UPSC Mains Model Questions – January, 2023

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In January 2023, we had published 299 posts.

GS-I: Indian Culture

1. While keeping in focus Kautilya's Arthashastra, examine the fort architecture of ancient India. What major changes occurred in the same after advent of Muslim conquerors? Examine.

2. Kusana period is known for rise of a new art movement with abundant dimensions and creativity. Examine.

3. Mention the distinctive features of Vesara style and discuss how it developed under the Chalukyas and the Hoysalas describing the architecture of one temple of each dynasty.

4. Write a note on the Utsava Murtis tradition and Tamalana System with reference to ancient metal sculpture in India.

5. Mauryan court-art, with all its dignified bearing, monumental appearance and civilized quality, forms but a short and isolated chapter of the history of Indian art. Discuss.

6. In what way, the sculptures at Sanchi Stupa were different from Bharhut?

7. Discuss the salient Features of the Temple Architecture of Badami Chalukyas and Western Chalukyas.

8. 'The Taj Mahal is a poem in marble, a romantic conception of heavenly beauty on earth.' Give a critical account of its architecture and picturesque setting to bring out its two aspects mentioned in the above quotation.

9. "The sculpture at Ajanta Caves despite being among the finest ever created in India, has often not given the attention it deserves."Evaluate.

10. Discuss critically the development of rock-cut architecture under the Pallavas.

11. Critically comment on the architecture of Le Corbusier with emphasis on the so called "International Style"in architecture.

12. Discuss the Tandava dance as recorded in the early Indian inscriptions.

13. Discuss the salient features of the Kalinga School of Architecture. How it is different from the Nagara style?

14. Discuss the salient features of the town planning in Indus Valley Civilization.

15. Spiritually and formally the Sunga-Kanva art was opposed to Maurya art and stood for different motive and direction. Explain.

16. Discuss the salient features of the Chola Architecture.

17. What do you understand by "Indian functionalism". Discuss with examples.

18. What are the Harappan socio-cultural elements that have continued in later India? In the light of these elements, do you think that the time has come to put the Aryan invasion theory to rest? Discuss critically.

19. Discuss the reasons and advantages of introducing the Double Dome feature in Indo-Islamic architecture.

GS-I: Modern Indian History

1. When, how and why the Home Rule Movement (HRM) originated in India? Critically discuss its significance in national struggle of India.

2. How did the movement for the liberation of women receive a great stimulus from the rise and growth of the nationalist movement in India?

3. Discuss the factors that contributed to the growth of trade union movement in India during the first quarter of 20th century. Do you agree with the view that the unprecedented growth of Indian industry during First World War resulted in rise of wages – thus contributing more power to trade union movement?

4. Post-Independence, India chose the path of state socialism, while China went communist. To what extent, this affected the course of economic development in the two countries?

5. “The Bengal famine of 1943 was a result of several malign natural and man-made factors.” Discuss.

6. What were the major points of difference between Gandhi and Jinnah during the September 1944 talks? Critically discuss the outcomes of these talks at a broader level.

7. "One of the legacies of British colonial rule in India is the secrecy regime."Discuss throwing light on various secrecy laws and factors contributing to secrecy culture in India.

8. What were Objectives and Weaknesses of Indian National Movement Till 1905?

9. Why did Gandhi launch the Salt Satyagraha in 1930 and with what results?

10. Highlight the role of capitalist class in Indian independence movement.

11. The British planted Tea not only in Assam but also in other regions as well across Himalaya and Western Ghats. Why sugar plantations seceded in limited areas. Discuss?

12. Describe the objectives of the Deoband School. How much it was different from the Aligarh school? Evaluate their role in the 19th century reform movement.

13. Discuss the aims and objects of the Khilafat Movement. To what extent was it successful?

14. Jagmohan Dalmiya is truly known as "India's Kerry Packer."Explain.

15. Outline the role of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in unifying the India in post independence period.

16. What are the goals set for India of 2022?

17. "Maoist insurgency in Nepal brought a paradigm change in the fundamental parameters of politics."Critically examine the rise of Maoists and factors behind their success in Nepal.

18. Discuss the British policy towards Nepal and Bhutan during 18th and 19th century. To what extent, this policy led Nepal and Bhutan to remain separate nations?

19. What administrative changes were introduced in India after 1858? What were the objectives of these changes?

20. How the efforts of Swami Dayanand Saraswati revolutionised Indian society?

GS-I: Modern World History

1. The presidency of George W. Bush has been described as one long disaster. How far do you think this verdict is justified?

