National Mission on Libraries

National Mission on Libraries (NML) was launched in 2014 by President Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. It is a mission by Ministry of Culture to modernize and digitally link public libraries across the country and was established on the basis of recommendations of report of National Knowledge Commission (NKC).Currently, this mission is a part of Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana umbrella.


  • To create a world class library system, foster reading habits, facilitate research work and provide information to people in a timely and convenient manner which is also universal and equitable.
  • Set up in pursuance of a report of the National Knowledge Commission, which recommended a total revamp of the Library and Information Service sector to serve the changing needs and expectations of the users and give a fillip to the library movement in the country.

Salient Features

  • The NML was designed for the entire spectrum of population – students, researchers, scientists, professionals, children, artists and differently abled persons.
  • Kolkata-based Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) is the nodal body to implement this mission.
  • There is also a plan to create a National Virtual Library of India (NVLI) to facilitate a comprehensive database on digital resources, carry out a census on the resources available in the libraries and conduct a study on the reading habits in different regions of the country.
  • Factors of NML:up-gradation of infrastructure, digitization and modernization, census of libraries and their development as knowledge centres and transformation of libraries into empowering and inclusive institutions.
  • Core areas of Mission:Creation of a National Virtual Library of India, Setting up of National Mission on Libraries Model Libraries, Quantitative & Qualitative Survey of Libraries and Capacity Building for revamping the Public Library System & Services.
  • Main component:To initiate need-based training programmes to develop managerial skills and IT competencies of their personnel in tune with demands of the Internet era.

Implementation of NML

Six libraries under the Culture Ministry, 35 Central Libraries in states and 35 District Libraries will be developed as model libraries. For setting up of the model libraries, existing libraries would be identified in consultation with the state governments to improve infrastructure and upgrade technology used by them. Emphasis will on developing these libraries in economically backward districts.

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