UPSC Mains Model Questions – May, 2023

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In May 2023, we had published 300 posts.

GS-I: Indian Culture

1. Discuss the chief trends in medieval sculpture which distinguish it from the classical sculpture.

2. Discuss the development of drama through various phases in India while highlighting the contribution of folk theatre to Indian culture.

3. What is social, cultural, religious and economic relevance of Mithun? Discuss the economics of animal rearing in context with Mithun in several parts of India.

4. Discuss the Importance of Chhatri in Mughal Architecture.

5. Mughal style of paintings presents beautiful synthesis of indigenous Indian style of painting and the Safavid school of Persian painting. Examine the key features of this school of paintings.

6. Five classical dances of India are considered to be the mystic manifestation of the metaphysical elements of nature. Elaborate.

7. "Kathakali is a distinct combination of Natya, Nritta and Nritya."Discuss.

8. Give a detailed account of the evolution of Veena through different stages, from ancient times to modern times.

9. Throw light on the contribution of Basaveshwara and Vachana Sahithya on Indian culture, literature and religion.

10. Write a short note on the Rasarnava and Dakarnava tradition of ancient India.

11. The Bhakti cult directly contributed to the theory and practice of music which deeplyimpacted the Hindustani Classical Music. Discuss.

12. Differentiate between Mysore Paintings and Tanjore Paintings.

13. One of the greatest early deeds of Mughals is that they brought the Persian Charbagh style to India. Discuss with giving examples of monuments in India which were built in Charbagh style.

14. Evaluate the key differences between Mughal style and Rajput style of paintings.

15. Discuss the evolution, key features and notable contribution of the Deccani School of paintings.

16. Discuss the contribution of Amir Khusro to Indian Music.

17. Point out the differences between the Asokan Pillar and the Achaemenian Pillar to show that the former is not an imitation of the latter.

18. Differentiate between Natya Dharmi and Lok Dharmi traditions as mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures.

19. There is no adherence to rules so strictly in Folk music as compared to classical music. Elucidate

20. Discuss the Basic Structure of a Hindu Temple outlining the key differences between Nagara, Dravida, Vesra, Gadag and Kalinga style of temple architecture.

GS-I: Modern Indian History

1. Discuss the salient features of Permanent Settlement. Why some historians call it a bold step and a wise measure adopted by company while some others called it a sad blunder? Substantiate.

2. “The position of Zamindars had undergone a paradigm change from Mughal era to British Era”. Amplify.

3. How V P Menon played a key role in territorial integration of India?

4. Write a critical note on Akbar's land revenue system. To what extent a shift from annual system of assessment to Dahsala system helped the royal exchequer or the peasants. Discuss.

5. "In the 18th and 19th century's free countries of Europe and America, more and more people shifted from agriculture to industry and service. Ironically, exactly reverse happened in India."Discuss critically.

6. Critically examine the implications of the Indian Feudalism on polity of early medieval India.

7. Critically examine the circumstances in which Zamindari Abolition Acts were passed in newly independent India throwing light on the outcomes of the enactments.

8. Critically examine the social, economical and political outcome of Permanent Settlement of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha.

9. Critically examine the impact of the commercialization of agriculture on the peasant classes during 18th and 19th century India.

10. Discuss the importance and role of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in India history.

11. What improvements were done by Todarmal / Akbar in the existing land revenue system created by Sher Shah Suri? Discuss their impact on peasants.

12. Describe the situation of Odisha at the time of Paika Rebellion and what led to the rebellion.

13. Analyse the role of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in India’s freedom struggle and his influence on the political and ideological landscape of the country. How did his actions and writings shape the discourse on nationalism and Hindutva?

14. “The political competition between the Congress and Muslim League; and the British role led to the decision for the creation of Pakistan.” In the light of the above statement, discuss various consequences of the partition of India.

15. What do you understand by "Kosha Moolo Danda"? Discuss in the light of Kautiliya's tax administration.

16. Analyze how India handled the Jammu and Kashmir’s invasion of Pakistan in 1947?

17. How the Paika Rebellion shook the foundations of the British Rule in India?

18. Despite the potential of ‘Bhoodan’ and ‘Gramdan’ movements, it has remained underutilized. Discuss, also elaborate its relevance in contemporary times.