2. Decolonization did not bring the benefits for the majority of the African people which they had hoped for. Explain why you agree or disagree with this assessment of decolonization in Africa.

3. Why was apartheid in South Africa brought to an end, and how successfully did the ANC govern the country up until 2009?

4. Explain why it was thought necessary to divide India, creating the separate state of Pakistan.

5. Assess the reasons why J. J. Rawlings was more successful as president of Ghana than Kwame Nkrumah.

6. The cold war was to have profound effects on the economic and political systems of Latin America. How far do you agree?

7. Explain why Robert Mugabe was regarded as a hero in Zimbabwe in the years 1980 to 1990, but had to face increasing opposition after 1990.

8. What is meant by the term 'North-South divide? What attempts have been made since 1980 to close the gap between North and South, and how successful have they been?

9. Explain why the newly independent states in Africa suffered so many problems and assess to what extent the problems were of their own making.

10. How far would you agree that the Belgians should bear most of the responsibility for the outbreak of civil war in the Congo in 1960 and its continuation until 1965?

11. How accurate do you think it is to describe Angola as 'a victim of the Cold War' during the years 1975 to 2002?

12. Without de Gaulle's masterly handling of the situation, the Algerian crisis would probably have plunged France into Civil war. How far would you agree with this verdict on President de Gaulle's contribution to the events leading to Algerian independence?

13. Explain why there was a 'crisis of capitalism' in the decade leading up to 2012.

14. Indian independence was not a gift from the British: it was the hard-won fruit of struggle and sacrifice. Explain whether you think this is an accurate verdict on India's progress towards independence.

15. Assess the reasons for the growth of nationalism in the European colonies after the second world war. How important was nationalism in bringing about decolonization?

16. Assess the reasons why global warming is seen as such a serious problem for the world's future. To what extent do you think it is the twenty-first century's major problem?

17. In what ways and with what motives USA was involved in the affairs of Latin America during the Second Half of the twentieth century?

18. In what ways can the Clinton administration (1993- 2001) be judged a success? Explain why in spite of his successes, Clinton was impeached towards the end of his presidency.

19. What were the problems facing the countries of Latin America at the end of the Second World War? Explain why progress in solving these problems was so slow.

20. The election of Hugo Chavez as president of Venezuela in 1998 was the beginning of a left-wing revolution that was to transform Latin America over the next decade. Explain what happened in this transformation. Do you think this statement is an accurate assessment of recent events in Latin America, or is it an exaggeration?

GS-I: Indian Society

1. The India as we see today is a result of centuries of migration. In this context, highlight the role of migration in shaping India’s socio-economic structure.

2. There are many problems that have continued to exist in India even after 75 years of independence. However, history has testified India’s resilience and it has grown stronger as a nation. Comment.

3. The impacts and effects of Globalization can be seen both in ‘Local in Global’ and ‘Global in Local’. Comment.

4. India has failed its disabled population. Critically analyze.

5. Karnataka Asks Private Sector To Reserve Blue-Collared Jobs For Kannadigas

6. India Takes Steps Towards Feminization Of Agriculture

7. The overflowing rivers and heavy rains are not the only reasons behind the issue of urban flooding; the problem is magnified due to the uninformed ways in which our cities are coping with urbanization. Elaborate. Also, mention the National Disaster Management Authority guidelines on urban floods.

8. Deep-rooted traditions and customs have loosened up their hold with the emergence of globalization. Critically analyze in the context of India.

9. India has the highest number of endangered languages in the world as per the UNESCO. Discuss the factors that have endangered the native languages. Also highlight the steps taken for their protection and conservation.

10. The reasons for continued lack of participation of women in Politics is deeply rooted into the past and traditional belief system. Analyse in context of India.

11. Among informal sectors, domestic servants are a unique group in India. They are ubiquitous but remains invisible. Highlight the challenges faced by them and factors responsible for these challenges, also suggest remedial measures.

12. India is becoming increasingly urban, but simultaneously the number of the urban poor is also increasing. Discuss the problems that the urban poor face. Also, discuss the measures that can be taken to face this challenge.

13. The Discussion of Women’s reservation should occupy the mainstream to challenge patriarchy and deal with the society. Comment.

14. Looking at all poverty from the rural perspective and applying rural solutions to urban conditions will not yield results. Discuss the statement in context of differences between urban and rural poverty in India.

