UPSC Mains Model Questions – March, 2023

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In March 2023, we had published 300 posts.

GS-I: Indian Culture

1. Discuss the salient Features of Gupta Architecture.

2. Mention the distinctive features of Dravida style and discuss how it developed under the Pallavas and Cholas describing the architecture of one temple of each dynasty.

3. Describe critically the architecture and sculpture of the Muktesvara temple at Bhuvanesvara showing why it is regarded as a gem of Orissan architecture.

4. The topography of the Western Ghats along with the political patronage suited to the development of Buddhist Caves in many of the hills, ravines and cliffs of the Sahayadris."Discuss giving salient examples.

5. Mention the distinctive features of Dravida style and discuss how it developed under the Pallavas and Cholas describing the architecture of one temple of each dynasty.

6. The terracotta figurines had a universal popularity in the ancient world and Harappan culture was no exception to this. Discuss.

7. What could be the possible reasons of sculpting the erotic images at Khajauraho?

8. The Rajasthan and Gujarat style reached its climax in the two jain temples at Mount Abu. Justify.

9. What was the role of mason's guilds in the development of provincial architecture in Gujarat. Discuss.

10. While keeping Qutub Minar in focus, discuss trails of Hindu architecture into the monuments built by the early Sultans of Delhi?

11. The "lost wax technique"seems to be an ancient technique still prevalent in many parts of India. Discuss the key features of this technique.

12. Discuss the chief features of the sculptures of Vijaynagar of the buildings constructed in the fourteenth-fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by giving concrete examples.

13. Why the Bengal School of paintings is called the "Renaissance School "? Discuss the salient features of the Bengal School paintings.

14. Discuss the role of government of India for the preservation, promotion and dissemination of art and culture?

15. What was the effect of the reaction against Hindu elements in Indo-Islamic architecture under Alaud-din- Khilji? Mention the building which reflects this reaction and describe the style of its architecture.

16. Krishnadevaraya : Accomplished scholar & Great patron of literature

17. Differentiate between the Sandhara, Nirandhara and Sarvatobhadra Temples.

18. Discuss how Akbar's mausoleum at Sikandra and the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula show that jahangir's contribution to the building art was rather insignificant when compared to the vast and ambitious perfects of his father, on the one hand, and those of his son, on the other.

19. Discuss the work of some contemporary architects who have built in a style which is distinctively Indian.

20. While highlighting the key features of “Khelo India initiative”, discuss its relevance towards changing the sporting culture and infrastructure in India

GS-I: Modern Indian History

1. Constitutionally, the princely states were not part of British India nor were their inhabitants British subjects. The British Parliament had no power to legislate for the States or their people. Elucidate the ways in which crown's relationship with the Indian states was maintained during pre-independence era.

2. The gradual industrialization of India did not only bring the Indian capitalists into the foreground of public life, it also created an industrial working class". Objectively analyze this statement along with giving reference to major working class movements in India in early 20th century.

3. "Patel was the shrewd organizational hand beneath Nehru's idealistic velvet glove." Critically discuss. Do you agree with the view that the synergy of two leaders was much more powerful in comparison to differences in their thoughts?

4. The growth of radicalism among African Americans was important in helping them to gain their civil rights during the 1960s. Explain whether you agree or disagree with this view.

5. Analyze the significance of the Dravidian movement in the post-independence history of India.

6. To what extent, the British colonialist regime was responsible for the discrimination, abuse, and social and economic marginalization faced by millions of Indians belonging to 'denotified and nomadic tribes'. Discuss critically.

7. Clarify how mid-eighteenth Century India was beset with the spectre of a fragmented polity.

8. Discuss the circumstances leading to alliance between Khilafat and Congress during Non-cooperation Movement. Do you think that it was a politically wise move of Congress to associate with Khilafat? Substantiate.

9. Elucidate the positive and negative effects of India's contact with the West during 18th and 19th century.

10. Highlight the importance of new objectives that got added to the vision of Indian independence since twenties of last century.

11. "The British came neither as migrating hordes nor as armies seeking plunder, yet eventually they did more to transform India than any previous ruling power."Explain this apparent paradox.

12. What were the major reformist and revivalist movements in 19th century India? How they were similar to, or different from each other? Discuss with suitable examples.

13. Why did the 'Moderates' fail to carry conviction with the nation about their proclaimed ideology and political goals by the end of the nineteenth century?

