nCoVSENSE Module: Funded by DST to develop Rapid Test of COVID-19

The Department of Science and Technology has funded a health care start up called the “Module Innovations” in order to develop COVID-19 testing kit. The purpose of the kit is to make the testing quicker within 10 to 15 minutes.


The start up is to use the funding for its current project of rapid testing. The device will test for antibodies that are generated against COVID-19 in human body.

The human body generates Immunoglobulin G and Immunoglobulin M in human body as the virus begins its infection. The antibodies are targeted against the spike proteins of the virus.

The current method of testing COVID-19 that uses Real Time Reverse-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) needs more man power and also it takes longer hours.


The kit shall be used in airports, hospitals and railway stations. Apart from testing, the kit will also provide the stage of infection in the patients.


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