15. Comment on the significance of the Government’s decision to review the application of creamy layer principle on Scheduled Castes and Tribes in government jobs.

16. Recent reports and National Family health Surveys have signaled a monumental shift in Indian demographics. Highlighting this shift, Discuss the challenges that it will pose. Also, suggest remedial measures.

17. The 103rd constitutional amendment act has been hailed as an important step towards meeting the objectives of social justice in India. Critically examine its relevance.

18. What are Peri-urban areas? Highlight the problems of Peri-urban areas in India and also suggest corrective measures.

19. Throw some light on the concept of gender budgeting and mention reasons behind its poor status in India. Also, suggest measures to address these issues.

20. Both Caste and Race are manifestations of a closed system of stratification, but there are important differences between the two. Explain.

GS-I: World Geography

1. Give an account of the major Iron Ore producing regions / countries of the world.

2. Account for the spatial pattern of the Manganese ore distribution in World and India.

3. Enumerate the location distribution and factors responsible for location of Engineering industry in India.

4. “In last few years, the Global oil prices have fallen sharply.” Examine the reasons and its implications for oil producers, consumers and environment.

5. Examine the factors responsible for the location of sugar industry around the world.

6. Differentiate between raw material oriented industries and market-oriented industries with suitable examples.

7. Elucidate the locational aspects of cotton textile industry around the World.

8. Discuss the locational aspects of silk textile industry around the world.

9. Account for the spatial pattern of the Zinc around the world.

10. Critically assess the implications of China’s coal peak over coal industry in the world.

11. Explain how Government Policy functions as a factor deciding location of  industries. 

12. What do you understand by Blood Diamonds? Critically examine the performance of Kimberley Process in limiting the number of conflict diamonds entering the market.

13. Explain the concept of Geographical Inertia with respect to location of Industries.

14. Give an account of the major coal mining regions around the world.

15. Account for the spatial pattern of the Copper ore in the World. 

16. Discuss the locational aspects of Natural Gas production around the World. 

17. Examine the factors responsible for the location of Jute industry around the World.

18. Account for the spatial pattern of the Aluminum ore in the World.

19. Explain the spatial pattern of the Tin around the world.

20. Examine the location distribution and factors responsible for such distribution of Engineering Goods industry around the world.

GS-II: Constitution of India & Polity

1. Examine the key provisions of Electoral Bond Scheme. To what extent is it committed to maintain transparency in political funding? Argue. []

2. Explain "Dispute Resolution". What factors impede citizens from going to lawyers & police for their dispute resolution? How it impacts on the Indian economy and global perception about the country?

3. Do you agree with the statement that the scope of judicial review in India is much broader than that of what exists in US? Critically discuss comparing the judicial review in these two countries.

4. The listing of 'Public Order' in the state list under seventh schedule of the constitution denies the parliament / central government any legislative / policy-making role in matters relating to Public Order. Since many public order situations are now having national security ramifications, there is a view that "public order" should be brought under concurrent list. Do you concur with this view? Discuss while analyzing the possible implications of such move on federal structure and stating if this can be done without diluting the federal nature of our polity.

5. While elucidating the Seven Directives by Supreme Court (2006), critically examine why these directives have not been complied with in letter and spirit by any state in the country?

6. In India, the speaker contests election for a seat in parliament on a party ticket and yet is expected to conduct in a non-partisan manner. Has this paradox affected the credibility of speaker's office? Discuss while comparing office of speaker of India with similar offices in UK and United States.

7. Farm loan waiver is one of the most populist poll plank in India for political parties because they bring millions of votes to their kitty. However, the cost of such waivers is so huge that it forces the government to cut the social sector spending. Elucidate.

8. Discuss the constitutional provisions that ensure non-discrimination against any State by the Centre.

9. Enumerate the major flaws and possible solution of the anti-defection law. Why it is said that this law fails to safeguard a party member if his or her party president becomes a dictator? Discuss in the light of recent examples.

10. Explain the composition of the GST Council while elucidating recent decisions taken towards making GST more refined. Do you agree with the view that the committee system in GST council (much like parliament) will help towards its better functioning?

11. Explain the constitutional provision of "ordinarily resident"for voting while critically analyzing the the arguments against allowing proxy voting for NRIs.

12. What is the mandate of Article 312 in the constitution with respect to delegated legislation? Discuss while highlighting what system is in place in India for scrutinizing the delegated legislation.