14. The British Colonial rule systematically broke the traditional system of community management of irrigation tanks in various parts of India. While taking Madras Compulsory Labor Act of 1858 as an example, discuss why the practices such as Kudimaramath did not flourish despite of state legislations.

15. Explain why Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam.

16. Discuss the key principles of Subsidiary Alliance System. To what extent, this system contributed in making the British Company the Supreme Sovereign Authority in India?

17. Examine how the decline of traditional artisanal industry in colonial India crippled the rural economy.

18. While considering Mutiny of 1857 as the first war of Independence, we generally accept Mangal Pandey as the first martyr of Indian freedom struggle. However, there were many others who revolted (against British) even before 1857. Elucidate the role of some of such unsung heroes whose martyrdom / revolt pre-dates 1857.

19. Most invaders in medieval times came to India from High mountain passes of North while they could have entered through western plains or low mountains. Critically examine the statement while keeping focus on geographical and political reasons.

20. The use of non-violence was the most important reason for African Americans gaining improved civil rights in the years 1960-8. How far would you agree with this statement?

GS-I: Modern World History

1. Why was it that in the second half of the twentieth century the rate of population growth in Europe slowed down, while in America and other Third World areas it accelerated?

2. How accurate do you think it is to talk about the ' First' and 'Second' New Deals? How successful had Roosevelt's policies been in solving the economic problem of the USA by 1941?

3. Consider the view that if Gorbachev had followed different policies, the USSR could have survived, in the same way that communism survived in China.

4. Explain what impact the First World War and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia had on politics and society in the USA in the years 1914 to 1929.

5. Explain why there was opposition to President Roosevelt's New Deal. How successful do you think these critics were in the period 1933 to 1941?

6. Explain why there was such a powerful anti-communist movement in the USA in the years following the Second World War. How important was Senator Joseph McCarthy’s role in the movement

7. How far would you agree with the view that Johnson’s administration was largely a failure because of US involvement in the Vietnam War?

8. Explain why Franklin D. Roosevelt won the presidential election of 1932. How successful were the New Deal policies in relieving the depression in rural areas During the years 1933 to 1941?

9. Critics have sometimes described the presidencies of Jimmy Carter (1977-81) and George Bush (1989- 93) as completely ineffective. Explain whether you think this is a fair criticism.

10. The end of the cold war was a watershed moment in modern Indian history. Discuss the post-cold war foreign policy of India until dawn of new millennium

11. What conditions favoured rapid industrialization in 18th century England? Do you agree with the view that the "enclosure movement" played a role of catalyst in the Industrial revolution? Throw light

12. Assess the contribution of Prince Sihanouk to the development of Cambodia in the years 1954 to 1970. Explain why he was overthrown in March 1970?

13. Explain why and how Laos came under communist rule in the period 1954 to 1975. How successful had the government been in rebuilding Laos by the end of the twentieth century?

14. In what ways did African Americans campaign for civil rights in the years before the Great Depression? How did they respond to the activities of the Ku Klux Klan?

15. Explain why unemployment was a major problem in the USA during the 1930s, and why the problem was reduced in the years 1939-43.

16. How successful were Republican policies in helping the US economy in the years 1920 to 1932?

17. Trace the steps by which Cambodia became a victim of the Cold War in the period 1967 to 1991?

18. While elucidating the key events, discuss the significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917.

19. Explain why the Palmer Raids took place in 1920. How did attitudes in the USA towards immigrants change during the years 1920 to 1929?

20. Explain why the "March on Washington"took place in 1963.

GS-I: Indian Society

1. What can France learn from the Indian Constitution’s approach to secularism?

2. Explain the key highlights of the SDG Gender Index. What are the implications of the findings for India?

3. While on one hand regionalism acts as a threat to national integrity, on the other hand it is also an efficient tool for increasing political participation. Analyse.

4. The number of women in labour force is reducing day by day. Enumerate the reasons behind the reducing dropout rate.

5. What were the four pillars of rural sanitation revolution under Swachh Bharat mission?

6. Women Empowerment is the need of the hour. Discuss the steps to be adopted in India for ensuring better opportunities and growth for Women.

7. Discuss the trends in Internal Migration in the country.

8. Despite Consistence experience of High growth, India still goes with the lowest indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced and inclusive development elusive.

9. Describe the situation of Indian women in society and why MPs advocating for ‘lynching’ and other mob justice type punishments for rapists is an abdication of responsibility by the Parliament and Politicians?

