NASSCOM launches Cyber Security Task Force

National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and Data Security Council of India (DSCI) have launched NASSCOM Cyber Security Task Force.
The aim of task force is to build India as a global hub for providing cyber security solutions, developing cyber security Research & Development (R&D) plan and develop a skilled workforce of cyber security experts.
Rajendra Pawar, Chairman of NIIT will chair this task force and its members will include industry leaders from across various sectors like Information Technology (IT), BPM and internet.
Apart from them, heads of user organizations like banks and telecom companies, representatives from the government and academia will be also its members.
The task force over a 12 week period will identify the key priorities and build the detailed action plan for the sector.
The main vision of this task force is to build the cyber security industry in India from the 1 percent market share to 10 percent by 2025. It also seeks to create a trained base of 1 million certified and skilled cyber security professionals and build more than 100 successful security product companies from India.


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