19. What do you understand by the Guarantee System in Indian Railways? Discuss its role in the initial years of Indian Railways.

20. "Shershah Suri had laid the foundation of administration on which Akbar raised the superstructure."Explain.

GS-I: Modern World History

1. Discuss the key changes introduced in Eastern Europe in the aftermath of World War-I? Why democracy failed to establish a permanent hold in the newly formed countries of Eastern Europe? Elucidate.

2. What were the most significant strategic advantages possessed by the Bolsheviks that allowed them to prevail in the Russian Civil War against the White Army opposition, despite facing initial setbacks? Discuss.

3. The USSR remained politically and socially stable in the years 1964 to 1982 despite the policies of the Brezhnev era.' How far would you agree with this view?

4. Discuss the geo-political, economic and social repercussions of World War-II on European countries.

5. Assess the evidence for and against the view that the European Economic Community became stronger after its enlargement in 1973.

6. What problems were faced the government of Vietnam in the years following its unification in 1976? How and with what success did the government' policies change after 1986?

7. “The American Revolution was the first step towards birth of the great nation.”Discuss.

8. Why and with what results did the Arabs and Israelis fight the wars of 1967 and 1973?

9. "The League of Nations created in the aftermath of World War-I failed to stop the fascist aggression and thereby failing to stop the outbreak of World War-II in 1939."In this context, explain the reasons for the failure of the League of Nations.

10. Khrushchev believed that communism in the USSR could be reformed and modernized and made more efficient. How far had this been achieved by 1970?

11. 'The USA and the USSR intervened in the Middle East in the period 1956 to 1979 purely to preserve political and economic stability in the region.' How valid do you think this view is?

12. In what ways and for what reasons did Britain's attitude to Europe change during the period 1945 to 1991?

13. Assess the reasons why two German states emerged between 1945 and 1949.

14. How successful was President Nasser as leader of Egypt?

15. Why and in what ways did the states of Western Europe see closer relations with each other after the Second World War?

16. Terrorism and violence rather than peaceful diplomacy. How far would you agree with this view of the activities of the PLO in the Middle East in the period 1973 to 1995?

17. Discuss the reasons that helped Industrial Revolution and political liberalization spread first and fast in Western Europe during the 18th and 19th century. Analyze their implications.

18. What makes a large number of film personalities in India to enter politics? Critically examine their contribution to India's democracy.

19. How Communism took over Eastern Europe after World War II? Discuss the steps taken by the Western Countries to contain Communism, and to what extent were they successful in it.

20. Discuss some of the important inventions and discoveries that took place during the 18th century. How these led to some of the major humanitarian reforms in the society?

GS-I: Indian Society

1. How specially designed financial products for Women can play role in gender equality and women empowerment?

2. India has come a long way in ensuring women’s rights to property and inheritance, however there is still much more that needs to be done. Discuss.

3. Discuss the pros and cons of giving SC status to Dalit Muslims and Dalit Christians.

4. Comment on the decision to conduct surveys in madrasas by the UP government. What are the challenges faced by these institutions?

5. Critically examine the rationale behind the recent order from the Punjab government to ban songs that glorify weapons and violence.

6. Why is the Global Hunger Index (GHI) being criticized? What can be done to address this issue?

7. Discuss the need for setting up of social stock exchange in India. What are the key challenges in their effective implementation?

8. Review the population policy of the Govt. of India giving the distinguishing features.

9. "India has a huge variety of soft power resources."Evaluate.

10. Women in India do not enjoy their full reproductive rights. Highlight the interventions adopted to remove these barriers.

11. Highlight the benefits of urban forests and steps taken by the government to promote urban forestry in India.

12. Comment on the need to improve disabled people’s access to entertainment. How can this be achieved?

13. There is a need to shift focus from food security to nutritional security in India, comment. Also, suggest a framework to achieve nutritional self-reliance.

14. The risk and impact of natural disasters has increased a manifold in recent times because of the rapid and unplanned urbanization along with high population growth. Discuss the measures needed to address the issue in India.

15. Outline the recommendations of the official language committee. What are the implications for the official language debate in India?

16. The state policies and actions have proved to be inadequate to address the challenges of rapid urbanisation. Analyse.