10. The merit-based actions against some civil society groups are necessary but some opine it as curb on dissent. Analyze.

11. There is a lack of equal or even adequate representation of women in the upper echelons of corporate India. Elaborate

12. Analyze whether India needs a countrywide exercise for NRIC in the light of the recent exercise done in Assam.

13. The shocking incident of rape and murder of a veterinary doctor in Hyderabad speaks volumes of the lack of stringent laws dealing with sexual assault. Discuss the measures to combat violence against women. 

14. The immediate and primary priority of Indian government is to target central aid for the poor. They must be included as change agents in the roadmap for clean energy. Explain.

15. Discuss the impacts of globalization on the location of IT industry.

16. Why the town of Sultanpur Lodhi has attained a prominent place in the Sikh Religion?

17. India produces more than it needs still performs poorly in Global Hunger Index. Discuss the reasons behind this paradox and measures to curb this problem.

18. Discuss the role of wage employment in poverty alleviation and how is MGNREGA different from it.

19. What are the findings of the economic outlook update on the Urbanisation trends?

20. India faces a paradox of being one of the largest producers of agricultural products on one hand and performing poorly in hunger index on the other hand. Discuss, also suggest ways to address this issue.

GS-I: World Geography

1. What are the major regions of sugarcane production in India? Analyze the shift of sugar industry from Northern to Peninsular India in recent times.

2. The de-oxygenation of oceans is one of the most detrimental effects of anthropogenic activities, however it is under-reported. Identify the factors behind it and mention its socio-economic and environmental implications.

3. Describe the main characteristics of natural vegetation in Tropical grasslands and show how it is influenced by climate.

4. What are the Conflict Minerals? Do you think there is a foolproof mechanism to identify the conflict minerals? Discuss in the light of available framework around the same.

5. For almost three decades – from the later part of XIX century through second decade of the XX century- natural rubber underpinned one of the most important development booms in Brazil."Discuss.

6. What are potential impacts of the Indian monsoons on Atlantic hurricanes?

7. Monsoon forest and midlatitude deciduous forest are both deciduous but for different reasons. Compare the characteristics of these two formation classes and their climates

8. Discuss the distribution, production and various applications of Cobalt as a natural resource. Should Cobalt be dealt as a conflict mineral? Examine in the light of recent controversies.

9. What are footloose industries? Identify the factors influencing the location of these industries.

10. Examine the locational aspects of Sheep rearing as an economic activity around the world.

11. Why most of the coffee production is limited within the tropical zone around the world. Explain while giving an account of the main coffee producing areas worldwide.

12. While discussing the temperature distribution of ocean water, highlight the factors responsible for it.

13. Why the CSIR National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL) is advocating for two time zones in India?

14. In view of the importance of Blue Economy to New India Vision 2030, delineate the distribution of key ocean minerals that can help India realize its potential.

15. Explain the role of the polar front and the air masses that come in conflict in the polar front zone in the temperature and precipitation cycles of the mid latitude and high latitude climates.

16. Highlighting the features of equatorial climate, explain why these areas remain largely underdeveloped.

17. Discuss the major areas around the world where Commercial Dairy Farming is practiced as main economic activity.

18. Define gravitational waves. What are the tangible benefits of detecting and studying the gravitational waves? Explain.

19. Despite the fact that Kenya’s tea industry is relatively new, the country has become third largest producer of the beverage in last few decades only. Critically analyze the geographical factors that have played role in this?

20. “Though much of the consumption of cocoa occurs in the mid-latitudes, the production is confined largely to West Africa, eastern part of Brazil and the Caribbean mainland and islands.” Discuss focussing on location factors.

GS-II: Constitution of India & Polity

1. What is the constitutional position of Directive Principles of State Policy? How has it been interpreted by the judiciary after the emergency in 1975-77?

2. The independence of CBI has been questioned time and again. Can CBI be made more autonomous without affecting its accountability mechanism? Discuss.

3. "While widening the scope of Judicial Review beyond constitutional boundaries, the court has usurped the powers of the executive and legislature." Discuss giving your opinion.

4. Discuss the administrative relations between the centre and the states in the light of recent controversies.

5. Explain how the bench system works in High Courts and Supreme Court in India. Also highlight the composition and relative importance of division benches and Constitutional benches.

