National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB control

NSP is the fifth Joint Monitoring Mission (JMM) of India and the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) integrated as National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB control for 5 years by central Indian government starting on 2012.

It is developed by the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare with main goal of the strategic plan is to provide universal access to early diagnosis and effective treatment the strategic plan, if implemented in full earnest, would save about 7,50,000 lives over the next five years.

Apart from stopping easy availability of anti-TB drugs, there are plans of “restricting the availability of impending new anti-TB drugs to authorised outlets.” This would be done by putting in place stringent and accountable distribution controls as per the plan. It also aims to make available subsidised anti-TB drug kits to the private sector on a quid pro basis.

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