New Emission Norms of Tractors, Construction Vehicles extended till October 2021

On October 5, 2020, the Government of India has extended the applicability of new emission norms for tractors and construction equipment vehicles till October 2021. These norms were to be applicable from October 2020.

Key Highlights

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is bringing in the extension of date through the amendment to CMVR. CMVR is Control Motor Vehicle Rules. Under this new amendment, the applicability date to implement next stage of emission norms for tractors (TREM Stage IV) is being extended to October 2021.

The amendment provides separate emission norms for the agricultural machinery such as power tillers, tractors and harvesters and construction vehicles.

Also, the nomenclature of the emission norms of tractors and other equipment has been changed from Bharat State (CEM/TREM) IV and Bharat State (CEV/TREM)-V to TREM Stage IV and TREM Stage V.

TREM is Transport Emergency and CEV is Construction Equipment Vehicle.


The first standard for agricultural tractor called the Bharat (TREM) Stage I was implemented in 1999. Later, Bharat (TREM) Stage III A was adopted harmonising agricultural tractors and construction machinery under engine category.

In 2018, the Bharat State (CEV/Trem) IV was adopted for emission standards for engines used in construction and agricultural equipment. The BS IV are aligned with European Union Stage IV standards.

Bharat (CEV/TREM) Stage IV

The engines that are equipped with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) should meet ammonia emission limit of 25 ppm for engines operating at less than 56 KW. The engines operating at more than 56 KW should meet ammonia emission of 10 ppm. The Particulate Matter emitted by the engines should be 0.025 gram per KWhr irrespective of their power. The Carbon Monoxide emitted should be 5.0 g/KWhr for engines with power less than 130 KW and is 3.5 for engines with power greater than 3.5 g/KWhr

Also, they should pass the NRSC And NRTC tests

NRSC and NRTC tests

NRSC is Non-road Steady State Cycle test and NRTC is Non-road Transient Cycle test.


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