6. Distinguish between Cabinet Secretariat and Prime Minister’s Secretariat. Which of these is more important?

7. What are the values that you learn from Indian Constitution? Discuss.

8. Many argue that the British system of democracy is not suited to India. Do such arguments have sound logic? How do you counter such arguments? Discuss.

9. Indian judiciary is in dire need of reforms due to the glaring number of pendent cases. How do you think this can be checked effectively? The Indian courts are known for high case pendency. This has also had a deleterious effect on the economy and growth.

10. What constitution gives with one hand, it takes away with other. Critically discuss with reference to fundamental rights in Indian Constitution.

11. What are the main differences between the passage of a Constitution Amendment Bill and other Legislative Bills?

12. Should India look at quashing death penalty?

13. What do you understand by the term restorative justice?

14. Bring out the aberrations of the parliamentary system of government in India.

15. Discuss the Constitutional provisions regarding the rights of children.

16. Why do think there are very few women politicians gaining victory in elections in India?

17. What is the ingredient of the indelible ink used during the process of voting?

18. Do you think extension of Right to Education to younger children is a welcome move?

19. Do you agree with the fact that bringing of agriculture, rural development and even Panchayati Raj under one blanket ministry has been long overdue in India? Comment.

20. Comment on the nature of Ordinance-making power of the President of India. What safeguards are there against possible misuse?

GS-II: Governance

1. Several states have alleged that after abolition of Planning Commission, its fearsome powers have now gone to Finance Ministry, leading to much more centralization. Give your opinion on such allegations.

2. What are the objectives behind Citizen Charters? Discuss along with elucidating the Six Principles of the Citizen's Charters.

3. Discuss the key provisions of Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) aimed at protection of consumers and discouraging the speculators. Do you agree with the view that RERA may not bring positive results, especially due to the way the States have adopted the Act? Discuss.

4. Corporate Governance : Role of Independent Director

5. India Needs To Unify Its Energy Departments

6. A basic principle of management is that the responsibility/ accountability should not be divested from authority; however, generally it is found that there is a mismatch between authority and accountability in public service in India. Discuss suggesting how the congruence between authority and responsibility can be ensured in public services.

7. Although, the state has the right incentive and intentions to deliver public services efficiently, its capacity to do so is questionable. Critically discuss in the context of India.

8. What are the current provisions to rule out conflict of interest in senior bureaucrats assuming corporate roles post-resignation or retirement? Discuss suggesting what further reforms should be done to avoid post-retirement or post-resignation conflict of interest. []

9. In India, many of the infrastructure projects get stalled due to unnecessary injunctions by the courts. How the proposed amendments in the Specific Relief Act, 1963 address this issue? Explain key proposals of the amendment bill.

10. The CCTNS system has its own advantages for all stakeholders in law & order. However, its implementation has been deferred several times by now. What are the major issues? Discuss.

11. India has put a lot of emphasis on technological initiatives like Digital India and Smart City Mission. How can such technology be utilized to ensure transparency, accountability and efficiency? Discuss.

12. What are the objectives and contours of the "challenge method"recently mooted by central government to foster competition among states for expeditious implementation of infrastructure projects? Critically discuss.

13. "India's expatriate community has been long demanding the facility to cast their vote from abroad."Examine the issue and current policy stance of the Government. Why such rights have not been given to domestic migrants? Discuss.

14. The incidents of fire tragedy in the country cannot be called an accident as it is a lack of governance and mismanagement at the regulatory level. Comment.

15. How PFMS can increase the transparency as well as the accountability to the social sector? Discuss its working mechanism.

16. Tata Sons : NCLAT Judgement

17. One of the major anomalies around development of regions in the country is lack of effective convergence between various Central and State government schemes. How the recent initiative of designating "Prabhari Officers" for 115 most backward districts addresses this anomaly? Discuss elucidating the contours of government's plan.

18. What are the criteria of ranking countries in the Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Democracy Index? Critically discuss India's rank in the recent released Global Democracy Index.

19. Tata Sons & Corporate Governance Issues

20. Creating three state capitals

GS-II: Social Justice

1. What are e-cigarettes? Why there is a need to immediately regulate them in India?

2. What are your views on the glaring targeting challenge in the welfare programs in India?

3. The government has recently tabled a Bill in Lok Sabha for allowing only a voluntary use of Aadhaar. Do you think that law which is promising may actually lead to a stringent enforcement?

4. The promises of �Housing for All by 2022� have failed to address the needs of the migrants and created sanctuaries of hope for migrant workers. Comment.