17. In the light of the recent Supreme Court order against hate speech, discuss the challenges in fighting hate speech while preserving freedom of speech. What needs to be done?

18. What is the incidence of poverty in India? How should poverty alleviation programmes be constructed?

19. Examine the role played by globalization in shaping the attitudes and aspirations of Indian youth.

20. How should the government come to the rescue of the presence of genuine secularism in the country?

GS-I: World Geography

1. In the light of geographical phenomena, explain why India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh) and China have accounted for close to 60% of human population at various points in human history.

2. Explain the processes of pedogenesis, and identify the active and passive factors affecting it.

3. What are the conditions for tropical cyclone formation? Why there is variation in frequency and intensity of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea? Discuss.

4. Explain Madden-Julian oscillations and its difference from El-Nino? Discuss its impact on Indian monsoon.

5. Discuss the factors that induce Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. What strategies can be adopted to reduce the UHI effect? Explain.

6. What is the effect of geographic isolation on speciation? Discuss with suitable examples?

7. How are land and sea breezes formed? How these affect the microclimate of the coastal areas? Explain.

8. Examine the factors on which location of semiconductor and electronic chip making industry depend. Enumerate the steps taken by India to boost electronic manufacturing in country.

9. Draw a map indicating location of tropical rainforests in the world. Discuss their importance to mankind.

10. Explain the terms: (1) Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis (2) Dry adiabatic lapse rate and moist adiabatic lapse rate.

11. How are cold deserts formed? While giving names of three famous cold deserts in the world, describe their location.

12. Differentiate between between cyclone, hurricane, tornado and twister. Explain the necessary conditions for their formation. Which of these are generally observed in India and at which places?

13. Many countries around the world have shown technically recoverable shale gas potential but as of now the commercially viable production is being done only few countries? Explain the reasons. How the twin techniques of horizontal drilling and hydro-fracking have revolutionized shale gas industry?

14. The Himalayan Foothills abound in natural as well as artificial wetlands." Discuss with suitable examples.

15. Discuss the constructive and destructive effects of volcanic eruptions with suitable examples.

16. Differentiate between "Strait"and "Isthmus". Discuss the location of two straits and two isthmuses while focus on their economic and strategic importance.

17. India is well endowed with fresh water resources. Critically examine why it still suffers from water scarcity.

18. Thunderstorms, lightning and many such events are witnessed during Pre-monsoonal season in India. Explain their formation process and its impact on various regions of India.

19. What are the factors affecting the surface temperature of oceans? Discuss the impact of difference in sea surface temperatures of the tropical western and eastern Indian Ocean upon Climate of India.

20. What characters can be assigned to monsoon climate that succeeds in feeding more than 50% of world population residing in Monsoon Asia?

GS-II: Constitution of India & Polity

1. Individual Parliamentarian’s role as the national lawmaker is on a decline, which in turn, has adversely impacted the quality of debates and their outcome. Discuss.

2. Why the opinion of Rajasthan Human Rights Commission on live-in relations is derogatory?

3. Comparing citizenship provisions between India & Afghanistan

4. Even though the population has increased there has not been a similar increase in the number of elected representatives. How the strength of Lok Sabha is determined. Discuss why there has been a freeze.

5. “The Attorney-General is the chief legal adviser and lawyer of the Government of India.” Discuss.

6. Do you think Constitution of India does not accept principle of strict separation of powers rather it is based on the principle of ‘checks and balance? Explain

7. In recent times, post poll alliances between parties have become inevitable in electoral politics. Comment on the need for a legal framework to curb this unethical practice.

8. The restriction on states’ operational freedom to function within their jurisdiction has resulted in lack of a conducive environment to promote cooperate federalism. Elucidate.

9. With the appointment of 213 Judges pending with the Government, the High Courts grow thinner resulting in a logjam of cases. Comment.

10. Discuss the provisions related to reservation of Anglo-Indian members in the Parliament, which has recently been removed.

11. Citizenship Amendment Act: Comparing India & Bangladesh

12. Case of empowering local bodies

13. President Donald Trump has become the third president in US history to be impeached by the House of Representatives. In this context discuss the procedure for impeachment of the President in India.

14. The Central Administrative Tribunal which was established for redressal of grievances and complaints by or against central government employees nowadays is exercising its powers as an independent judicial authority.” Explain.

