“Nigah” Scheme to be launched by Himachal Pradesh Government

The Himachal Pradesh Government is to launch a new programme called “Nigah”. The programme aims at educating family members that are coming from other parts of the country.


The Nigah Programme is to deploy ASHA, anganwadi and health workers to create awareness about maintaining social distancing during home quarantine. Under the programme the health workers will sensitize the members of the family that are arriving from other states.


The GoI had recently launched train and bus facilities for the migrants stranded in different states to reach their home town. Disinfectants were sprayed on them during their stay in quarantine camps. Also, strict social distancing was followed during their stay. However, they were not tested for COVID-19 infections.

Therefore, programme like Nigah will help to keep the family members of these migrated workers till they are tested for the infection. Also, these measures will help save the family members from possible infections.


ASHA is Accredited Social Health Activist. ASHA workers are trained female community health activist. These women are selected from the community where they are to be employed. The ASHA scheme is presently implemented in 33 states except Goa, Puducherry and Chandigarh.

ASHA workers are deployed in both rural and urban areas. The ASHA worker should have at least completed Class X.


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