5. India is set to become the most populous nation; improving the quality of life is crucial. Comment.

6. India must recognize the right to a minimally decent life, so that no person falls below a certain level of existence. Comment.

7. Do you think the national education system needs more than just fine-tuning to ramp it up? Discuss this in light of the new draft of NEP.

8. What are the key proposals of the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2019?

9. How do you see the recent passage of Maratha Quota in Maharashtra by the Bombay High Court? Will this have a countrywide implication. Examine.

10. How should the government tackle the religion-specific unemployability rates? Comment.

11. Looking at the estimated poverty decline in India between 2011-12 and 2016-17, do you think time has come for our economic policies to change? Comment.

12. India has to seriously think about the violations to the law on Manual Scavenging. Legislation alone, maybe cannot help. Examine this in the light of the insidious caste discrimination.

13. Can India successfully implement the new Education Policy in terms of teaching in multiple languages in the wake of absence of enough skilled teachers? Comment.

14. Critically analyse the features of the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. Explain in detail the benefits it provides to the poor and weaker sections of the society.

15. There is doubt in the fact that the state of well-being of an ordinary Indian is far from ideal. What steps should be taken by Modi 2.0 to improve the same?

16. Do you think colors can have any effect on our daily moods?

17. Discuss the salient features of Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2018 and its flaws. Why it has not been brought onto action yet?

18. Make a case for bringing Healthcare services in India under the aegis of Consumer Protection Law.

19. Violence against doctors is a symptom and not the disease. Structural and policy changes in India’s hospitals and not increased security. Comment.

20. Enumerate the benefits of the CCR5-Delta 32 Mutation to the Indian Bioinformatics Industry.

GS-II: International Relations

1. "We've got to make sure we're writing the trade rules in the fastest-growing region of the world, the Asia-Pacific, as opposed to having China write those rules for us". Critically examine the statement.

2. How the instability created in the Gulf region poses security concerns for India? Do you think India has adopted a "balance approach"in the ongoing Gulf crisis? Give arguments to support your view point.

3. How the opportunity costs were imposed due to the sealed borders in South Asia?

4. How trade, investment and infrastructure relations between India and Japan are mutually beneficial to each other?

5. What are the reasons behind APEC not accepting India as its member? How can India's admission in APEC play a formative role in development of member economies? Discuss.

6. What is rationale and significance of Indian investment towards upgrading Sittwe port in Myanmar?

7. Examine the key issues created by the so called "Parallel Safeguards"and "Right to Recourse"in context with Indo-US nuclear cooperation.

8. How is Russia contributing in transforming India? Discuss the possible impacts of Russia's changing role in South Asia on India.

9. Examine the role being played by so called "Carter Initiative"and the DTTI towards cooperative research, co-production, and co-development of capabilities in the area of India-US Defence Relations.

10. How India and Germany are cooperating in the areas of Clean Ganga Initiative, Energy sector and Green Mobility?

11. Throw light on India's role in political transition that recently took place in Nepal.

12. In light of the upcoming COP27 in Egypt, examine the reasons behind countries failing to meet their targets and falling back to coal. What can be done to ensure a climate-friendly solution to the ongoing energy crisis?

13. What can be the implications of the India-ASEAN FTA in services and investment for the Indian economy? Discuss while keeping Chinese response to growing Indian presence in the ASEAN.

14. Throw light on the Sino-India water disputes. What are strategic threats to India from China's control over rivers flowing through northeast India? Discuss.

15. To what extent do you think that ratifying the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) deal is in India's interest? Argue in the light of opportunities and challenges for India in RCEP.

16. How can India reap the benefits if granted a permanent seat to United Nation Security Council (UNSC)? Throw light on the reasons that are impeding India's permanent membership to UNSC.

17. "Even though the magnitude of impact from trade diversion on India when the TPP is in place can be debated, it is certain that trade and investment diversions hurting the Indian economy is most likely to occur."Discuss how the recent changes in global trade regimes might affect Indian Economy.

18. How in the changing geopolitical scenario CTBT (comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty) and NPT (Nuclear non proliferation treaty) are unable to avoid nuclear warfare? What are the global checks to nuclear safety and India's stand on it?

19. "The Indo-US nuclear deal marked a turning point in India-US relations; ending India's nuclear apartheid. But ironically, this deal is still remaining unimplemented."Critically examine various issues and progress made thereupon so far.

