UPSC Mains Model Questions – June, 2023

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In June 2023, we had published 290 posts.

GS-I: Indian Culture

1. What are the Shadanga and Chitrasutra traditions of ancient India in connection with ancient Indian Paintings?

2. How the interaction between Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism resulted into the synthesis of Indian Culture in ancient India? Discuss with suitable examples while limiting your answer to only visual art forms.

3. A large variety of mythical animals form the inseparable part of India's traditions, culture, religious beliefs, art forms etc. Discuss while giving suitable examples in Indian paintings and sculptures.

4. Pala School represents the earliest examples of miniature painting in India. Discuss the key features of this school of painting.

5. How does Mandu showcase the fact that humans adapt to their environment?

6. Bishnupur Temple Town

7. Discuss the distinct features of Cheriyal Scroll Paintings which make it worthy of protection by Geographical Indications Registry.

8. The discussion about the great seats of learning in ancient India is often confined to north and North West India, while such examples in South India don't find much attention. Throw light upon three great seats of learning that developed in ancient South India while highlighting their impacts on overall life in South.

9. With reference to ancient Indian art forms, throw light on the concept of Navarasa.

10. Kalighat School is a unique and delightful Blend of the Oriental and the Occidental styles of painting. Critically examine the key features of this school.

11. Elucidate the Karna and Angahgara components in context with classical Indian dances.

12. Elaborate about various types of Puppetry Art in India.

13. The Pallava architecture not only sets the standard in South India but has also greatly influenced the architecture of South East Asia, particularly Cambodia and Vietnam. Discuss.

14. Differentiate between Murals, Miniatures and Frescoes with suitable examples.

15. To what extent revival of vaishnavism and Bhakti movement led to development of various painting schools in India. Examine.

16. Discuss the evolution of the Hindi Literature.

17. Why is the word 'perfection' associated with the Taj Mahal?

18. Discuss critically the three-fold subjects decorative designs, portraiture and narration, of the Ajanta paintings by giving appropriate examples.

19. "Of all the Vishnu incarnations Krishna is one of the most popular and is portrayed prominently in all dance forms."Discuss.

20. Discuss the essential characteristics of the medieval tradition in Indian painting. Give suitable examples in support of your answer.

GS-I: Modern Indian History

1. “The Government of India Act 1935 was a watershed moment in India’s constitutional development.” Evaluate in the light of its key features and impact.

2. "The Bhoodan and Gramdan movements led by Vinoba Bhave attempted to bring about a "nonviolent revolution"in India's land reforms programme."Discuss.

3. Though it had its achievements, the exclusion of Indians from the system was a key feature of judicial reforms introduced by Cornwallis. Analyze.

4. Although the principle of religious majorities was followed for the partition of India, yet it was full of practical problems.” Examine.

5. “In comparison to Quit India Movement, the Indian National Army (INA) had a greater impact on the Indian Freedom Struggle.” Do you agree with this view? Discuss critically and comparatively.

6. Assess the role of the Revolutionary Extremists in the Indian Freedom Struggle and their impact on the British colonial government.

7. Highlight the steps taken by government of India for integrating the tribals into the mainstream. Also discuss the challenges faced in integrating them.

8. Independent India chose the path of socialism because that was the dominating thought when British left India. Assess Critically.

9. Paying special attention to the contributions of Bhagat Singh, outline the course of the revolutionary movement in the Indian freedom struggle.

10. Analyse the factors that led to the rise of communalism in India during the 1920s and 1930s.

GS-I: Modern World History

1. What was the enclosure movement? How did it affect the Agrarian Revolution? The Industrial Revolution?

2. Assess the reasons why the Six-Day War of 1967 was followed by the Yom Kippur War only three years later.

3. Examine the evidence for and against the view that in the early twenty-first century, the world was witnessing a 'civilization struggle' between Islam and the West.

4. How successful were Mussolini's domestic policies up to 1940?

5. Control of certain raw material assumed an enhanced significance during the Second World War. Elucidate with example of Natural Rubber.

6. What were the main features of Industrial revolution? Do you agree that Industrialization was at the root of competitive nationalism that led to great wars? Justify.

7. Describe how the Wiemar government and constitution came into existence after the end of the First World War, and explain why the Republic was so unstable in the years 1919 to 1923.

