Mughal Bureaucracy

The following were important features of Mughal Bureaucracy.

Office of Diwan

The office of the Diwan was the office of today’s minister. It got strengthened in Akbar’s reign. The Chief Diwan was called Diwan-i-kul and was responsible for revenue and finance. He oversaw the imperial treasury and accounts. The Diwan had to submit a daily report to the emperor.

Mir Bakshi

The office of Mir Bakshi was in existence since Sultanate Era. He was to give appointments and salary letters to the Mansabs. The branding of the horses named Dagh was under his supervision. He was assisted by other subordinate Bakshis.

Mir Saman

Mir Saman was the in charge of Royal workshops (Karkhanas).

Sadr-us Sudur

Sadr-us Sudur was to protect the laws of the Shariat. Qazi-ul-quvvat was the chief judiciary.


The governor of a province (Suba) was a subedar who was directly appointed by the emperor. The usual tenure of Subedar was 3 years.

Introduction of Persian in official works

There was one more feature of Raja Todarmal’s system that virtually unified the country. It was enactment that all the government accounts should be kept in Persian, rather than Hindi. The study of Persian became necessary and it helped Hindus to learn the Persian language and the Muslims to go hand-in-hand with the “talented” Hindus.

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