13. While putting emphasis on contrasting political ideas of Mahatma Gandhi and B R Ambedkar's on Panchayati Raj Institutions, critically discuss why the Gandhian concept of "village republics" could not find a place in original constitution.

14. To what extent, the functions of Inter-state Council, Zonal Councils and NITI Aayog overlap with each other? In what areas? Explain.

15. Explain the grounds and process of removal of judges of higher judiciary in India. Do you agree with the view that this process is too cumbersome to really remove improper judges from office? Critically discuss.

16. Discuss the key landmarks related to fundamental rights from 1928 Nehru Report onward till recent times.

17. Why the registered by unrecognized political parties in India are sometimes called "tax havens"? What has been done so far to tackle the uncontrolled growth of such parties? What more needs to be done?

18. Are there any rights guaranteed by Indian Constitution as absolute fundamental rights? Argue while emphasizing upon the Right to privacy.

19. Explain how party symbols are allotted to political parties in India. Discuss in the light of recent examples, how election commission decides on party symbol disputes?

20. What are the matters with respect to which a Bill needs a prior consent of the President before it is introduced in Parliament? Explain.

GS-II: Governance

1. The strengthening of the role of the Independent Directors in the Companies Act, 2013 is a true example of true legislative consensus. Comment.

2. Do you think defence reforms should be a priority for the Indian government?

3. Journalism is neither silence nor noise but a credible voice. Comment

4. What are the restrictions RBI has placed on the PMC Bank?

5. "Article 44 in the Constitution of India is mere symbolism and country has not been able to go beyond rhetoric in implementation of this article."Amplify.

6. While highlighting the need to regulate the private detectives, mention the provisions of proposed Private Detective Agencies (Regulation) Bill.

7. To what extent, Right to Information has been able to enable the transition of country from the secrecy regime of the colonial era to a more modern and democratic transparency regime of today. Examine Critically.

8. Discuss the composition and functions of National Anti-profiteering Authority (NAA).

9. How the Sex Sorted Semen scheme of Uttar Pradesh aims to address the menace of stray bulls?

10. Evaluate the efficacy of the newly launched electronic assessment scheme in easing the process of tax filing?

11. Critically discuss the efficacy of existing mechanisms to handle torture cases in Indian policing and suggest reforms to mitigate such human rights abuses.

12. Why air links have shrunk in recent times from the north-eastern regions of India?

13. What are the exemptions under RTI Act? How do these exemptions impact the citizen's fundamental right to information?

14. What are the proposed amendments to the Whistle Blowers Act? Do they defeat the very purpose of the legislation? Discuss critically.

15. What are the methods used by the Farmers organizations to influence the policy- makers in India and how effective are these methods?

16. The government should use the cess proceeds and publish an annual account of how they have been spent. Examine.

17. Analyse the concerns regarding Public procurement and steps taken by the Government to improve the system of procurement.

18. How the Mo Sarkar provides for enhancing the accountability of governance?

19. How India can ensure the outcomes of Swacch Bharat Mission remain sustainable?

20. Why it is said that there is under reporting of crimes in India?

GS-II: Social Justice

1. Why bringing ministries of Agriculture, rural development and Panchayati Raj under a single minister is seen as a welcome move?

2. Critically analyze the success and failures of MGNREGA while keeping in foci various aspects of rural development.

3. How Can MUDRA Bank Make a Difference to the Indian Economy? Examine giving substantial arguments.

4. To what extent, the recent Supreme Court Judgement upon Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act tries to remove gender inequality perpetuated by this law? Examine.

5. “There have been different concerns of various sections of the society with reference to the Food Security Act.”Examine.

6. What are the new parameters designed by the NITI Aayog to quantify the social progress of Indian States?

7. What are the positive and negative impacts of social networking on high school and college students in India? In the light of these pros and cons, do you think it is necessary to develop certain regulations? Opine.

8. What are the key findings of 'India State Level Disease Burden' report?

9. "Though India has not been able to set up campuses of Foreign Universities here; the GIAN initiative seems to be a turning point in higher education."Discuss.

10. Why Swachh Bharat Mission has failed to realise its objectives in true sense?

11. What are reasons behind the disproportionate death of girl children in India?

12. Discuss the short term and long term initiatives launched by government of India towards skill development. Why some express concerns that these initiatives are creating skills for those sectors where jobs are not being created? How such concerns should be addressed?

13. What do you understand by the so called "human-first" or "Controlled Human Infection Model (CHIM)" approach in vaccine development? How it can make a difference in the efforts to tackle the menace of vector-borne diseases? Discuss.