8. It was the fear of communism that was mainly responsible for Mussolini coming to power in Italy in 1922, and for staying there so long. Explain whether you agree or disagree with this view.

9. In what ways and with what success did Mussolini try to introduce a totalitarian form of government in Italy?

10. Explain why you agree or disagree with the view that between 1925 and 1939 Mussolini's economic policies were very successful.

11. Explain why the ending of the Cold War was not followed by a period of world peace and stability.

12. Explain why Mussolini launched the 'Battle for Births' in 1927.

13. What problems of the Weimar Republic contributed to the rise of fascism in Germany? How did Hitler succeed in becoming führer of Germany? Describe the developments which took place in Germany as Hitler transformed it into a Nazi nation?

14. 'The political instability of the Weimar Republic in the years 1919 to 1923 was largely the result of flaws in the constitution.' Explain why you agree or disagree with this interpretation of events.

15. What steps did Bismarck take to strengthen Prussian nationalism in the German Empire and to combat socialism? In what respects, did William II reverse Bismarck's policies? Discuss.

16. Explain why Afghanistan has played such an important role in international relations since 1979.

17. Explain why Mussolini launched the 'Battle for Wheat' in 1925.

18. What was the Meiji Restoration? How was Japanese life transformed during the forty-five years that followed? Discuss.

19. Evaluate the performance of Summit meeting of the Arab League held in March 2001?

20. "Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia was trigger for Arab Spring. However the post revolution path of Tunisia was very different compared to other nations affected by Arab Spring."Explain.

GS-I: Indian Society

1. Discuss the various opportunities available to the Self Help Groups (SHGs) for overall financial empowerment and inclusion of the women in India with particular emphasis on efforts and achievements of three Self-Help Groups in your /any state of India.

2. The women questions arose in modern India as a part of the 19th century social reform movement. What were the major issues and debates concerning women in that period?

3. How can NGO play a prominent role in women empowerment? Discuss.

4. While giving a critical overview of the Government policy, discuss the major challenges towards social inclusion of internal migrants in India ?

5. What is dependency ratio? Discuss the impacts of falling or rising dependency ratio upon saving and investment rates.

6. "The extent of empowerment of women in a nation is largely determined by three factors, viz. economic, social and political identity."Discuss in India's context.

7. With men migrating to cities for better jobs, women are playing a critical role in farming in recent times. What are the key issues created by this phenomenon? Discuss the lapses in policy approach while suggesting remedial measures.

8. "The forces of globalization have transformed the education systems worldwide."Discuss the impacts of globalization on higher education in India.

9. "Without the inclusion of poor in the development agenda, the idea of development cannot be sustainable." Comment.

10. What are the key contributors for India's double burden of malnutrition as well as over-nutrition at some places? Discuss the possible solution to the problems.

11. Critically discuss the impact of recent Supreme Court verdict on women rights in India.

12. Critically discuss the significance of the Economic Survey findings on sex ratio of the last child (SRLC) and so called "son meta preference"and "unwanted girls"in India.

13. Distinguish between religiousness / religiosity and communalism giving one example of how the former had got transformed into latter in independent India.

14. What challenges have been posed by globalization to the institutions of state viz. legislative, executive, and judicial? Discuss.

15. Differentiate between de-radicalization, counter -radicalization & anti radicalization.

16. Regional attitude as threat to National Unity

17. Is regional inequality among Indian states is a cause of individual income inequality or vice versa? Discuss.

18. Critically discuss the personal laws as a major social constraint in bringing about gender equality in Indian Society.

19. Critically examine the implications of globalization on India's balance of payments and currency exchange rates.

20. Discuss the economic and political reasons for the current government to strengthen the rural economy. Throw light on certain steps taken in this regard over last few years.

GS-I: World Geography

1. What are the major characteristics of El Nino that reappear with its every cycle? Examine the impacts of El Nino on regional climate, ecosystems and human activities with reference to (1) Australia (2) California

2. Discuss the concept of air mass and explain its role in macro-climatic changes.

3. Identifying the factors responsible for formation of tides, discuss their geographical and economic significance.

4. Production of Commercial Timber / Lumbering around the world is concentrated in the mid-latitude regions. Why? Explain while giving an account of spatial distribution of Commercial Timber Belts Forests around the world.

5. Explain the meaning of soil retrogression while differentiating it from soil degradation. What are the major consequences of soil retrogression and degradation?

