NASA-ISRO to launch NISAR satellite in 2022

India and US recently held the two plus two dialogue. During the meet the country’s decided to share space situational awareness information. This will catalyse efforts in creating safe and sustainable space environment

A joint statement issued after the dialogue read that the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar called the NISAR is to be launched by 2022.


The space agencies of the countries signed an agreement to conduct a joint NISAR mission. The mission will develop and launch a synthetic aperture radar. The radar will be capable of transmitting dual frequency signals and is to be carried by an Earth observation satellite.

Other developments

A Memorandum of understanding was signed between the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Ministry of Earth Sciences. According to the agreement, technical cooperation in earth observation and earth sciences is to be held between the countries. This will help in developing a better understanding of regional and global weather conditions especially in the Indian Ocean. Also, it will help the countries learn about advancing common research goals in Oceanography, meteorology and management of living Marine resources top

NISAR Mission

It is the first radar imaging satellite to use dual-frequency. The dual frequency of the satellite is to be used for remote sensing and understand the natural processes on the earth. The left facing instruments of the satellite or to study about the Antarctic cryosphere.

The satellite is to use the radar imaging techniques to map the elevated ice masses address solutions of 5 to 10 metres. The satellite will measure most complex natural processes of the earth such as Ice sheet collapse Chunari ecosystem disturbances, natural hazard like tsunamis, earthquakes, landslide and volcanoes.

Based on the agreement NASA is to provide the band synthetic aperture radar. ISRO is to provide S band synthetic aperture radar, satellite bus, launch vehicles and associated launch services.

The mission will also study about evolution and state of the earth crust.


The NASA is to share 808 million USD for the project and India is to share 110 million USD for the project.

What is Antarctic cryosphere?

The cryosphere is the portion of the earth Where water is in the form of solid. This includes Lake ice, Sea ice, snow-covers, Frozen Ground, icecaps, glaciers and the river ice.


1 Comment

  1. rajat sisodia

    March 28, 2021 at 2:51 pm

    what is chunari ecosystem disturbance


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