New Far-Right Coalition comes up ahead of EU polls

The European Parliament will soon go to polls on May 23-26 and will see new and powerful contest as the four European far-right nationalist parties have stated that they have formed a new coalition and have also asked other like-minded parties to contribute to the same by joining the alliance. Matteo Salvini, who is the Interior Minister of Italy and also the co-deputy Prime Minister is leading the efforts for constituting the new group which will be ultimately called the European Alliance of People and Nations. Salvini also heads the anti-migrant League Party the popularity of whom had gone up after it had formed a new government after the Five Star Movement (M5S) last year.

A press conference which was held at Milan had seen the participation of Jorg Meuthen, who is also the leader of the Alternative for Germany. The slogan for the conference was “for a common-sense Europe”. AfD is currently also the third-largest group in the German Parliament which is also known as the Bundestag. Other people in the conference were Olli Kotru, who is the European candidate and also Anders Vistisen who is a MEP of the anti-Islam Danish People’s Party.

Salvini told media that “We are looking towards a new European dream with movements which are alternatives to those that have ruled Europe in the past decades. From today, this family aims to expand and include movements we have not collaborated with before. We finally aim to be in the government as a force of change in Europe. Some of the issues are common, the control of borders and the fight against terrorism”.

Jorg Meuthen, the AfD leader stated that the new group is aimed at a new in the European Parliament under the banner of the right wing nationalist forces to reform Europe without destroying it. Meuthen’s party has been accused of putting up a denial on Holocaust and was also put under special surveillance by the domestic intelligence agency of Germany. Muethen is of the view that if the rich European heritage has to be protected then there is an urgent need to create a Fortress Europe. Muethen also praised Salvini for successfully preventing the influx of refugees and other migrants to arrive at the shores of Europe. Olli Kotro who hails from the Finns party added that the group is completely divorced from the view which supports the multiculturalism which has destroyed Europe in particular the Islam. He further added that the identity of around 27 European countries stands at risk.

The participation of UK the 28th member of the bloc still lies in limbo as the country continues to fight with the problem of getting a Parliamentary consensus on the agreed deal of Brexit. Failure of the latter has pressed the UK Prime Minister Theresa May to seek an extension for the deadline of the UK’s departure from EU which happens to fall on April 12. If the extension is granted it will also force UK to participate in the elections of EU.


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