6. With suitable examples, discuss how plate movements affect the formation and distribution of natural resources around the world.

7. Population-Resource Regions: Why tropical monsoon region is densely populated in comparison to the equatorial region?

8. Despite being rich in natural resources, Africa continent has widespread poverty and under-development. Examine the causes.

9. Describe three landforms each created due to (1) endogenous (2) exogenous forces.

10. While elucidating their formation, account for the distribution of atolls around the globe within tropical and subtropical waters of oceans and seas.

11. South China Sea has assumed great geopolitical significance in the present context. Comment.

12. "Topographic constraints, distribution pattern, technical limitation, and poor management do not allow India to harness its water resources efficiently." Discuss.

13. Discuss the legal and institutional framework to regulate and control the extraction of natural resources in seabed area beyond the limits of national jurisdictions.

14. Give a comparative account of structure and associated weather conditions of tropical cyclone with that of temperate cyclone.

15. Discuss the key features of the drainage system of India's north east region while enumerating various rivers and their tributaries.

16. Critically examine the factors affecting the distributional pattern of population in India.

17. If earth was completely solid and homogeneous throughout, how would have the P and S waves behave when they traveled through it? Explain while giving reference to how they actually behave.

18. "In comparison to the temperate fishing, tropical fishing is insignificant not only in terms of quantity but also quality." Elucidate the reasons.

19. Why do the major pressure belts and winds shift pole wards during summer season? Explain.

20. Explain the role played by endogenic forces in forming various landforms on the earth.

GS-II: Constitution of India & Polity

1. While judicial governance has played an important role in engendering human rights jurisprudence and infusing accountability in the functioning of government institutions, but it often turns into judicial overreach. Comment.

2. The CBI is often cited as an example of the rising politicisation of public institutions. In this context, identify the issues associated with the CBI’s functioning. What steps can be taken to address these issues.

3. The inefficiency of parliamentary committees is a roadblock to successful legislation. Analyze.

4. The outcome rather than the output is the true measure of efficiency of legislature. Discuss, in context of the functioning of parliament of India.

5. The sedition law has its roots in colonial India, however, it has continued to date. Are there any valid arguments for continuing it in the 21st century in democratic India? Discuss in light of the debate surrounding it.

6. Reforms in the Representation of People’s Act is necessary to prevent criminalization of politics in India. Analyze.

7. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) is a non-constitutional body, still, it has wielded immense decision-making powers. Discuss the advantages and issues associated with it, in the context of India.

8. The electoral Bond scheme is a step that will take away transparency and accountability from electoral funding. Critically analyze.

9. In India, both Centre and States have misused the provision of issuing ordinances, even though it amounts to seizing the legislative powers by the executive. Critically examine.

10. Highlight the role played by the MPLAD scheme in creating community assets based on local needs. Also discuss the issues associated with it.

11. Throw some light on the problems that creates hurdles in effective functioning of the Gram Nyayalayas.

12. The NGOs and voluntary organizations are important for a vibrant economy. However, their role has come under scanner in recent times. In this context, highlight the need for self-regulatory guidelines and transparency mechanisms to restore the credibility of these organizations.

13. Throw some light on the impact of Prime Minister’s Office acting as the most powerful office in the process of policymaking.

14. Discuss, the evolution of fiscal federalism in India, in the light of developments in recent years.

15. Adequately empowering the third tier of Indian federal structure is the key to strengthen federalism in India. Analyse.

16. There has been a decline in the performance of Parliamentary Standing Committees in recent times. What are the issues that have contributed to the decline and how these issues can be addressed?

17. While the judiciary should not remain a silent spectator in case of constitutional rights of citizens being infringed by executive policies, it must avoid assuming the role of the executive. Critically analyze.

18. While throwing light upon its primary objectives, analyze the significance of the Basic Structure Doctrine in preserving the core principles of the Indian Constitution.

19. Assess the effectiveness of the SVAMITVA scheme in strengthening the Panchayati Raj framework in India.

20. NGOs play an important role in uplifting the poorest of the poor in India. However, foreign intrusion in national matters is a genuine threat when it comes to it. Discuss with reference to the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010.

GS-II: Governance

1. The black money in politics works like a glue that holds the corruption edifice together. In this context, what measures would you suggest to cleanse the political finance in the country? Discuss.

