National Conference on Cyber Crime Investigation and Cyber Forensics hosted in New Delhi

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) hosted the 1st National Conference on Cyber Crime Investigation and Cyber Forensics which will be organized at the CBI Headquarters in New Delhi, India. The conference was inaugurated by the CBI Director Rishi Kumar Shukla.

What has happened?

  • A two-day national conference on Cyber Crime Investigation and Cyber Forensics which aims to cover one of the mains mandates of the CBI which is to investigate all crimes with possible consequences spread over states and international borders. 
  • The Director of the CBI in his inaugural address highlighted the importance of capacity building and the need to create a pool of competent investigators, digital forensic analysts, prosecutors and judicial officers who are competent and digitally trained to handle cybercrimes.
  • There is a need to improve the skill sets of the officers as the cybercrimes are becoming increasingly higher sophisticated and now pose unique challenges to the various law enforcement officers.
  • The cybercrimes are complex and thus, require certain advanced technical skills and forensic knowledge for smooth detection.  
  • The conference aims to create a platform to bring together the investigators, lawyers, forensic experts, and academia to discuss issues related to cybercrime and suggest solutions.
  • It will also be a platform to share good practices to learn from experiences of various State police and Law Enforcement Agencies.
  • The conference was attended by over 50 officers which included DGPs, ADGPs, and SPs who are being trained to deal with cybercrimes.
  • The conference is also being attended by higher officials and members of academia.

What is Cyber Crime Investigation?

A Cybercrime or a computer-oriented crime is any crime which involves any digital device like a computer and a network. The digital device or the computer must have been used in the facilitation of a crime, or it may have been the target. The investigation of such a crime is called cyber-crime investigation.

What is Cyber Forensics?

Cyber or Computer forensics is the use of investigative and analytical techniques to accumulate and gather evidence from ant digital device. A precondition of cyber forensics is that such data must be admissible in a court of law.



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