15. On what grounds a people’s representative can be disqualified under the Representation of People Act, 1951? Also mention the remedies available to such person against his disqualification.

16. “Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution is a limited power and it cannot be enlarged into absolute power.” In the light of this statement explain whether Parliament under Article 368 of the Constitution can destroy the Basic Structure of the Constitution by expanding its amending power?

17. In the light of several government initiatives and policies to create opportunities for Self Help Groups (SHGs), discuss the challenges that still persist.

18. Government of India in recent past has focussed on reforming the public grievance redressal mechanisms, however their effectiveness remains limited. Discuss.

19. Discuss whether the introduction of the electoral bond system has made the donation system opaque.

20. “The reservation of seats for women in the institutions of local self- government has had a limited impact on the patriarchal character of the Indian Political Process.” Comment

GS-II: Governance

1. Evaluate the case for implementing a co-regulatory model for social media content moderation.

2. The North-East region of India has been infested with insurgency for a very long time. Analyze the major reasons for survival of armed insurgency in this region.

3. While examining its key proposals, discuss the possible implications of proposed corporate governance code framework on Indian corporate.

4. Discuss the salient recommendations of the Kotak committee on corporate governance. Why the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) have expressed concerns over these proposals.

5. Elucidate the key features of The Code on Wages, 2017.

6. To enhance the quality of democracy in India the Election Commission of India has proposed electoral reforms in 2016. What are the suggested reforms and how far are they significant to make democracy successful?

7. The public intent data can transform public sector by harnessing the power of data for development. In this context, highlight its importance and the challenges associated with its wide scale use.

8. Do you agree with this view that informal pressure groups have emerged as more powerful than formal pressure groups in recent years?

9. E-Governance is a tool to empower citizens by transforming governance and increasing people’s participation in the democratic process. Discuss in context of India.

10. Information is the currency of democracy and one of the most crucial things to achieve good governance is sharing of information among all the stakeholders in government functioning. Elaborate.

11. Every Citizen Charter is a sole commitment of the government or Public offices for delivery of services to the beneficiaries, but there are certain drawbacks or problems faced in implementing the charter. Discuss.

12. Have ‘Alternate Mechanisms’ been effective in improving the decision making process of the governance in India? Justify.

13. There is a paradoxical relationship between Bureaucracy and Democracy, yet an effective democracy require a well-functioning bureaucracy. Comment.

14. How the Point of Sale (PoS) based Aadhaar authentication system in the Public Distribution System works? Critically examine the problems faced due to requirement of multiple technologies working in tandem in such transition.

15. Discuss the rationale behind and functions of recently proposed "Resolution Corporation".

16. While the welfare initiatives are needed for empowerment of people, the freebies culture is detrimental and cultivates a patron-client syndrome. Examine in context of governance in India.

17. Critically discuss the salient features of the draft Indian Arbitration Council Act, 2017.

18. "A strong Opposition is indispensable in a modern democracy." Discuss keeping in context, the current political environment in India.

19. Highlighting the importance of Mission Karmayogi. Explain its role in the development of human resource and state’s capacity.

20. There is an increasing trend of reserving jobs for locals in the private sector by several states in India. Throw some lights on the arguments given by states and issues associated with such policies.

GS-II: Social Justice

1. What are the findings of the Global Hunger Index 2019?

2. What are the components assessed in the Qs India University rankings? Discuss the standings of Indian Universities in the 2020 Rankings.

3. How victimisation survey can aid in addressing the shortcomings of crime data collection?

4. How the Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship Programme will aid in strengthening the skill development ecosystem?

5. What is Global Hunger Index? List the parameters of the Global Hunger Index.

6. Highlight the gender-specific challenges faced during disaster management. In this regard, discuss, how the disaster management cycle can be made more gender sensitive.

7. The State Science and Technology Councils can provide a platform to address the real world problems of India but are facing numerous hurdles. What are they?

8. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss.

9. It is time to democratize the science by focusing on the problems of the surrounding environment. Discuss

10. Dalits continue to be marginalised sections of the society inspite of numerous measures for their upliftment. Discuss the constructive measures required to address the concerns of the community.

11. Discuss the threat posed by Covid-19 on the safety and wellbeing of children all over the world. What steps have been taken by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights in this regard?