2. Why it is argued that development model should be demand-driven? Discuss.

3. What do you understand by the so called "Digital Sovereignty"? What is its importance towards security, governance and public welfare? Discuss keeping focus on current government efforts towards digital sovereignty.

4. Critically examine the recent health ministry and NITI aayog proposal of public-private partnership (PPP) model to provide diagnosis and treatment for three non-communicable diseases in smaller cities.

5. Productive government work-force is a prerequisite for effective public service delivery. However, in India, the productivity of government workers is a major public management problem. Critically examine the key problems and suggest policy measures to address them.

6. Discuss the provisions of section 8(1) of Right to Information Act and various issues thereof. Do you agree with the view that RTI in defence sector would improve transparency? Give arguments.

7. With respect to the infrastructure investment in India, the regulatory uncertainty and unpredictability are considered to be major issues. Discuss aims, objectives of the proposed "Regulatory Reforms Bill" while analyzing its potential to curb these anomalies.

8. Is the new land acquisition law is effective in addressing the issues pertaining to land acquisition? What are the problems faced by the affected people?

9. Examine the key issues in the present cadre-based organization of Civil Services in India. To what extent, the government's proposed policy addresses these issues? Do you think that such a policy would help in national integration also?

10. Critically examine the implications of Lateral exit as well as lateral entry towards improving performance and efficiency of the civil services in India?

11. While throwing light upon current legal framework in place, discuss the legislative steps that should be taken to protect customers using digital payments in the country.

12. With respect to Government Budgeting in India, differentiate between (1) votes on account and votes of credit (2) Excess grant and Exceptional grant.

13. Do you support the proposal to abolish PPPAC and make NITI Aayog the approval authority for public-private-partnership (PPP) projects in India? Give arguments.

14. In a welfare state, the role of bureaucracy is crucial in service delivery. What are the issues that lead to faulty implementation? Also, suggest measures to ensure effective implementation.

15. The 360-degree appraisal system introduced to replace the ACR/APAR seems to have created widespread resentment among Government servants. Discuss its working and major issues in the light of parliamentary standing committee report.

16. "There exists a dichotomy between the need for transparency and accountability and protecting honest civil servants from undue harassment." Discuss what can be done towards solving this dichotomy.

17. Elucidate the scope of Article 32 in context with the Public Interests Litigations (PILs) in India.

18. "Via the strategy of Public Interest Litigations (PILs), the Supreme Court has been able to remove all constitutional restraints on its powers. The relief to weaker segments of the society is only the by-product of this strategy." To what extent do you agree with this view? Give reasoned opinion.

19. While keeping in focus the 2014 amendment of Clause 49 of the listing agreement by SEBI, critically examine the trend of political appointments as independent directors in PSUs in India.

20. How "organizational conflict" and "institutional conflict" are different from each other? Discuss keeping public service in focus.

GS-II: Social Justice

1. Effective control over arms and ammunitions is very important for safety and security in the country. In this context discuss the provisions of the Arms (Amendment) Bill, 2019.

2. Time and again demands have been made for a law to combat lynching. Discuss why the law alone will not be a panacea.

3. Despite its transformative potential the mid-day meal is perceived as charity and not a civic responsibility. Comment.

4. Highlight the need for regulation and the significance of drugs sold by online pharmacies.

5. Issues Around Regulation of Medical Devices Industry in India

6. Is India Overusing Antibiotics?

7. What are the features of the recently approved Gujarat Control of Terrorism and Organised Crime (GCTOC) Bill, 2019 ? How is it different from from The Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA), 1999 on which it is based ?

8. Highlight the structural flaws in India’s higher education system which is affecting the innovation and human capital of the country and is cheating the largest demography of its potential.

9. In the backdrop of fee protest hike in JNU, critically analyse the state of Higher Education in India.

10. What are the new components in the Crime in India Report 2017?

11. Discuss the provisions of The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill, 2019.

12. While proactive steps are being taken to protect healthcare professionals it is necessary empower patients against exploitation from healthcare establishments. Discuss

13. India has become the diabetes capital of the world, explain how bad is the situation and how India has reached this point.

14. The Antibiotic revolution started in 1928 has revolutionized the world, describe how antimicrobial resistance threatens to reverse all this progress.

15. Addressing the trust gap and income inequality which exists in organ donation and organ transplantation is crucial for organ donation. Comment.

