NITI Aayog launches Artificial Intelligence Modules in Schools

The GoI think tank NITI Aayog joined hands with the National Association of Software and Services (NASSCOM) and launched the Artificial Intelligence module for school students. The NITI Aayog is to be represented by Atal Innovation Mission of the think tank.


The Artificial Intelligence module is to be implemented in 5,000 Atal Tinkering labs and this is to empower 2.5 million students. NITI Aayog believes that India shall add 1.3% of its GDP if machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are developed.


It is expected that the global Artificial Market is likely to grow to the range of 15 to 15.5 trillion USD by 2030. Of this India is to certainly contribute 1 trillion USD. Therefore, its is important to prepare work power to sustain the growth of the field. If Indian work power is not being prepared to fill the future requirement, the spaces will be occupied by foreign nationals. This will create unemployment amongst Indian citizens and also push Indian economy backwards.


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