12. Analyze the performance of India in the Global Hunger Index 2019.

13. There is a growing divergence in the relationship between poverty and hunger in India. The shrinking of social expenditure by the government is forcing the poor to spend more on Non- Food essential items squeezing their food budget. Elucidate

14. The World is not in track to accomplish the objectives set by the WHO to eliminate TB. Discuss the statement in the light of Global TB report 2019.

15. What is Project Vishwajeet?

16. India has the world’s largest burden of TB. Discuss in the light of India TB-Report 2019 and Global TB report 2019.

17. Endowment Funds can be a tool to secure the financial autonomy of the Higher Educational Institutions. How IIT Delhi is surging ahead in this direction.

18. The State of the World’s Children report of UNICEF portrays a dismal picture of India. Elaborate

19. Why there are fears that state revenue will fall behind the estimates?

20. How the Science and Technology Councils could be reformed as scientific institutions of national importance?

GS-II: International Relations

1. The military rule in Sudan should give way for a civilian government. Comment.

2. What do you think about the proposed retaliatory tariffs which India will impose on 29 US products?

3. Do you think that India needs a substantive and defined account of its own objectives for steering through these tough times? Examine this in the light of Indian Foreign Policy challenges.

4. The US needs to tone down its maximum pressure tactics with Iran as there are no apparent plans between the latter and a potential military conflict. Comment.

5. What is your view are the four new elements which are to be added by India in the policy matrix?

6. What do you think is the reason behind tightening of immigration norms by US?

7. In its dealing with China and US do you think India is positioning itself as a swing state?

8. India has to play an increasingly important role in claiming the Indo-Pacific region. Comment.

9. What is significance of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) towards India's Eurasia Policy?

10. Indian imposition of higher duties on 28 US products can be counterproductive to the Indian economic fabric. Comment.

11. What significance does the G20 Summit which is slated to be held in last week of June carry for India in face of Trump�s bigoted racism?

12. Indian bilateral investment treaties need to strike a balance between foreign investor interests and those of the state.

13. India will have to undertake smart diplomacy and see through many different balancing acts for dealing with regional conflicts. Examine in context with South-Asia.

14. What are the challenges for India posed by the growing ties between Russia and China?

15. What in your view is the symbolism associated with the PM Modi�s visit to Maldives?

16. Direct talks between US, Iran are the only way to de-escalate tensions. A new framework and a new balance is the need of the hour. Comment.

17. It seems China has to go against its own grain and give Hong Kong enough space to run its own affairs. Comment.

18. What are the steps taken by Singapore as it eyes a farming revolution to tackle climate change and growth of population?

19. Do you think India should refrain from taking sides as the competition between the US and China further intensifies?

20. Do you think the regional aspirations of Central Asian countries stand in the way of Indian goals?

GS-III: Economy & Economic Development

1. What are the challenges India is facing due to inefficient tax assessment? How it can be addressed?

2. Examine the provisions of Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017. How it encourages manufacturing and 'Make in India'?

3. Discuss the various steps taken by Indian government to integrate ICT with agriculture.

4. How bigdata can be next big thing for agriculture?

5. What do you understand by Fiscal Consolidation? Elucidate the bottlenecks and steps taken by the government in recent years to achieve the same.

6. The nature of economic growth in India in recent times is often described as jobless growth. Do you agree with this view? Give arguments in favor of your answer. [UPSC, 2015]

7. What are the major current trends in fragmentation of land holdings in Indian agriculture?

8. What are the key features and significance of the Draft Wages Code Bill 2017?

9. In recent years, natural rubber production in India is facing sharp decline. Critically discuss the problems and government efforts made in this direction so far.

10. Blockchain technology can aid in increasing farm income. Discuss.

11. A significant trend in recent years seen in India is that while large manufacturing companies are shifting in rural areas, the smaller ones are clustering in urban areas. Critically discuss the reasons and consequences of such trend.

12. Examine the relationship between the size of the land holding and the productivity.

13. The measurement of growth using the concept of GDP is one of the key factors that contribute to reduce poverty and uplift the living standard of the people. Discuss the rationale of Inclusive Growth in this context.