16. With 2.3 million children not vaccinated against measles last year, Governments need to do more to increase public awareness of the vaccine’s importance. Comment.

17. With a spate of suicides by contractual workers working for BSNL/MTNL, describe the situation of contract workers in India.

18. Fight against AIDS: Need of Renewed Political Commitment, Finance and Engagement

19. Discuss the provisions of the Citizenship (amendment) bill which has recently been passed in the parliament.

20. The data in the NCRB crime report doesn’t potray a correct picture about the crime scenarios. Discuss

GS-II: International Relations

1. Do you think that the recent tensions between India and US are fuelled by Indian policy of multi-alignment and national-populism in both the countries?

2. Why do you think is there a need for defending multilateralism in India?

3. What is the concept of “Thucydides Trap”? Discuss the causes and consequences of the current conditions of trade wars.

4. What is UNSC? What will be the impact if India get a permanent membership to the UNSC?

5. Do you think that the shift in focus of India from SAARC to BIMSTEC is due to inability of SAARC to foster regional cooperation? Comment.

6. How the world is viewing the missile test of North Korea?

7. Enumerate the challenges India is facing in Middle East. How these challenges can be tackled?

8. What is the possibility of success of a change of stance of the Trump Presidency over the growing tensions with Iran in the region?

9. Explain the Chagos Islands dispute giving reference to the International Court of Justice viewpoint on same.

10. What is the Seesaw theory in International Relations in context with China and Taiwan?

11. What is a Bilateral Investment Treaty? Critically analyze their effects on Indian economy.

12. What are your views on Trump's immigration policy for Indians?

13. India Is Driving Today’s International Science And Tech Collaborations

14. Evaluate the origin and significance of the Quad. How Quad strategy is different from other multilaterals?

15. Bhutan asserted that China should maintain status quo on Doklam. Discuss the recent Doklam issue. Why China is so much interested in the region?

16. What are the implications of the US withdrawal from talks with Afghanistan?

17. What is the significance of the G20? Discuss the recent decisions taken by the group to change the tax codes.

18. The term �Indo-Pacific� has incited mixed response in the strategic community of India. Do you think that the coining of the term was a US strategy to redefine the geo-politics of the region. Comment.

19. South Asian countries need deeper regional cooperation. Enumerate the present concerns for India and neighbouring countries along with ways to tackle these challenges.

20. The idea of Indo-Pacific endures and is gaining ground. What outlook do you think will lead to the agreement between ASEAN and India on Indo-Pacific?

GS-III: Economy & Economic Development

1. From 1990s onwards, the share of farm exports in India's total exports has gone down gradually. Analyze the reasons for the same

2. In most of the five year plan, India missed the growth targets in agriculture. Analyze the key reasons for the low agricultural growth in the country.

3. Critically discuss the existing imbalance in the cropping pattern of food grains in India.

4. "Distribution of livestock wealth is more egalitarian, compared to land in India". Explain.

5. "Cropping pattern is a dynamic concept". Discuss

6. "Rice-wheat cropping pattern is cornerstone of India's food security". Discuss critically.

7. "Inland aquaculture holds the key to the blue revolution in the country."Discuss critically.

8. There has been a long pending demand for the complete decontrol of sugar industry. But successive central governments have hesitated to decontrol sugar. Discuss the issue and government policy stance on the same.

9. "Although Green revolution led to increased production and economic betterment of the well to do farmers, but at several fronts, our political and institutional dispensation failed miserably." Discuss critically.

10. Do you agree with the view that the technological changes in the agriculture have aggravated regional inequalities? Substantiate your answer.

11. "Kangra Tea Industry had a golden history but today it is struggling to survive."Discuss throwing light on the measures taken to protect Kangra Tea.

12. "In recent times Nepal's Tea is not only affecting the exports prospects of Darjeeling Tea, but also have in filtered into India's domestic market."Examine the issue.

13. Before 1980s, Soybean was not a significant crop in terms of production and is in India. However, today Soybean has become a major export earner. What are the key factors that underpin this exceptional growth? Examine.

14. What are the major problems of India's Dairy sector? Do you agree that unorganized dairy sector is reaping the benefits of favorable consumption dynamics"? Opine.

15. Critically examine the trend of edible oil in India's international trade. To what extent the policy impetus to oilseed production in India has able to influence this trends. Discuss.

