Microbes from Earth could survive on Mars- says a study

Recently, a study was published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology that some microbes that are found on Earth might temporarily survive on the Mars.


  • This study is significant for the success of future MARS missions.
  • The endurance of the microorganisms was tested by the researchers from NASA and German Aerospace Center.
  • It was tested by launching them into stratosphere which represents some the key conditions of the Red Planet.
  • New way to expose bacteria and fungi on Mars-like conditions has been tested by using a scientific balloon to carry the experimental equipment up to stratosphere.
  • During the trip it was found that, some microbes particularly the spores from black mold fungus, were able to survive even when they were exposed to high ultraviolet radiation.

Key Facts about Mars

  • It is the second-smallest planet in the solar system. The planet carries the name of Roman god of war.
  • It is also called as the Red Planet because of presence of iron oxide on Mars’s surface. Iron Oxide provides reddish appearance.
  • It has a thin atmosphere. Some of the surface features resembles the impact craters of Moon, and deserts, valleys, & polar ice caps of Earth.
  • Days and seasons are similar to Earth because its rotational period and tilt of the rotational axis are similar to that of Earth.
  • It is also a site of Olympus Mons. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano and highest known mountain on any planet.
  • It is also the home to Valles Marineris which is the largest canyons in Solar System.
  • It has two moons named Phobos and Deimos.
  • Mariner 4 was the first spacecraft launched by NASA in 1964 to MARS.


This layer lies in between the troposphere and mesosphere. It is the stratified (layered) in temperature. The warmer layers are at height while the cooler layers close to Earth. Ozone Layer is also a part of this layer of atmosphere.


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