National Voters Day

Every year, the National Voters Day is celebrated on January 25. The day is celebrated to increase the enrolment of new voters in the country.

Theme of National Voters Day 2022

Making elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative


Every year, the National Awards for the Best Electoral Practices are conferred at state and district level on the National Voters Day. The awards are presented for election management, security management, IT initiatives and accessible elections. Also, the awards are presented for Election Commission of India icons, media groups and other important stakeholders. The awards are presented by the Election Commission of India.

2022 National Voters Day Programmes

“My Voter is my Future – power of one vote” programme was launched. It is an awareness contest on social media. The contest reiterated the importance of voting. The contest is conducted in terms of quiz, video making, song composition and poster designs.


The National Voters Day is being celebrated in the country since 2011. The then broadcasting minister Ambika Soni (during Manmohan Singh government) announced that the participation of youths reaching the eligible age of 18 years were showing less interest towards electoral rolls. The day was launched to increase their interest. Thus, the day targets the young population.

Why is National Voters Day celebrated on January 25?

The Election Commission of India (ECI) was established on January 25, 1950. The National Voters Day is observed on this day to mark the creation of ECI.

Purpose of National Voters Day

The main purpose of celebrating the day is to create new voters, maximize enrolment of voters and to encourage voting. The day is used to promote voter participation in electoral process.


The Election Commission of India recently decided that the new voters will be provided with the EPIC. EPIC is Elector Photo Identity Card. The EPIC will be delivered along with a voter guidebook and personalized letter of the voters.

Book published

On National Voters Day, 2022, a book called “Pledging to Vote – A Decadal Journey of the National Voters Day in India” was published.



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