MoU on Cancer Research

The Department of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Department of Atomic Energy have signed an MOU for undertaking joint collaborative research programmes in the area of cancer research.

Tata Memorial Centre which is the coordinating centre on behalf of The National Cancer Grid of India will be representing the Department of Atomic Energy under the MoU.

About the MoU

The MoU aims:

  • To work towards the common goal of tackling cancer and bring about a quantum change in the present scenario of cancer research.
  • To strengthen the various initiatives specifically for cancer viz.  Strategizing and prioritizing cancer research, development of new and affordable technologies, jointly design and fund clinical trials, coordinate and collaborate for translational research, interventions, training of manpower and infrastructure development.
  • To identify and develop collaborative research programmes and public health initiatives for awareness of the public at large.

Activities like joint clinical fellowships, intensive workshops on clinical research methodologies and protocol development facilitated by the MoU will work towards creating a community of trained manpower and provide a platform to utilize their acquired skills in the best possible manner.

National Cancer Grid of India

National Cancer Grid of India is a network of major cancer centres, research institutes, patient groups and charitable institutions across India. It aims at establishing uniform standards of patient care for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, providing specialized training and education in oncology and facilitating collaborative basic, translational and clinical research in cancer.

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