Crassolabium dhritiae

Recent discoveries in the field of zoology have brought into light the importance of soil-dwelling nematodes. Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India have identified a new species named Crassolabium dhritiae in Odisha’s Keonjhar district. This discovery is for understanding soil ecosystems and biodiversity.

About Crassolabium Dhritiae

  • Crassolabium dhritiae was discovered in the Deccan Peninsular biogeographic zone.
  • The species is named after Dr Dhriti Banerjee, the Director of the Zoological Survey of India.
  • The nematode features a slender body with a rounded lip region and a long pharynx.
  • Its reproductive system has unique characteristics, and its tail shape is distinct.

Importance of Soil Nematodes

Soil nematodes are tiny invertebrates crucial for soil health. They exist in all soil types and can number in millions per square metre. Nematodes contribute to nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. Their feeding habits can be beneficial or harmful to plants. Beneficial nematodes help decompose organic matter and recycle nutrients. They also act as indicators of soil health, revealing changes due to disturbances or pollution.

Feeding Habits of Nematodes

Nematodes exhibit diverse feeding behaviours. They can be predatory or omnivorous. While the feeding habits of Crassolabium dhritiae are still under study, members of its genus are known to consume bacteria and fungi. Free-living nematodes are essential for nutrient recycling. Entomopathogenic nematodes collaborate with bacteria to control pests, further showcasing their ecological importance.

Global and Indian Nematode Diversity

With the discovery of Crassolabium dhritiae, the total number of known Crassolabium species worldwide has risen to 39. Of these, nine species are recorded in India. This marks the need for continued research in understudied ecosystems. Understanding nematode biodiversity is vital for ecological studies and agricultural practices.

Nematodes in Research

Research on nematodes has far-reaching implications. Some nematodes serve as model organisms in scientific studies. For example, Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used in biological research. Parasitic nematodes also attract attention due to their impact on human health and agriculture.



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