MOU signed between Ministry of AYUSH and CSIR

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Ministry of AYUSH and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for cooperation in research and education in areas of traditional systems of medicine and its integration with modern science.

About the MoU

The MoU was aimed to bring both Ministry of Ayush and CSIR under an umbrella understanding for pursuing focused R&D efforts in the domain. Under the MoU, Both organizations shall jointly endeavour to pursue:  R&D covering

  • Fundamental research.
  • AYUSH specific diagnostic tools; linking microbiome, gene expression and Prakriti; multi-ingredient herbal formulations, including their standardization.
  • Exploring modern scientific methods for integration with traditional Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM).
  • Linking disease signatures.
  • Furthering the collaboration in preserving and protecting traditional knowledge related to the Indian systems of healthcare, through the existing TKDL platform.
  • Development of international standardized terminologies (disease-morbidity codes) in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU), Database on Medicinal plants, Foods, etc.

Enhancing the collaboration through joint R&D efforts ranging from fundamental science to validation and thereafter product development, will significantly help in the growth of the Indian contributions to the traditional medicines sector, not only nationally but internationally as well.
The MoU also includes the pursuit of Data mining & analytics and Artificial Intelligence to enable and facilitate concepts such as “Traditional knowledge inspired drug discovery and development” and “Food as Medicine”.


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