Mega Relief: First, Second and Third Order Mega Relief

There are various structures on the surface of the earth that give rise to various kinds of Landscapes. On a large scale, the landscapes of can be divided into three orders of relief called Megarelief. The Megareliefs include the largest landscapes by scale, from enormous ocean basins and continents down to local hills, spurs, cliffs, valleys, gorges and river terraces. Accordingly, there are three orders of relief as follows:

First Order of Relief

The broadest category of land forms includes huge continental platforms and ocean basins. Continental platforms are the masses of crust that exist above or near sea level, including the undersea continental shelves along the coastline. The ocean basins are entirely below the sea level. Approximately 71 percent of the earth is covered by water, with only about 29 percent of its surface appearing as continents and islands. The distribution of land and water in evidence today demonstrates a distinct water hemisphere and continental hemisphere.

Second Order of Relief

In the ocean basins, the second order of relief includes continental rises, slopes, abyssal plains, mid-ocean ridges, submarine canyons, and subduction trenches.

Continental features that are classified in the second order of relief include continental masses, mountain masses, plateaus, plains and lowlands. A few examples are the Himalayas, Alps, Rocky Mountains, Andes, Tibetan plateau, plateau of Anatolia (Turkey), Indo-Gangetic plains, Siberian lowlands and the plains of Mississippi. The great rock cores (shields) that form the heart of each continental mass arc of this order.

Third Order of Relief

The third order of relief includes individual peaks, cliffs, valleys, hills, spurs, gorges, sand dunes, caves, moraines, cirques, ripples, beaches, etc. These features are identified as local landscapes.


  1. Abhinav

    September 15, 2020 at 7:31 am

    This is the best definition ever.ever ever

  2. Al-ameen

    March 18, 2021 at 7:27 pm

    I really enjoy this definitions and understand it more because of examples


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