Memorable Points and GK Questions Archive 2

1.      What is the Golden Peace Dove and who was it named after?

Answer: : The Golden Peace Dove is a peace dove presented to Auroville Institute of Applied Technology (AIAT) by its German partner institute Kaufmannische Lehranstalten Bremerhaven. It was named after Sri Aurobindo.

2.      Where were a large number of ancient Geoglyphs found recently?

Answer: : A large number of ancient Geoglyphs were found in the Amazon Rain Forests.

3.      Which country has the biggest newspaper market in the world?

Answer: : India has the biggest newspaper market in the world.

4.      What is the percentage of India’s land area covered by forests?

Answer: : According to the State of the Forests report, 21.02% of India’s land area is covered by forests, and adding the tree cover makes it 23.84%.

5.      What are All Time Educating Machines (ATEMs) and where were they introduced?

Answer: : All Time Educating Machines (ATEMs) are multimedia-based touch screen machines introduced by IGNOU for distant learners in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

6.      What is the Catch Certificates Dogma?

Answer: : The Catch Certificates Dogma is a validation procedure for fish exports to European Union countries.

7.      What are Offshore Derivative Instruments (ODIs) and how are they regulated in India?

Answer: : Offshore Derivative Instruments (ODIs) are investment vehicles used by overseas investors to park funds in Indian equities and derivatives. They are regulated by SEBI in India.

8.      In the Climate Risk Index 2010, which country was ranked as the 7th worst-hit country?

Answer: : India was ranked as the 7th worst-hit country in the Climate Risk Index 2010.

9.      Who are the principal stakeholders in agricultural water management issues and initiatives?

Answer: : Farmers are the principal stakeholders in agricultural water management issues and initiatives.

10.  Which company was given approval for loans worth $405 million for promoting environment-friendly urban transport projects?

Answer: : Andhra Pradesh got approval for loans worth $405 million for promoting environment-friendly urban transport projects.

11.  What is the Troubled Asset Relief Program and which bank has repaid $20 billion to the US government?

Answer: : The Troubled Asset Relief Program was a bailout program, and Citigroup has repaid $20 billion to the US government.

12.  Which company launched the world’s first hybrid bikes and scooters?

Answer: : Eko Vehicles, a Bangalore-based company, launched the world’s first hybrid bikes and scooters.

13.  Who owns India’s first mega food park and where is it located?

Answer: : India’s first mega food park is owned by Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev and is located in Haridwar.

14.  How many projects have been approved by the National CDM Authority in India and what is their investment value?

Answer: : Till January 2010, 1455 projects have been approved by National CDM Authority in India with an investment value of over $33.7 billion (Rs 1.6 lakh crore).

15.  Who was appointed to look into the Nirma Cement Project controversy?

Answer: : A five-member high-power committee under SK Shelat was appointed to look into the Nirma Cement Project controversy.

16.  How many Golden Doves were created by German artist Richard Hillinger in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights?

Answer: : As many as 30 Golden Doves were created by German artist Richard Hillinger in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

17.  What is the GEF and how much grant did it allocate to the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP)?

Answer: : The Global Environment Facility The GEF allocated a $20.5 million grant to the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP).

18.  Which three countries collectively share 60% of the world’s newspaper market?

Answer: : India, China, and Japan collectively share 60% of the world’s newspaper market.

19.  What is the percentage of India’s land area covered by forests and tree cover combined?

Answer: : India’s land area covered by forests and tree cover combined is 23.84%.

20.  Who were some of the international personalities after whom the Golden Peace Doves were named?

Answer: : Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King were some of the international personalities after whom the Golden Peace Doves were named.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    January 6, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    Thx for the information of the current topics.
    It is very helpful to me.


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