
Metaverse is the term used to describe the future iteration of the internet. It is made of persistent 3D virtual spaces. These spaces are linked to the virtual universe. In simple terms, it is the digital reality that combines online gaming, social media, crypto currencies and virtual reality. Like UNIVERSE refers to expanding sky, METAVERSE refers to expanding internet and its technology. The Tron Legacy movie is based on metaverse.

Elements of Metaverse

The elements of metaverse include cryptocurrencies, video-conferencing, email, games such as Minecraft or roblox, social media and live streaming. It also includes future mobile network, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chain, artificial intelligence, computer vision. It also includes social acceptability privacy, security, content creation, and accountability.


The metaverse is a combination of technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality. Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment. It includes scenes and objects that look to be real. This environment is perceived using a helmet or virtual reality headset. Augmented reality is an interactive experience. They are used across sensory modalities that includes auditory, visual and olfactory. They are widely used in smartphones.

Renaming of Facebook

In October 2021, Facebook announced that the company is to rebrand itself. With the renaming, the company is to focus mainly on metaverse. It has 50 million USD plans on metaverse. This will create 10,000 jobs in Europe.

When was the term “Metaverse” first used?

It was first used in a science fiction novel written by Neal Stephenson. The novel was published in 1992. The name of the novel is “Snow Crash”.

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