14. Discuss the steps taken by Central Government to reduce the incidents of human trafficking, especially of children and women in India.

15. "The success of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is doubtful until toilet building is not accompanied by Behavioural change in the masses."What do you understand by this statement? Examine the need and ways to achieve this behavioural change.

16. Examine the relevance of key new criteria for identification of rural Urban poor as per Bibek Debroy Committee for implementation of the Socio Economic Survey. {This question had a mistake in original test paper, the word rural is to be replaced by urban.}

17. "Serious concerns have been raised regarding various provisions of Human DNA Profiling Bill ranging from its reliability to its potential for misuse and errors."Discuss.

18. Discuss the key roles and responsibilities of MUDRA Bank throwing light on three-pronged classification of the borrowers. Do you see any conflict in its roles versus responsibilities. Discuss?

19. In comparison to the simple and less ambitious eight MDGs, the SGDs are a mammoth list of goals and targets. Discuss critically.

20. Discuss how the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) provisions promote the transparency, accountability and protection of home buyer interests.

GS-II: International Relations

1. Examine the economic contours and associated problems with ASEAN-India relationship.

2. Elucidate the structure and mandate of International Court of Justice.

3. While taking examples of "Bali Jatra" and "celebration of Ramayana", discuss India's historical and cultural ties with countries in Southeast and East Asia. [Context: 2017 marked 25th anniversary of establishment of the ASEAN-India Dialogue Partnership]

4. Do the initial scepticism about AIIB hold true now as well? How has been its performance so far?

5. Analyze the nature and prospects of India's Look West Policy.

6. Though India has shed its inhibitions in publicly engaging Israel, it has not abandoned its support for the Palestinian cause and the two-state solution. Analyze.

7. Examine the challenges posed by China's Belt and Road initiative for India.

8. "India has lagged far behind China in its engagement in Africa."Do you agree with this view? Give arguments while drawing a comparison between their engagements in Africa.

9. Discuss the importance of security and connectivity towards a successful Act East Policy. Do you agree with the view the Government of India has made these two aspects as two key pillars of its Act East Policy?

10. What are the objectives of the Bretton Woods Institutions? Discuss why there are vociferous demands for reforms in them.

11. What are the respective obligations of the partner countries taking membership of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Wassennar Arrangement and Australia Group? Explain while commenting on significance of India's partnership in these regimes.

12. Unlike grants or concessionary loans offered by World Bank, China provides project-related loans at market-based rates and collateralized by strategically important natural assets. How this has affected the debtor countries? Discuss taking examples of Hambantota and Mombasa.

13. Discuss the provisions of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963 in the light of recent events. []

14. Critically discuss the India-Russia engagement in Hydrocarbon sector keeping in view the challenges posed by current global geopolitics.

15. What could be the ramifications of failure of Iran Nuclear deal on India's interests? Analyze.

16. The current thinking in the West of a Shia arc of influence seems to be exaggerated. Discuss.

17. What are the reasons for recent unrest in Iran? How these protests are different from those during "Green Movement"? Discuss.

18. An effective and robust cooperation between India and ASEAN will aid in realizing the dream of 21st century Asia. Elucidate the significance of ASEAN for India from economic, geo-political and security perspectives.

19. What is the significance of Gulf region for India, particularly for energy and security related concerns? Discuss.

20. "As India aims to transform itself as a global power in 21st century, due attention must be diverted towards Latin America."Critically examine.

GS-III: Economy & Economic Development

1. It is very rare that in recent times, India's Nominal GDP is lower than Real GDP. While throwing light on reasons of the same, discuss how it affects producers, consumers and economy as a whole.

2. Neither private sector, nor government alone can bring in inclusive growth in the country. There is a need for a new model of cooperation between public and private sector. Discuss.

3. The question of changing financial year in India {from April-March to January-December} has been considered several times in the past. What are pros and cons of this particular reform on Government Budgeting? Discuss explaining why governments so far did not favour any change in financial year.

4. Examine various ways in which harnessing the solar power can help in increasing the real income of farmers in the country. What are the various difficulties and challenges that need to be overcome towards this? Discuss.

5. "Economic Development must bring some notable changes in the structural, institutional and technical set up."Throw light.

6. Investment in health and education are the principal sources of human capital formation. Critically evaluate.

7. Discuss the Vijay Kelkar Committee on Revisiting and Revitalising the PPP model.

8. “Economists in India have put forward the reasons for and against the question of whether India is over-populated.” Discuss presenting your view.

