Mission Antyodaya Survey 2022-23

The Antyodaya mission was launched to aid people in rural areas. It aims to eliminate poverty. The Ministry of rural development recently launched Mission Antyodaya Survey 2022-23. The survey is to be conducted in two lakh sixty-nine thousand gram panchayats in the country. It is to be conducted using questionnaires. Around 21 areas will be covered. 183 indicators have been chosen to cover 21 areas. The areas covered in the survey include fisheries, agriculture, fuel and fodder, good governance, roads, communication, etc. The questionnaires are to be prepared in 13 languages.

Mission Antyodaya

It was launched during the budget 2017-18. The main objective of the mission is to bring optimum use of natural resources in rural areas. The purpose is to aid the panchayats in creating their development plan. Apart from these objectives, the mission also has to fulfil the objective of conducting the annual survey. This is done to monitor the development processes. With the report from the survey, the mission will plan and improve its service delivery.

The mission also encourages the gram panchayats to develop partnerships with institutions and organizations to help them in their development. Of all the industries, the food processing sector has a good chance to build partnerships with the gram panchayats.



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