14. What do you understand by Agriculture Value Chain? How it is different from supply chain for other products? Explain highlighting the importance of an Agricultural Value System Platform.

15. With suitable examples, explain the upstream and downstream requirements of processed and packed food industry.

16. Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often encourages shortsightedness and contributes to wide disparities between the rich and the poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism driving inclusive growth in India? Discuss. [UPSC-2014]

17. "Surface Irrigation is often associated with several issues undermining productivity and environmental sustainability."Explain.

18. Critically examine the provisions of draft of National Policy of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Voluntary Certification Scheme.

19. What are the flaws in the existing laws for pesticide management in the country? Discuss in the light of proposed Pesticide Management Bill 2017.

20. What was the contribution of Sardar Patel in Dairy Sector of India?

21. Does Privatization of Banks hold key for the problems haunting Indian Banking Sector?

22. Digital India can revolutionise agriculture by addressing various structural deficiencies. Discuss.

23. What are the challenges before India in achieving its target of 100 GW from solar energy by 2022?

24. What are the major macroeconomic challenges before the Indian economy today?

25. How can artificial intelligence aid the agricultural sector?

26. Every year, India witnesses large amount of wastage of fruits, vegetables and grains due to lack of effective food supply chain management. Discuss while suggesting measures to address this challenge.

27. What can be the reasons for widening fiscal deficit of a country? While throwing light upon reasons of recent "fiscal slippage", discuss its possible consequences on economy.

28. What are the objectives of the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)?

29. Why the import dependency for oil makes the Indian energy needs vulnerable? How does it make strong case to diversify the energy market?

30. What is Zero Defect – Zero Effect (ZED) scheme? How it can boost India's MSME sector?

31. What are the recent trends in the income tax collection?

32. How different is DBT in fertilizers when compared to other DBT schemes of government? What are the challenges of DBT in fertilizers?

33. What are the features of the recent move by the finance ministries road map to rationalize PSU banks' foreign operations?

34. What are the champion service sectors identified by the union commerce ministry? What is the significance of the move?

35. Giving suitable examples, critically discuss why a thriving food processing industry has potential to address the unemployment crisis in India.

36. Why India needs a mature standard ecosystem? Discuss the objectives of the draft Indian national strategy for standardization.

37. Can interlinking of rivers can help in crop diversification? How?

38. India has committed to double the farmers income by 2022. What lessons can India take from china which has undertaken a similar initiative?

39. What are the various steps taken by RBI to address the crisis haunting the NBFC sector so far?

40. Economic survey of 2018 brings out a severe crisis in India due to investment slowdown. How this affects Indian Economy? Analyze.

GS-III: Science & Technology

1. Stem cell therapy is gaining popularity in India to treat wide variety of medical conditions including Leukaemia, Thalassemia, damaged cornea and severe burns. Describe briefly what stem cell therapy is and what advantages it has over other treatments.

2. Artificial Intelligence has the ability to remold the environment of the world in 21st century. Enumerate potential applications of Artificial Intelligence in Banking & Finance, Public Health, Governance and Education. Can AI be a threat to humanity also? Opine.

3. Indian Neutrino Observatory Greenlit Despite Protests

4. Discuss the applications of CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors that have revolutionized the genome editing technique.

5. What do you understand by the Advanced Ultra-Supercritical (AUSC) Technology? While highlighting the key features of National Mission on Advanced Ultra-Supercritical (AUSC) Technology, discuss how it can change India's energy paradigm.

6. India has achieved remarkable success in unmanned space missions including Chandrayan and Mars Orbiter Mission, but has not ventured into manned space missions. What are the main obstacles to launch a manned space mission, both in terms of technology and logistics? Examine critically.

7. In recent years, there has been a spurt in the use of robots in manufacturing. Analyze the implications of such trends on jobs and employments.

8. The Hera Mission

9. To what extent, the Frontier Technologies Cloud Innovation Center (CIC) set up by NITI Aayog can address societal challenges? Examine critically.

10. How does the Juno Mission of NASA help to understand the origin and evolution of Earth?

11. To enhance the diffusion of space technology and boost the space economy, the government is encouraging the participation of private sector in space activities. In light of the statement, discuss the significance of Indian space Association in providing an impetus to space technology in India.