20. Till late 1990s, India was seen as a regional power in South Asia without any global weight. To what extent this perception has changed in the international community? What are the factors that led to this change in perception?

GS-III: Economy & Economic Development

1. Do you agree with the view that the cash transfers to farmers who sell their produce in the market at below MSP levels can be a better alternative to the procurement under Minimum Support Price scheme? Discuss taking example of the Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana (price deficit finance scheme) launched in Madhya Pradesh.

2. Discuss how the intelligent devices such as robots and drones can enable smart farming? Can such technologies be successful in a cost-sensitive country like India – where the majority of the farmers are small producers?

3. Despite numerous benefits of cashless economy, the MSME in India are reluctant to go cashless. Critically analyze the reasons.

4. While highlighting the key problems in India's farm exports, outline contours of agricultural export promotion policy for India.

5. Examine the development of Airports in India through joint ventures under Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Model. What are the challenges faced by the authorities in this regard?

6. In spite of adverse environmental impact, coal mining is still inevitable for development. Discuss.

7. The central and state governments in India possess huge tracts of public lands but these lands are largely under-utilized. While analyzing the reasons, critically examine how proper utilization of public lands can help the economy.

8. Mention the advantages of cultivation of pulses because of which the year 2016 was declared as International year of Pulses by the United Nations.

9. Discuss the possible challenges of disruptive technologies under Industry 4.0 over jobs in services and manufactruring sectors. What should be government approach to tackle these challenges?

10. The social cost analysis of coal and renewable energy done by mid-year Economic Survey (August 2017) has suggested that investments in renewable energy should be made in a calibrated manner as social costs are high in promoting green energy (in comparison to conventional energy). Critically examine the rationale behind such suggestion.

11. The question of India’s Energy Security constitutes the most important part of India’s economic progress. Analyze India’s energy policy cooperation with West Asian countries

12. Do you think airlines can be run professionally under government control just as private airlines? Examine.

13. Critically analyse the impact of too high and too low oil prices on Indian economy.|

14. What are the major challenges faced by governments while making tax provisions for digital economy? Discuss the rationale and role of equalisation levy towards this.

15. Among several factors for India's potential growth, savings rate is the most effective one. Do you agree? What are the other factors available for growth potential?

16. What are the major roadblocks to connect India's agri-system to the food processing industry and through it to the global value chain? Discuss.

17. "To achieve the objective of electricity for all, India not only need reliable and affordable electricity supply but also need to upgrade the health of discoms." Discuss.

18. With appropriate examples of each, explain how the fiscal and monetary stimuli help to boost a sluggish economy.

19. The idea of universal basic income does not seem pragmatic from the economic perspective; and therefore the focus should be on optimal utilization of available resources. Comment.

20. Make a critical assessment of the economic situation in current times in India. What short term and long term measures would you suggest to address the situation? Discuss.

21. Discuss the merits and demerits of the government's bank recapitalisation scheme.

22. What do you understand by peer-to-peer (P2P) lending? How it can promote the alternative forms of finance? Discuss in the light of recent RBI's regulation stance on P2P lending.

23. Exports play a prominent role in India’s economic scenario. To what extent, GST can play a role of the export multiplier? Discuss.

24. What were the intended objectives of the Real Estate Investment Trusts launched in 2014? Have they been able to achieve those objectives? Discuss reviewing their progress so far and various concerns around them.

25. Critically discuss the structural changes that have taken place in India's economy since dawn of new millennium.

26. India is ranked 60th among 130 nations in Global innovation Index. What steps do you think should be taken to improve the innovation ecosystem in India? Discuss.

27. Multiple regulatory structures can hinder the growth of entrepreneurship culture. Critically analyze in the context of Companies Rules 2017. What could be the ramifications of such moves on the economy ?

28. The alarming level of stressed assets / bad loans needs urgent measures for speedy resolution. Towards this, it is argued that the recently passed Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2017 is too little and too late. Discuss while analyzing the necessity and objectives of this act.

29. Can the economic growth due to credit based consumption without the increase in investment be sustainable? Discuss keeping India in focus.

30. Poverty alleviation programmes in India remain mere showpieces until and unless they are backed up by political will. Discuss with reference to the performance of the major poverty alleviation programmes in India.

31. How electronic national agriculture market(e-NAM) is different from existing agricultural marketing? What are the pre-requisites for states to implement e-NAM?