9. India has surpassed Britain to become the 6th largest economy of the World ? Compare the fundamentals and strength of the economic system of both countries and list down India's advantages and disadvantages vis a vis Britain.

10. What do you mean by 'disguised unemployment'? Do you think that it can be used as a source of capital formation? Examine its limitations.

11. What are the various commodities in India for which government maintains buffer stocks? Elucidate while analyzing the pros and cons for a cotton buffer stock in the country.

12. Planning Commission outlived its original objectives and its credibility has rapidly lost. Discuss the various reasons that led to demise of this body.

13. Critically discuss the achievements and failures of economic planning in the pre-liberalization period.

14. "Poverty and unemployment are inseparable twins". An effective anti-poverty programme should aim at solving the unemployment problem. Elucidate

15. Enumerate the problems and prospects of inland water transport in India.

16. In recent years, production of fruits and vegetables has overtaken the food grain production in India. While highlighting its growth drivers, discuss the comparative advantage enjoyed by horticulture sector vis-à-vis food grains cultivation in the country.

17. Although 2G (Second Generation) Ethanol can play a very important role in economy, employment and environment protection yet, despite of several positives, India faces numerous challenges."Critically discuss while suggesting policy actions to provide positive momentum to second generation ethanol Industry in the country.

18. Livestock rearing should be kept at the centre of poverty alleviation programmes. Analyze.

19. Economics of animal rearing can help to a great extent in doubling real incomes of farmers by 2022. However, there is a need to remove the anti-farm bias by recognizing incomes from allied sectors as farm incomes. Explain.

20. Discuss the reasons and extent of regional disparity in India. What role has been played by Finance commission to fill the gulf of regional disparity?

21. How the IPDS, DDUGJY and UDAY schemes are different from each other? Discuss their objectives in power sector of India.

22. "Despite of implementing several crop insurance schemes, farmers are yet to get enough protection from risks in farming."What are the common challenges faced in increasing crop insurance penetration in India? Discuss.

23. What factors contribute to the process of human capital formation? Explain the significance and success of educational programmes in India in the context of human capital formation.

24. With respect to the storage of the agricultural produce, there has been a long debate whether Flat warehouses are good for India or we need to modernize them by having vertical silos. Discuss the pros and cons of the both.

25. What are the implications of the recently placed Place of Effective Management (PoEM) rules on revenue and business? Critically examine.

26. To what extent the Pradhanmantri Fasal Bima Yojana has addressed the shortcomings of the previous crop insurance models? Discuss critically.

27. Start-up India is useless in the country until technical education funding is insufficient to promote innovation at the universities and centers of technology. Discuss critically.

28. Critically examine the salient features of start-up ecosystem in India while focussing on recent government initiatives in this direction.

29. Do you agree with the view that "Dewas model"in irrigation should be replicated across the country. Discuss while highlighting features of this model.

30. How start-up India is different from Stand up India? Discuss the salient features of these initiatives.

31. The ordinance to amend the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 to enable cheque and e-payment has the altruistic objective of removing ill effects of demonetization on low wage workers, but any such efforts are missing for the persons employed in the unorganized sector. Do you agree with this statement? Also discuss the viability and consistency of above amendment through ordinance route in light of the almost washed out Winter Session of the Parliament?

32. What are different factors and routes of emergence of Start-up firms? Discuss in the light of evolution of start-ups in India.

33. "Malnutrition in India is declining faster than before, but the improvement is not fast enough to meet global targets."Discuss in the light of recently released reports.

34. Crop insurance schemes have divided India into two parts viz. the states with under-penetration and the states with high penetration. While elucidating the reasons for this divide, critically examine its implications.

35. Discuss the role played by various technologies towards improvement of Public Distribution System (PDS) in the country.

36. What do you understand by Employment Elasticity? Discuss the trends in India in different sectors over there recent years.

37. To what extent, the JAM TRINITY can help India to make a suitable, efficient and transparent Subsidy Delivery System? Examine.

38. True entrepreneurs don't need government support. Discuss critically.

39. From time to time, several capital infusion efforts have been launched to revive the ailing Discoms in India. How Uday Scheme is different from previous capital infusion efforts? Do you think that this scheme can put undue pressure on states' finances? Discuss.

40. Differentiate between Insolvency and Bankruptcy. Discuss the changes proposed in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2015 and its expected outcomes.

