National Green Corps Ecoclub programme meets for the first time

On December 23, 2019, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) organized an annual meeting of state nodal agencies implementing the Ecoclub programme for the first time. The event was organized in collaboration with GEER foundation, Gujarat.


Senior officers of the Ecoclub programme from 22 states and union territories participated in the programme. Around 200 students from the state of Gujarat also participated in the programme. Ecoclub awards were awarded to school students at national level. Two books were released at the event namely “Glimpses of Ecoclubs” and a handbook on International Environment Conventions and Programmes.

National Green Corps

The programme was launched by the MoEFCC covering 1,20,000 schools in India. The programme mainly covered the School Eco clubs in different states. They are titled NGC students similar to NCC. These students participate in activities related to energy conservation, water conservation, biodiversity conservation, waste management, resource management and land use planning.


The NGC is the largest programme in the world. The programme targets that the children participating in the programme will grow up and take care of the environment. The NGC cadets are given pride places at celebrations of national days when they participate in their NGC uniform. Also, when NGC cadets take up environmental activities they attract huge public attention.


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