32. Petroleum refineries are not necessarily located nearer to crude oil producing areas, particularly in many developing countries. Explain its implications.

33. The state monopoly in coal has been extremely inefficient and country is forced to import hundreds of millions of coal every year. To what extent, Commercial Coal Mining can be helpful towards this? Discuss elucidating current government policy towards commercial coal mining.

34. The growth of cities as IT hubs has opened up new avenues of employment but has also created new problems. Substantiate this statement with examples.

35. Economic Viability of Bullet Trains

36. To what extent, the Gold Monetization Scheme has been able to reduce the craze for physical gold in India? Critically discuss the success or failure of this scheme.

37. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?

38. What do you understand by import substitution? To what extent, the Make in India initiative is similar to or different from the import-substitution strategy? Explain.

39. In India, most state governments have either put a ban on agricultural land leasing or imposed restrictions on land leasing. Discuss how changes in this policy can help creation of rural jobs and betterment of farm economy in India.

40. To what extent, the economic liberalization has been able to bridge the gender gap in Indian workforce? Critically discuss.

GS-III: Science & Technology

1. Telecom Industry : Adoption of 5G

2. Discuss the potential of digital technologies in bringing structural changes in world economy. In the light of these disruptions, do you agree with the view that reports of end of globalization are highly exaggerated? Opine.

3. RFID Technology & its Applications

4. Core Catcher in a Nuclear Reactor

5. ISROs success in space can provide tangible benefits to Indian agriculture. Discuss.

6. While highlighting its key functions and benefits, discuss how the recently launched South Asia Geostationary Communication Satellite will touch the lives of ordinary people living in South Asia? Are there any strategic objectives for India also towards launching this satellite?

7. With almost 70% of the Defence equipment still being imported, the goal of self reliance is distant dream in our country. What steps do you suggest towards self reliance in Defence production? Discuss.

8. How nanotechnology can aid in development of agriculture?

9. What are the findings of the NASA study on the Arctic permafrost?

10. Bring out the key differences between two types of services — standard positioning service and restricted service to be provided by NavIC.

11. What is Cold Atom Laboratory? Discuss its role and functions.

12. Why Indigenization of IT infrastructure of military is vital? Where does India stand in terms of indigenization of military IT infrastructure?

13. Improving India’s Science & Engineering research capacity

14. Bring out the major differences between a ballistic missile and a cruise missile? Name two ballistic and two cruise missiles of India.

15. Private sector can play an important role in Make in India but does our policy provide it level playing field? Discuss in context with Defence Sector

16. To what extent, the discovery of so called "Neutrino Oscillation"has potential to change our understanding of the fundamental particles of the nature? Discuss.

17. Establish the links between intellectual property rights (IPR) and terrorism and organized crimes. How strengthening the IPR regime in India can help in prevention of organized crime? Discuss.

18. Why government has taken decision to stop the imports of the GM soybean?

19. Critically analyse the key features of the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP)-2016.

20. "TV Whitespace technology seems to be cost-effective technology to provide broadband service in rural India."Explain.

GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management

1. What are the recommendations of the Niti Aayog task force on Biomass management?

2. The ‘New Delhi Declaration’ adopted at the 14th CoP asserts that land degradation is largely responsible for climate change or global warming. Comment.

3. What are the findings of the census conducted in the East Godavari River Estuarine Ecosystem (EGREE) region to record the presence of uncommon species?

4. India needs a program called Project Dolphin along the lines of Project Tiger to enhance the population of dolphins. Discuss.

5. Climate change is not just an environment issue, it is a human and urban issue that will dramatically affect everyone. In this context, comment on the impact on Mumbai.

6. Can Green energy technology, solar, wind and energy storage, save the planet and reverse the tide of climate change?

7. What is the current status of conservation of Asiatic Lion?

8. What is an E-plane ? Can its introduction make commercial air travel low-cost and environmentally friendly?

9. What are the objectives and features of the KUSUM scheme ? How can it help the government improve water and energy efficiency in the country ?

10. What is Conversation Assured Tiger Standards (CA|TS)? What are its objectives? What are the findings of the recent Survey?

11. With the Rajya Sabha passing the Recycling of Ships Bill, 2019 to regulate the ship recycling sector, explain why such a bill was needed and its provision?

12. India has rules to track noise levels , but these are observed more in flouting than implementation. Comment.

13. In respect of the ill effects of climate change, discuss about the recent IPCC report pointing to the impact of global temperatures.

