New Zealand Suspends Extradition Arrangements with Hong Kong

Claiming that the criminal justice system in Hong Kong cannot be trusted anymore, New Zealand has decided to suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong with immediate effect. The reason is that the justice system of that country is not independent of China. The government of New Zealand has also announced that only if China adheres to ‘one country, two systems’ in the future, it will reconsider its decision.


China has imposed new legislation on the former British Colony of Hong Kong in July despite the protests of the residents and Western nation. This law has put the financial hub on a more authoritarian track.

Australia, Canada and the UK have already suspended extradition treaties with Hong Kong in July. US President has also ended the preferential economic treatment extended to Hong Kong in the past.

Apart from the extradition treaty, New Zealand will also treat military and dual-use goods and technology exports to Hong Kong in the same way as it treats such exports to China as part of a review of its overall diplomatic relationship with Hong Kong. Travel advice has also been updated by the New Zealand government in the wake of the new security law imposed by China.


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