NDMA conducts workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction database

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) conducted two-day National Workshop on Data Requirements for Disaster Risk Reduction Database in New Delhi. The workshop was held in collaboration with United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), UN Development Programme (UNDP) and UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).

Key Facts

The workshop aimed to develop consensus on disasters, thresholds and develop standardised templates for data collection, updation and validation to ensure accuracy and quality. It held discussions on issues such as interoperability and security of the data. It was attended by officials from NDMA and representatives of concerned Central Ministries and Departments, state governments, UN agencies, administrative training institutes (ATIs), disaster management institutes and universities.


India is one of most disaster-prone countries in the world. Numerous disasters faced by the country has resulted in loss of lives and livelihoods and also caused significant damage to infrastructure and disruption of critical services. These socioeconomic losses associated with these disasters have caused undo years of growth and development, especially affecting most vulnerable and marginalised populations.

Disaster Risk Reduction database

India often refers to global databases and snapshots of disaster events for reporting disaster losses. However, these databases work under various limitations and are not able to produce accurate analyses. In this background, India is planning to create uniform and credible national-level disaster database. It will consist of locally obtained and validated data which will aid scientific analyses and suitable policy interventions to reduce disaster risks.

Significance of database

It will help in assessing and tracking risks and progress towards disaster resilience without which India will not be able to meet its developmental goals. It will also be step forwards towards implementing Prime Minister’s 10-point agenda to address disaster risks, outlined during Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR (AMCDRR) in November, 2016.


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