GS-III: Science & Technology

1. In the context of rapidly evolving technological landscapes and increasing internet user bases, how can governments ensure that the transition into digital democracies does not compromise the fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly about privacy and access to information? Examine.

2. What are your views about the Zero Waste Chennai initiative?

3. In your opinion were the concerns raised against the NAMO TV valid?

4. What are stem cells? Why have they been in the news recently? Discuss.

5. The use of drones for attack and illegal purposes has increased rapidly in past few years by both state and non-state actors. In the light of such security threats, discuss the challenges and capabilities of India to deal with them.

6. Studies have recently discovered the presence of Zearalenone in Indian cereals. What could be the possible health repercussions of the same?

7. Highlighting the differences between Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web, discuss the concerns associated with Dark Web. Also, discuss the steps taken by India in this regard.

8. Write a brief note on Carbon capture and storage. Mention its potential benefits and discuss the challenges that need to be addressed for its wide-scale deployment in India.

9. Determine the utility of Direct To Home in broadcasting system.

10. Can the new technologies such as blockchain be used for giving land titles to the poor? Discuss the potential of Blockchain towards better land governance and land reforms in India.

11. What are your views about the recently announced plans by India to establish a space station?

12. The increasing use of Artificial technology to imitate the voices of people and also manipulate the appearance also rise doubts about its potential mis-use. Comment.

13. Discuss the significance of GSLV in space research.

14. What is a cryogenic engine? Discuss its significance in India’s space programme.

15. Enumerate types of clean coal technologies and the challenges associated with their adoption.

16. Do you think Chandrayaan-2 mission will offer better insights than the first one?

17. China has finally laid down the Gene Editing Rules. What is the significance of the same?

18. What are artificial moon plans of China?

19. What is fibre optics? What advantages does it offer in telecommunications? Elaborate.

20. India is still far away from reducing its strategically-vulnerable dependence on foreign military hardware and software. With suitable examples, critically analyze where, to what extent and why "Make in India"initiatives have failed.

GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management

1. India is one of the highest flood prone countries around the world. While discussing the flood affected regions, discuss the structural non-structural measures for mitigation of flood related disasters.

2. Discuss the significance of Kyoto Protocol. Why is U.S.A. not signing it?

3. Discuss the nature and causes of the UTI crisis with particular reference to US-64. How does this UTI fiasco affect the investment climate in India?

4. What are the steps taken by India to counter climate change?

5. Critically discuss the potential implications of recent amendment of the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2011 towards mining for atomic minerals in coastal India.

6. There are several flaws in the wildlife conservation approach based on the premise of creating national parks, tiger reserves, wildlife sanctuaries etc. managed by the state. Discuss giving arguments.

7. What are the expectations of India from COP-24?

8. What is vermicomposting? Discuss its importance in the Indian context.

9. What do you understand by Climate Exiles? Discuss the types and current trends.

10. Climate change and over exploitation of water resources have put pressure on rivers. Discuss what remedial measures should be taken to save rivers.

11. What caused Elphinstone Road stampede? How this tragedy exposes the problems suburban railway and urban infrastructure of Mumbai?

12. What are recent CSIR attempts to develop Green Crackers?

13. What do you understand by the so called "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions"? Discuss their importance and analyze the India's stand on INDCs in recent times.

14. How the local bodies can play crucial role in dealing with the construction and demolition (C&D) wastes?

15. What is the GI tag controversy over Rasgulla / Rosogulla between West Bengal and Odisha?

16. Why Mekedatu dam project is being opposed by Tamil Nadu?

17. What are Bio-inspired plastics? How are they manufactured? Discuss their current and potential applications

18. What are mangroves and in what way are they useful to us?

19. The institutional arrangements in India for Real Time flood forecast are not only inadequate but also inefficient. To what extent, do you think the recently approved National Hydrology Project can be helpful towards this? Discuss

20. What does the Montreal Protocol deal with? Discuss its role in protecting Earth’s environment.

GS-III: Internal & External Security

1. What is Pegasus software and how it poses a threat to countries like India ?

2. What are the findings of the study “Enemy: Impact of Smuggling on Indian Economy and Employment”?

3. How the Army is undertaking waste disposal at the strategically significant Siachen?

4. Examine the geopolitical dimensions of the State-sponsored hacking / cyber attacks and their implications for Geopolitics.

5. Do you think a cyberattack is a possible retaliatory measure for the strategists who are sitting in New Delhi? Examine this in light of Indian counter operations against Pakistan.

