and can be achieved in reality.

Nationally Determined Contributions

The Initiative will also help India achieve its Nationally Determines Contributions. India had submitted its NDCs under Paris Agreement. Thus, together they shall help to determine future urban policies.

Current Scenario

The carbon-dioxide emitted per inhabitant in India is just about a twentieth of that emitted by an OECD country. Still, the transport carbon emissions of India are to raise by 6% by 2030.

India has been taking several steps to promote electric vehicles lately. The NITI Aayog is at its helm to promote “National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage”


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