Ms Jamila Bayaz: First women to be appointed police chief of Kabul province

Screenshot_5Ms Jamila Bayaz (50) appointed as the first female police chief in Afghanistan. Ms Bayaz will lead the District One of Kabul province in Afghanistan.
She joined Afghan police force more than three decades ago and presently, working as Colonel in Kabul’s police force. The appointment will pave the way for more Afghani women to rise through the ranks. It testifies that women position in Afghan society is improving since the Taliban were driven out from power in 2001. District One of Kabul province houses the presidential palace and numerous ministries. In addition to, it houses the Central Bank of Afghanistan and is the main money and gold market of Afghanistan.
Note:Kabul province is divided into 22 districts. Each number specifies the name of the district and is organized in ascending order in order of importance.



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