6. What are the major flaws in India�s national security architecture that must be addressed? Discuss the solutions for formulating a national security strategy for India.

7. Critically analyse the provisions of Personal Data Protection Bill which seeks to update the currently non-existent standards for privacy and consent.

8. The Indian Air Force must lay down clear red lines for continued operational effectiveness. Comment.

9. There is a nuanced relationship between the News Ombudsman and the News Editor and an external ombudsman cannot balance it. Comment.

10. How India aims to guard teens from cyber bullying?

11. There has been an explosion of graffiti artists in the country over last decade. Do you think it has the potential to acquire an anti-establishment stance in a country like India?

12. What are the findings in report on disinformation campaigns released by the Computational Propaganda project?

13. The Prime Minister has announced creation of the office of Defence Staff but its modalities are still being worked out. How CDS will transform India’s national security scenario?

14. What is the best foot forward to plug the concerns of Indian army about faulty ammunition?

15. National interests are taking precedence over international issues like terrorism. Comment.

16. Implementation of information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects / Programmes usually suffers in terms of certain vital factors. Identify these factors, and suggest measures for their effective implementation.

17. Discuss the various reforms taken by the Indian government to strengthen Defence preparedness. What steps should be taken to further deepen the effects of these reforms?

18. Discuss the relevance and merit in the Microsoft proposed "Digital Geneva Convention" to prevent cyber warfare.

19. Do you think an arbitrary arrest for merely a social media post is a reflection of disregard for law and liberty?

20. Why there is a demand for the separate state for Barak valley?

GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

1. We are driven by our values and constrained by our norms, not only by external factors. However, not all values are on the same footing. There are primary, secondary, and even higher order values.a)Bring out two primary values of your own. b)To what extent do you think there can be value conflicts when you are serving others?

2. Consequentialist and Non-consequentialist Approaches to Ethics.

3. How dedication to public service can improve the efficiency and effectiveness in public service?

4. "Professionals who fail to acknowledge their moral vulnerabilities, their propensity to ethical misconduct, are ticking time bombs — professional tragedies waiting to happen."(a)What do you understand by moral vulnerabilities? (b)Bring out the two moral vulnerabilities recognized by you in yourself. How do you think that you can overcome these moral vulnerabilities?

5. Why is it important for civil servants to have integrity? What can be the consequences if a civil servant doesn't act with integrity?

6. 2017 Mock Test -8: GS-IV: Ethics Case Study -1

7. Elucidate the role of moral reasoning as the foundation of rationally determining the ethical course of action.

8. 2017 Mock Test 8: GS-IV: Ethics and Integrity Case Study – 5

9. To secure the national interest the decisions taken civil servants should be impartial and non-partisan. Explain.

10. Religion creates community, community creates altruism and altruism turns us away from self and towards the common good. Altruism is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious traditions.a) Is any altruistic action always at the expense of the self and is synonymous to self-negation?b) Some philosophers and scientists argue that there is no such thing as true altruism. Give your opinion on the same.

11. Kautilya's conception of 'Rajrishi' is very important for a good king and it is similar to the conception of 'philosopher king' given by Plato.a. What are the main indicators of good governance identified by Kautilya in Arthashastra?b. Why Kautilya lays great stress on appointment of Amatyas, the highest in status?

12. What do you understand by "objectivity"? Highlight its relevance for a public servant.

13. Our conscience reflects the interaction between our inner sense of responsibility, internalisation of parental or family norms and internal assessment of our personal integrity. Critically analyze this statement.

14. The lines of distinction between meta ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics are often blurry

15. "Success of democracy is based on civil society organisations and the legitimacy of political organisations."Discuss giving reference to democratic transition in Tunisia. What lessons in this context India can learn? Opine.

16. Socrates says in Euthyphro that the holy or pious is holy or pious because it is loved by the gods.a. What do you understand by this statement of Socrates?b. Do you agree with his argument? Why?

17. There are times in our professional life when we come under temptation and coercion, which might risk us to compromise our ethical commitments.(a)The public servants are vulnerable to what kind of temptations and coercion? (b)As a future civil servant, how do you prepare yourself against such temptation and coercion?

18. "Although Right to Privacy has not been mentioned explicitly in Part-III of the constitution, yet it has established itself as a fundamental right enforceable against state."Explain.

19. Should there be a legal backing to "sting operations"? Justify your stand in ethical perspective.

20. 2017 Mock Test 8 – GS-IV: Ethics Case Study – 6

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