Myanmar's commercial hub Yangon city votes after six decades

Nearly after six decades, residents of Myanmar’s commercial hub Yangon city voted for Yangon City Development Committee elections i.e. local municipal elections on 27th December 2014.
This election is considered test for Myanmar as it is undergoing transition from previous military rule towards the democracy since 2011 and ahead of a landmark nationwide elections to be held in November 2015.
Yangon city: It is also known as Rangoon and was previous capital of Myanmar. Now Naypyidaw city is capital of Myanmar as per the country’s 2008 Constitution drafted by Military rule.
Yangon is the Myanmar`s largest city in terms of population and is the most important commercial centre.
This municipal election is only election which is held in Myanmar after 2010 general elections, which was considered as fraudulent and had created widespread accusations of cheating.
2010 general election was also boycotted by main opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) headed by Nobel peace prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi.
But later 2012 by-elections which were held in few constituencies across the country were considered much freer and allowed the Aung San Suu Kyi to participate in parliament for the first time after she was elected.
But being seen as pro-democracy movement activist in Myanmar she is barred from running for president under the current constitution drafted by military rule in 2008. As this constitution clearly mentions that anyone married to a foreigner or having children of foreign citizen cannot become President of Myanmar.


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