Nirbhaya Kadhi Campaign

Ganjam district of Odisha has declared itself a child marriage free district, first in the State.

Key Facts

  • In last two years, 2020 & 2021, Ganjam district administration has been able to stop around 450 child marriages and video-record 48,383 marriages.
  • Administration has also made Aadhaar card mandatory to produce for any marriages to take place.

Nirbhaya Kadhi (Fearless Bud)

Nirbhaya Kadhi programme was started in Ganjam. The campaign was started with the objective of preventing adolescent girls from dropping out of school, and counselling them. Under the programme, all the heads of educational institutes were directed to inform administration if girl aged 12 to 18 years remained absent from school for five days. Around one lakh teenagers have undergone counselling under the programme, in past two years.

Award on producing information

Administration had also announced Rs 5,000 for those informing about any child marriage. This amount has now been increased to Rs 50,000.

Prevalence of Child Marriage in India

According to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimates, at least 1.5 million girls under 18 get married in India each year. This makes India a home to largest number of child brides worldwide.

Causes of Girl Child Marriage

  • Child marriages usually happen within a social and economic context. It is embedded in a set of beliefs regarding the status of women & girls, and their role as wives and mothers.
  • Domestic labour and care work performed by women is also associated with it. There is a belief that girls should marry early for safety & protection, and as well as to reduce the economic burden of family.
  • Preference for sons result in a greater number of daughters. Thus, underaged girls are more prone to child marriage.
  • Furthermore, Right to Education Act makes education free and compulsory only up to age of 14.

Child Marriages during covid-19

National Family Health Survey (NFHS4) data of 2015-16 shows that, before covid, one in four girls was being married before turning 18. At the time of survey, 8 per cent of women aged 15-19 years were pregnant or mother. As per other reports, more child marriages have been noticed amid Covid-19 pandemic.



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