Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a flagship programme of Government of India implemented by Ministry of Rural Development w.e.f 02.02.2006. The main objective of the programme is to provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the rural households by ensuring a legal right for atleast 100 days of unskilled wage employment to willing adult members.

Implemented initially in 200 most backward districts of the country, this programme was later extended in two phases to cover the entire country.

MGNREGA envisages creation of durable and productive assets which would contribute greatly to the economic and ecological development of the rural areas. The objective of asset creation also takes into account local needs and priorities and calls for community participation and departmental convergence at the worksite.

Special emphasis has been laid on backward districts which are covered under

Government of India Integrated Action Plan (IAP). To ensure timely wage payment to the MGNREGA workers in such IAP districts, cash payments have been allowed in areas where the outreach of Banks/Post offices is inadequate. Construction of playgrounds and anganwadi Centre under MGNREGA have been notified as one of the permissible activities to be taken up under MGNREGA. Aadhaar enabled payment of wages is being piloted in 46 rural districts out of the 51 taken up by the Government for Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT).


  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Fund is partially financed through National Investment Fund. 
  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is fully financed through National Employment Guarantee Fund

1 Comment


    July 29, 2015 at 2:10 pm

    provide me many more information


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