12. When DNA profiling is used wisely, it can bring major benefits to society. Discuss.

13. How the extremely high length-to-diameter ratio of Carbon Nanotubes makes them special material? Assess their potential applications in public health sector.

14. What do you understand by Breeder reactors? Why India's nuclear energy programme focuses on breeder reactors while most advanced countries give them less preference? Justify.

15. What role MSME could play and what are impediments to its role in Make in India – Defence? Examine suggesting policy steps.

16. With increasing turbulence in global geopolitics, it is perceived that the wars in 21st century would be fought in Cyberweapons equipped with artificial intelligence. How realistic is this perception? Discuss the nature and threat of such weapons.

17. Despite the huge promise of satellite-based internet connectivity, it hasn’t gained traction on a significant commercial scale, especially in India. Discuss.

18. Recently, Light and gravitational waves were detected from the same cosmic event for the first time. Discuss the significance of this discovery.

19. Critically discuss the potential implications of so called "Robotic Process Automation (RPA)" upon jobs creation and jobs sustainability in services sector in India.

20. To what extent, the IPR policy of India is able to strike a balance between protection of interests of humanity in large, boosting innovation and upholding the Intellectual Property Rights? Critically discuss.

GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management

1. What is Bio-medical Waste? Discuss the salient features of New Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules. What are the major constraints being faced by various state governments in implementation of the rules?

2. What is Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)? Can RDF be a solution to waste management in India? Are there any provisions regarding the same in the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016? Elucidate.

3. In order to reduce damage and injury caused by earthquakes to the minimum possible, government has introduced the "Early Earthquake Warning and Security System (Onsite)". Explain how the system works.

4. India Tests Swedish Technology To Effectively Replace Stubble Burning

5. Explain the terms LED fishing, bull- trawling, purse seining and gill netting with respect to fishing highlighting issues created by each of them.

6. Discuss the importance of space technology applications for disaster management in India with suitable examples.

7. Elucidate meteorological factors that influence urban outdoor air pollution? Throw light on some of the technological and non-technological solution to urban outdoor pollution.

8. Despite proper implementation to providing access to clean cooking fuel, the Ujjwala Yojana seems to have hit a roadblock on question of affordability. Examine this issue while making an assessment of feasibility of further expansion of this programme.

9. On December 2004, Tsunami brought havoc on fourteen countries including India. Discuss the factors responsible for occurrence of Tsunami and its effects on life and economy. In the light of guidelines of NDMA (2010), describe the mechanism for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events.

10. What are the advantages of methanol-based hybrid vehicles over lithium-ion batteries based electric vehicles. Elucidate the challenges faced in using methanol as a fuel in India.

11. Mob-violence is emerging as a serious law and order problem in India. By giving suitable examples, analyze the causes and consequences of such violence.

12. Discuss the salient features of National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) by government.

13. Critically evaluate the outcomes of Bonn Climate Change Conference (COP23), outlining the challenges in its effective implementation.

14. Critically examine the government's decision to leapfrog from Bharat Stage (BS)-IV into Bharat Stage (BS)-VI fuel norms. (15 Marks)

15. The Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project (SSCP), ever since it was mooted in 2004, it has been a target of criticism from environmental advocates as well as religious enthusiasts. Are there any scientific reasons behind its opposition? Critically analyze.

16. To what extent, the symbiotic relation between relatively isolated indigenous people and their environment has been affected due to climate change? Analyze citing reasons with suitable examples.

17. Discuss the objectives and major achievements of TRAFFIC (the wildlife trade monitoring network) over last few years.

18. How the urban waste contributes to global warming? Discuss how the efficient management of urban solid waste can reduce the GHG accumulation.

19. Climate change is a global problem. How India will be affected by Climate Change? How Himalayan and coastal states in India will be affected by Climate Change?

20. How the unorganised, unscientific fishing such as (gill net fishing) pose danger to aquatic fauna? Discuss taking example of Gangetic dolphins.

GS-III: Internal & External Security

1. Critically examine the various issues around Railway safety in India.

2. While giving an account for meagre number of community radio stations in India in comparison to other countries, discuss how the Community Radio can be helpful for remote populations? Discuss various challenges of Community Radio.

3. What role is being played by Satellites in India's border management currently? Elucidate.

4. Critically discuss the relevance and merit in the Microsoft proposed "Digital Geneva Convention" to prevent cyberwarfare.

