Mental State of the World Report

The third annual mental state of the world report was released recently by a non-profit called Sapien Labs. The report is based on the survey of over 4 lakh participants across 64 countries.

What does the report say?

According to this report, the COVID-19 pandemic has detrimental effects on mental health and interpersonal relationships. The report’s mental health quotient found that, on a 300-point scale, the score of mental health fell by 33 points on average over the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. This decline is yet to improve. It found that mental health challenges are more likely among young adults. Individuals between ages 18 and 24 have lower “social self”, which measures how an individual perceives themselves and their ability to maintain a meaningful relationship. Compared to those aged 75 years and above, young adults are less likely to have close friends. The report also noted that family relationships are declining across the world. Those with no close friendships and poor family relationships are 10x more likely to have poor mental health, according to the report.

Mental Health Quotient

The report used the Mental Health Quotient to learn about the mental health of people in different countries. The quotient was calculated based on an online survey. The participants were randomly picked from India, Spain, France, Arab countries, North Africa, Germany, and other western countries.

What did the report say about India?

In terms of deterioration in social self, India topped the list. Social self means building relationships with others, empathizing, and communicating. Indians have become very bad at building social relationships after COVID. The MHQ of India was 58.8.

Performance of the world countries

Tanzania had good mental health and topped the list with an MHQ of 93.6. Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic were in the second, third, and fourth places respectively. The score of the USA was 67.9, Australia: 54.4, Germany: 65.9, France 74.1, UK: 46.2.

The global average MHQ was 64.

The report did not include any details about China!



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