National Repository of Photographs of Criminals

The “repository of photographs of criminals in the country” refers to the proposed Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS) under the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). This system is to work as a foundation for act as a foundation for a national level searchable platform of facial images of the criminals. The repository is yet to be established. As of July 2019, National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has invited bids for AFRS system.
The initial plans are to create a repository of around 1.5croire criminals. NCRB wants a secure system where threats such as unauthorised access to database or application, accidental modifications or deletions, confidentiality, integrity and availability breaches of data during data transport and physical storage, encryption/decryption engine can be addressed. It is also expecting that such system would be efficient enough to capture face images from CCTV feed and generate alerts if a blacklist match is found.

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