16. Discuss the national status of National Egg Coordination Committee, throwing its role in Indian poultry sector.

17. Examine the labor augmenting the labor displacing element in Green revolution.

18. Differentiate between the cropping pattern and cropping system. Examine the key factors that affect Cropping patterns.

19. Discuss the trends, scope and challenges of India's Tea exports.

20. Explain the terms, subsistence farming, commercial farming, Extensive farming, Intensive farming, Plantation farming and Mixed farming.

21. Several Rice verities organically grown in water logged coastal regions of Kerala have been provided protection under the Geographical Indications. Discuss with examples.

22. "Traditionally, the output of marine fisheries used to be higher than that of inland fisheries. However, since 1991, India's Inland fish production has increased gradually."Examine

23. The answer to alarming import dependency in edible oil lies in Oil Palm. Discuss citing major constraints to palm oil production in India.

24. What do you understand by Relay Cropping? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages vis-à-vis other cropping patterns.

25. Critically examine the role of Livestock in farming economy of India. Do you agree with the view that in recent times, there has been a structural shift in agriculture sector due to Livestock rearing? Substantiate your stand.

26. Discuss the income elasticity of demand and consumption pattern in terms of animal products in India.

27. What do you understand by sustainable sugar Initiative (SSI)? Discuss its main principles and methods?

28. In recent years pulses have become the main drivers of food Price inflation in India. Why? What are the main constraints in expanding pulses production in India? Examine.

29. Enumerate the salient features of National Dairy Plan Phase-I.

30. China and India produce almost equivalent quantity of cotton, but China is a net importer of cotton; India is a net exporter. Discuss making a case if India should follow China model in its cotton sector.

31. How Green Revolution did benefits the farmers? Discuss its drawbacks.

32. It has been argued that early part of Green Revolution led to a class polarization in the rural parts of the country. Discuss critically.

33. "Due to mechanization of agricultural operations and declining farm sizes; livestock has lost their position in Indian economy."Do you agree with this view? Argue.

34. Explain the various cropping patterns with reference to rice cultivation in India.

35. Do you agree with the view that the Green Revolution strengthened the linkage between agriculture and industry? Opine.

36. Barring few pockets, the green revolution virtually bypassed the eastern region of the country despite the fact that it has fertile soil and plenty of water. Explain.

37. Objectively compare the trends in India's food grain production during pre-Green revolution and post-green revolution period.

38. Discuss the cropping pattern in terms of soybean and sugarcane in India. Justify the recent shift of sugarcane farmers to soybean in some parts of India.

39. Critically examine the key elements of Green Revolution in India, throwing lights on its impact on India's crops and cropping pattern.

40. "The Rice- Fishing Farming System can not only bring higher crop and water productivity, but has potential to answer the food security question in some areas of the country. Discuss"

GS-III: Science & Technology

1. Discuss the strategic advantages offered to India by the recently set up Data Reception and Tracking and Telemetry Station in Vietnam.

2. How the advances in Artificial Intelligence throw new challenge to the international humanitarian law? Discuss in the light of recent technological advances in defence equipment due to artificial intelligence.

3. The Cellular Association of India has recently said that – "compared to international standards, operators in India possess significantly smaller amounts of spectrum". Explain what it means by "smaller amount of spectrum". Also suggest what can be done for optimum allocation and usage of spectrum as a scarce resource. {}

4. What do you understand by the term "Neuroplasticity"? Examine its healing potential to mankind.

5. 5G technology will prove to be a game-changer for digitally empowering the nation, but there are several challenges that needs to be tackled. Critically Analyze.

6. Throw some light on the Nano-based Agri-input and food products. Highlight the opportunities and concerns associated with them.

7. With suitable examples, elucidate the role being played by and future potential of Collaborative bots (Cobots) in various sectors.

8. The 5G technology has the potential to transform India, but India needs a robust IT infrastructure and effective cyber security strategy for its wide adoption, because of risks and vulnerabilities associated with this technology. Analyse.

9. Throw some light on the potential applications of quantum technology. Also, discuss the challenges associated with this technology.

10. In recent years, ISRO has emerged as the front runner for global space agencies to collaborate to understand earth better. Analyze the challenges and steps needed for India to emerge as a global hub for space activities in this context. Can the commercial ventures make ISRO free of government support?

11. Present the SWOT analysis of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Identification Systems with respect to benefit of transfers in all government schemes. Are there any better alternatives? Discuss.

