National Land Records Modernisation Programme

National Land Records Modernisation Programme or NRLMP is being implemented in a time bound manner in all the districts of the country by the government. All the districts in the country will be covered by the end of the 12th five year Plan under the NLRMP, says the Government.

Background of NLRMP:

The Land Reforms (LR) Division was implementing two Centrally Sponsored Schemes viz.: Computerisation of Land Records (CLR) & Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR). Later on 21.8.2008, the Cabinet approved merger of these schemes into a modified Scheme named National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP). The main aims of NLRMP are to usher in a system of updated land records , automated and automatic mutation , integration between textual and spatial records , inter-connectivity between revenue and registration, to replace the present deeds registration and presumptive title system with that of conclusive titling with title guarantee.

The NLRMP has 3 major components –

clip_image002 Computerization of land record

clip_image002[1] Survey/re-survey

clip_image002[2] Computerization of Registration.

The District has been taken as the unit of implementation, where all programme activities are to converge. It is hoped that all districts in the country would be covered by the end of the 12th Plan period except where cadastral surveys are being done for the first time.

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