Nigerian Chief Aide of President Muhammadu Buhari dies of COVID-19

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari’s Chief Aide Abba Kyari died of COVID-19 on April 17, 2020. He had tested positive for the disease and had been receiving treatment for the disease.

Abba Kyari

Abba Kyari controlled access to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. He was a former military ruler and had tested positive after his visit to Germany on March 29, 2020. Nigeria has imposed lock down in Abuja and Lagos that are the major economic hubs of Nigeria.

Muhammadu Buhari

Muhammdu Buhari is the current President of Nigeria. He is a retired military general and served as military head between 1983 and 1985. He won the presidential elections in 2014.


Buharism, in the politics of Nigeria has been named after him. Buharism was represented by two-way struggles. They are struggle with external globalism and struggle with internal agents and advocates.

Buharism rejected the popular Washington Consensus. This was done by the country to improve its balance of payments.


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