National e-Vidhan Application

Nagaland became India’s first State Assembly to implement the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) programme to become paperless.

About National e-Vidhan Application

  • NeVA is a type of work-flow system that was deployed on NIC Cloud, MeghRaj which helps to conduct the proceedings of the House smoothly by the Chair of the House and also to conduct Legislative Business of the House in a manner which is paperless.
  • NeVA is a member-centric and device neutral application that was created to equip the members to smartly handle various House Business by putting entire information regarding the contact details of members, list of business, rules of procedure, bulletins, notices, starred or unstarred questions, and answers, bills, committee reports, papers laid, etc. in their handheld devices such as tablets and equip all Departments and Legislatures to handle it efficiently.
  • Through the use of NeVA the process of sending out a request or notice for the data collection is completely eliminated.
  • Each Member of the House has a secure page where they can submit questions and other notices.
  • mNeVA is a user-friendly mobile version of NeVA that is accessible on both Android and iOS. mNeVA has made information about how legislatures conduct business available to the public which can be accessed any time and from any location.
  • For the implementation of NeVA, the expense is funded by the Central government and the state government on a sharing basis of 90:10.

Aim of NeVA

NeVA aims to bring the country’s legislatures together, in one platform thus creating a massive depository of data without having the complexity faced due to having multiple applications.

About Paperless Assembly

e-Assembly or Paperless Assembly is a concept that involves electronic means to ease Assembly work. The entire law-making process, sharing of information, tracking of documents and decisions is automated under e-Assembly.



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