12. What do you understand by "Glacier mass balance"? While elucidating the factors that affect the Glacier mass balance, discuss its implications for geography and environment.

13. What are Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs)? Discuss their potential role in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

14. What are bots? How are they capable of transforming the shape of technology? Discuss.

15. Give an account of growth and development of nuclear science and technology in India. What is advantage of fast breeder reactor programme in India?

16. What is a "dark fibre"in terms of communication? Discuss the recent controversy pertaining to dark fibre, National Stock Exchange (NSE) and algorithm trading.

17. While giving an account of spatial pattern of 'semiconductor industry' around the world, discuss its key features that make it unique in global economy.

18. Every major advancement in technology has its own set of opportunities and challenges, same is true with robotics. Discuss this in context of India.

19. Discuss the positive and negative effects of digital revolution on young generation.

20. What are digital pills? How do they work?

GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management

1. Discuss the causes and consequences of harmful algal blooms.

2. River pollution not only impacts the marine river ecosystem but also impacts the surrounding ecosystems. Discuss. Also, explain why such pollution has not shown any signs of improvement, despite various government initiatives.

3. Compost from biodegradable can be a perfect solution for myriad no of issues related to waste management. Comment.

4. NITI Aayog Comes Out With Composite Water Management Index

5. Right to clean air is part of right to health. Does the right to clean air entail regulations on burning fire crackers on Diwali? Discuss and argue if the recent SC verdict on firecrackers is a breach of freedom of religious practices.

6. Given the nature of air pollution crisis in India, certain context-specific solutions are required to tackle it comprehensively. Discuss.

7. No city can be a smart city without a solid waste management plan. Critically analyze why the waste management policies are a failure. Also, suggest solutions for India's garbage problem.|

8. To what extent, the river inter-linkage a can be a solution for the drought problems. Critically examine.

9. The wildlife conservation efforts of the government have helped in increasing the population of the endangered fauna, yet they have failed in addressing the habitat loss. Discuss the issues arising out of this anomaly.

10. Critically examine the impact of COVID-19 towards the decline in global carbon dioxide emissions. Does it offer any strategies to control emissions in post COVID-19 era? Opine.

11. While outlining its contours, critically examine the recently unveiled new regional plan to curb human-elephant conflict in eastern and central India.

12. Throw light on the contribution of agriculture to GHG emissions. Suggest measures that can be undertaken to address the challenges in reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint in India.

13. How are coastal and Marine ecosystems impacted by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions? What are the measures that can be taken to protect and restore such vulnerable ecosystems?

14. Poaching is one of the major issues in the protection of wild animals. Discuss how can real-time monitoring of animals help in tackling poaching as well reduce instances of man-animal conflict.

15. The IUCN Red List Is Getting Longer Each Year

16. Differentiate between Eco-centrism, Biocentrism and Bio conservativism while enumerating key ethical issues around them.

17. The burning of crop residue is one of the major reason behind the sharp deterioration in air quality in north India. Suggest measure to prevent such instances.

18. Monsoon season has produced floods in the northwest and the northeast India while South India has suffered from a rainfall deficit. Examine the possible reasons and its implications for the economy.

19. Though, there are various problems associated with single use plastics, a number of challenges needs to be faced after the blanket ban, on their use is imposed. Discuss.

20. International Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

GS-III: Internal & External Security

1. Though most of insurgent groups of northeast have given up violence and are engaged in peace talks, there are several issues that can act as hurdle in the way of peace. Discuss.

2. National security guard has emerged as a world-class trained force to tackle various facets of terrorism. Discuss the mandate and achievements of this force.

3. "Displacement due to development has been one of the key reasons of loss of home, livelihood and means of survivals for tribals in India."Discuss with examples.

4. "Naxalism is the outcome of a number of various factors political and economical in nature."Discuss Critically.

5. "Naxalism is not just a law and order problem but is a result of distorted developmental planning in the tribal areas."Examine.

6. "To what extent, opening up of mining sector has been responsible for the unrest in tribals' areas in India."Critically examine with examples.

7. India has used various developmental interventions to find a resolution for several existing and protracted internal conflicts that India is plagued with since independence. But they have proved to be insufficient in tacking the issues in a reasonable time frame. Discuss.

