Nagpur Oranges Exported to Dubai first Time

On February 13, 2020, the first Consignment of Nagpur Oranges were sent to Dubai from Navi Mumbai. The oranges were sent in refrigerated containers.


In the state of Maharashtra, around 40 hectares of land is under cultivation of Nagpur oranges. The APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) selected Nagpur district as a cluster for oranges under Agriculture Export Policy.


The production of the fruit is increasing in central and western India. The Mrig crop that matures between February and March has great potential for export. This is because arrival of these fruits are less in the international market during this period.

Global Scenario

The International trade of oranges in the year 2018 was 10,183 million USD. In 2018-19, India produced 8,781 thousand tonnes of oranges.

Mrig Crop

The monsoon flowering, that is during June is called Mrig. These crops are available for harvest between November and March.


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