5. Critically analyze the success or failures of Border Area Development Programme in North East India.

6. Discuss salient features of Portable Diver Detection Sonar (PDDS). How will it boost India's Navy capabilities? Explain.

7. Critically examine India's potential role as a "Net Security Provider" in the South Asia / Indian Ocean region while highlighting the significant structural and institutional impediments that inhibit India's capacity to fulfill the said role.

8. Discuss the potential threats of Cyber attack and the security framework to prevent it.

9. Critically discuss India’s preparedness to tackle the threats posed by ransomware and state-sponsored cyber attacks.

10. Critically discuss the role of Science & Technology in ensuring national security.

11. "To create adequate infrastructure and generate trust and confidence in our IT system, there is a dire need to update the cybersecurity policy". Discuss in the light of various changes being demanded in Cyber Security Policy,2013 in recent times.

12. Has the two-pronged policy of direct action by the security forces coupled with development to tackle Maoism problem been successful? To what extent? Discuss critically.

13. White shipping and Maritime Security

14. The SAMADHAN doctrine has put the onus of handling Left Wing Extremism entirely on the states. Do you agree with this view? Give arguments. Also enumerate the differences between the newly proposed doctrine with earlier Integrated Action Plan (IAP) and other such schemes.

15. To what extent India's coastal security apparatus has strengthened since the Mumbai terror attacks? Do you identify some critical gaps in the same? Examine critically.

16. Discuss various strategies followed by Indian forces to guard the country's borders against illegal immigration.

17. The scourge of terrorism is a grave challenge to national security. What solutions do you suggest to curb this growing menace? What are major sources of terrorist funding?

18. To avoid frequent train derailments across the country, government is planning to introduce "ultrasonic broken rail detection system". Discuss the merits in this system while elucidating its key features.

19. Historically India’s attempts at strengthening its intelligence infrastructure & capabilities have been reactive and incremental rather than holistic and sustainable. Discuss, and also provide a concrete network to transform India’s intelligence capability.

20. What do you understand by Non-traditional threats? Discuss while role of Indian Navy towards identification and control of non-traditional threats in Indian Ocean.

GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

1. Simultaneous election to the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies will limit the amount of time and money spent in electioneering but it will reduce the government's accountability to the people. Discuss.

2. What is Meta-ethics? How understanding of Meta-ethics is helpful for a public servant?

3. Explain the four branches of ethics with suitable examples.

4. Is the National Commission for Women able to strategize and tackle the problems that women face at both public and private spheres? Give reasons in support of your answer.

5. With suitable examples, discuss how Ethics and Morality are related but distinct concepts.

6. If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters.-Alan Simpson". Analyze.

7. Explain how can the philosophical study of ethics help a public servant to make moral decisions?

8. Why is ethics called a normative science? Explain with suitable examples.

9. The spirit of tolerance and love is not only an interesting feature of Indian society from very early times, but it is also playing an Important part at the present. Elaborate.

10. 2017 Mock Test 12- Case Study-4

11. Discuss the role of in establishing accountability of the government to the people.

12. Initially Civil Services in India were designed to achieve the goals of neutrality and effectiveness, which seems to be lacking in the present context. Do you agree with the view that drastic reforms are required to Civil Services? Comment.

13. Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of the latest judgement of the Supreme Court on Right to Privacy in the case of K.S. Puttaswamy vs Union of India

14. Assess the role of emotional intelligence (EQ) in mitigating biases and fostering unbiased decision-making among public servants, particularly when dealing with issues related to social justice, equity, and diversity. Provide real-life examples to illustrate the significance of EQ in this context.

15. 2017 Mock Test 12 – Case Study-3

16. Does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ensure effective mechanism for empowerment and inclusion of the intended beneficiaries in the society? Discuss.

17. “The emergence of the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in contemporary times points to the slow but steady withdrawal of the State from development activities.”Examine the role of SHGs in development activities and the measures taken by the Government of India to promote SHGs.

18. Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil service:

19. What do you understand by self-awareness? How can developing self-awareness help drive meaningful personal change for a Civil servant? Discuss with examples.

20. Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company – George Washington . Examine the relevance of this quote for your life while assuming yourself a public servant.

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