14. Vulnerability is an essential element for defining disaster impacts and its threat to people. How and in what ways can vulnerability to disasters be characterized? Discuss different types of vulnerability with reference disasters.

15. What is ozone hole? How the world has been successful in reducing the size of ozone hole?

16. What are the objectives, features and significance of the recently announced GOBAR-Dhan initiative?

17. How the Energy Management Centre (EMC) of Kerala has achieved a status of energy positive campus?

18. What is the link between mortality and pollution ? Comment on whether evidence provides a relation between the two.

19. With solar and wind now being the cheapest sources of electricity, India needs to take charge and join industrialised nations in becoming net carbon neutral. Elaborate.

20. Grasslands play an important role in helping the big cats survive in their natural habitat and they are also indirectly dependent upon it. Elaborate in the light of importance of grasslands.

GS-III: Internal & External Security

1. Predictive Policing & Its Usage

2. Rising incidents of Cyber Crime

3. What is Black money? Discuss various measures undertaken by government to curb and control black money.

4. While underlining the role of technology in border management, discuss the objectives and contours of Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System (CIBMS).

5. What is strategic importance of Khardung La Pass in Leh?

6. Why AFSPA has been imposed in J&K and North East but not in LWE affected Areas? Explain.

7. The aftermath of 1971 Indo-Pakistan war had highlighted India's severe dependence on foreign suppliers for defence equipment and ammunitions. To what extent, situation has changed now? Critically examine.

8. Critically examine the major issues around regulation of Cloud services and Cloud service providers in India.

9. National Investigation Agency Act

10. Importance of the Chief of Defence staff

11. UN Takes A Stand Against Cybercrime

12. Discuss the various threats to internal security posed by smart phones, browsers and applications. What should be the government policies towards tackling such threats?

13. "There is no doubt that killings and human rights violations have occurred due to AFSPA but the problems posed by an array of internal and external agents necessitate an act with teeth to deal with them."Critically discuss in the light of various concerns raised against the act.

14. The efforts to modernize the police should be complemented with functional and organizational reforms. Discuss.

15. Do you think preference to 'Made in India cyber security solutions' is justified? Discuss.

16. "There is a grey area which lies between actual sedition law and its implementation in India."Critically examine the statement giving your view against or in favour of section 124-A of Indian Penal code.

17. Role of Social Media in Protests

18. Critically discuss the problems arising out of unregulated growth of social media on internet while suggesting mechanisms to address these issues.

19. Tackling the Black Money Menace

20. Examine the recently proposed changes in the various provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).

GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

1. If ethics is defined as a system of right and wrong, and as a means to live accordingly, how does etiquette differ from ethics? Discuss

2. How the personal values and guiding principles play role while making tough decisions and undertaking major changes? Discuss with suitable examples.

3. Keeping perspective of Public Servants in focus, critically analyze the potential consequences of relying solely on IQ in decision-making, overlooking the significance of EQ in understanding the emotions and perspectives of the community they serve.

4. 2017 Mock Test -12: GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – Case Study -5

5. 2018 Case Study -2

6. The manner in which the Supreme Court has dealt with the issue {of fire-crackers on Diwali} raises the concern of tyranny of the un-elected. Discuss.

7. What do you understand by Right to Privacy? Examine various issues around Right to Privacy in recent times in India.

8. It is said the biggest problem is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. Examine this claim in the context of the assumptions of rational ethical decision making.

9. Is there any relationship between morality and national interest? Discuss critically.

10. Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have permanent standing committees on ethics. While their job is to oversee moral ethical conduct of the members, these committees have fallen short of global standards both in scope & work. Discuss.

11. Define virtue theory and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

12. A good character is one of the important prerequisites for civil servants of the 21st century. In your view, what are the important components of good character? Why?

13. Unlike intelligence and physical attractiveness, which depend largely on genetics, empathy is a skill that can be learnt. Comment.

14. Can following the rules alone make our actions ethical? With suitable examples, discuss how following rules can be unethical and breaking rule can be ethical.

15. How the system treats the whistleblowers is an indication of how ethical the system is. Critically evaluate.

16. How far does the idea of ethical intuitionism relevant in today’s society?

17. 2018-Case Study – 4

18. How Mahatma Gandhi’s idea of the rich as trustees drives wealthy to be agents of change?

19. 2018 Case Study – 3

20. Case Study 2018-1

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