Mission to eliminate Sickle Cell Anaemia by 2047

Sickle Cell Anaemia affects the RBCs in the human body. When a person suffers from the disease his RBCs (usually rod-shaped) deform. Their shapes are affected. The primary function of RBC is to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. In a person with sickle cell anemia, the oxygen-carrying capacity of RBCs is affected. The disease creates adverse effects if left untreated. During the Union budget 2023, the Government of India launched the Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission. Under the Mission, the GoI is planning to eliminate the disease by 2047.

Mission to eliminate Sickle Cell Anaemia

  • Objective: Eliminate completely by 2047
  • Create awareness about the disease
  • The mission will screen seven crore people
  • People in the age group 0 to 40 years are to be screened
  • Tribal areas to be targeted

Major Challenge of the mission: Consanguineous marriage

When both the boy and the girl in marriage have sickle cell traits, it is called consanguineous marriage. In such marriages, there are 25% chance that their babies will have sickle cell anemia. This is a challenge in India avoiding Consanguineous marriages is very difficult.

Sickle cells are those cells that form a C – shape, just like the shape of a sickle. They deform themselves.



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