8. Discuss the anti-Naxal strategy and measures taken in India citing various issues and challenges in the same.

9. "The problem with India is that it is located on the epicentre of terrorism and dealing with so many hostile neighbours, all at once."Discuss keeping focus on role played by neighbours in creating internal security troubles in India.

10. The Financial Action Task Force has played a very crucial in fighting with the menace of money laundering. Elaborate.

11. "Discuss the origin and key state and non-state players in the insurgency in Kashmir, while throwing light upon India's response to insurgency."

12. India is vulnerable to cyber threats and has devised various policies to secure its cyberspace. However, there are several lacunae that need to be addressed to make India safe from cyber threats. Critically examine.

13. While differentiating between Naxalism and Maoism, critically examine the ideological basis of left wing extremism in India. To what extent, the government polices help Maoists to mobilize the masses?

14. "Handling terrorism needs a multi-pronged strategy involving different stakeholders – government, political parties, civil society, security agencies, and media."Discuss critically.

15. "While the Kashmir issue is related to secession from India, the Ladakh region demanded greater integration with India."Discuss emphasising on the later.

16. Keeping in view, the complex and new forms of security threats emerging in recent times, discuss how technology is a major stakeholder in addressing the internal security challenges of India.

17. Critically assess the internal security threats from the recently created United Liberation Front of Western South East Asia (UNFLW).

18. Discuss the Rohingyas Crisis as a challenge to India's internal security. Can India remain isolated from the issue of Rohingyas? Explain while suggesting role that should be played by India to address this crisis.

19. Throw some light on the recent reforms that have been undertaken by India in strengthening its National Security Architecture.

20. Highlight the vulnerabilities in the cyber security architecture of India. Also, discuss the measures to deal with this.

GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

1. More and more recruiters are using Social media screening of the candidates during the recruitment process. In your view, is it ethical to watch the social media activity of aspirants while they apply for a job? Discuss.

2. Corruption in defence deals not only increase the cost of procurement, it also hampers the combat capabilities. Discuss the steps taken by the government to deal with corruption in defence procurement. Also comment how indigenous defence manufacturing can help in this regard.

3. What is compassion? Examine the role of compassion in your life.

4. With reference to the POCSO Act, what is the recent verdict of the Supreme Court regarding mental age? Critically discuss with your own opinion on the same.

5. To what extent consistency between one's emotions, values and behavior is important in personal and professional life? Discuss.

6. What do you understand by moral vulnerabilities? Bring out the two moral vulnerabilities recognized by you in yourself. How do you think that you can overcome these moral vulnerabilities?

7. Discuss the importance of confidentiality in professional life. What are the reasons that confidentiality is violated too often?

8. Explain Dr. B R Ambedkar's notions of civil liberty. What do you infer about Ambedkar's attitude from these notions? Discuss.

9. The very demand for a Universal Civil Code (UCC) for a composite country such as India is deeply misguided. Comment critically.

10. While we flaunt India’s demographic dividend, we ignore the dropping rates of employability. What are we missing while doing so? Where will the jobs that India desperately needs come from? Explain.

11. "From a biological being to a societal being is a long journey". What are the factors that contribute towards this successful journey?

12. An athlete participates in Olympics for personal triumph and nation’s glory; victors are showered with cash incentives by various agencies, on their return. Discuss the merit of state sponsored talent hunt and its cultivation as against the rationale of a reward mechanism as encouragement.

13. While keeping in foci the religious and national differences, discuss the challenge of developing a global ethical perspective.

14. Apart from being a commercial organization; Indian Railways is required to engage in so called Social Service Obligations. What are they and what is their importance to India? Examine.

15. Difference Between Humanistic and Religious Approaches to Ethics.

16. With suitable examples, explain the meaning of "ethics of duty". How it is different from "ethics of responsibility"?

17. The Sahayak system limits the combat capabilities of forces."" Discuss while analyzing why despite various recommendations against this system, it still continued in India.| "

18. In what ways does emotional intelligence serve as a catalyst for effective leadership, considering its application in politics, business, and social initiatives?

19. “One of the main reasons for the 2008 US subprime crisis was opaque functioning of the financial system that breeds malpractices.” Do you think that RBI’s actions and decisions should be brought completely under RTI in this context? Argue.

20. Explain the meaning and importance of the following in public services: (1) Fortitude (2) Humility (3) Altruism (4) Rectitude

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