Modi terms US visit a great success

PM Narendra Modi has termed his US visit a great success and a landmark in Indo-US relations. Modi was overwhelmed by the warmth and love he received at US. During his 5-day stay on US soils he had a very busy schedule and met many top CEOs, addressed the UN General Assembly and huge crowds at Madison Square Garden. He also participated in third Global First Citizen Festival at New York. On the final day of his visit, he had the most important meeting with President Obama where the two leaders made strategic advance in the bilateral relations.
In another major twist, the two leaders also wrote a joint editorial in the leading newspaper “The Washington Post”. It was seen as a welcome departure from the usual affairs of the bilateral meetings and relations which are seen in the world.
The trip had huge economic significance as the FDI flow has dipped in the recent years. Modi’s US trip is seen as beginning for a renewed strong partnership between the two large democracies not only politically, but also in terms of trade and security. The new energy which has been infused into the relation strengthening joint security co-operation which will comprise bilateral intelligence information sharing, combating terrorism and law enforcement co-operation. A notable emphasis will be on dealing with the threat from the rising extremism namely “Islamic State” as well as al Qaeda which lately announced its intentions of setting up a terrorist cell in South Asia and recruiting cadres from Indian sub-continent.
US-India Defense Trade and Technology Initiative in 2012 laid the ground for the rising Indian purchases of US defense equipment and more US-Indian manufacturing partnerships in form of JVs, mergers etc. to give the much needed Philip to the Indian defence industry. PM Modi showed keen interest to boost investment inflows from US multinationals into key sectors, like, energy, infrastructure, smart cities etc. PM also reiterated his commitment to invite more and more manufacturing units to carry forward his government’s main agenda of ‘Make in India’.
All in all, Modi’s charisma did cast a spell on the Americans and Indian-Americans who came in huge numbers to meet and greet their PM.



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