Mega Quiz Series for Civil Services Preliminary Examination

Dear Friends,

The UPSC Notification is out today and you all know that for last one year I have been working towards success of our readers. In my view, this and only this is the most prestigious examination of our country, which once you get thru , makes you an integral part of the government machinery and all of a sudden you find yourself among the policy makers.
This is the most powerful job at present.
Earlier, I had plans of a master test series, a paid programme. I couldn’t start this because of some problems. Commercial motives shall always be there and there is a lot of time to earn money . I know that success brings commercial success as well. I have to think commercially as I have to think about my daughters as well.
Still, the need of the hour is that I have to show the world my real worth. As an aspirant, I honestly tried for my success in this examination but I know that I committed mistakes, since I belong to such a background where there was nobody to Guide. It happens with so many people.
I have kept aside my commercial motives for some time. Of course there shall be a paid programme for 2011. But , this is the most crucial time for students appearing for Civil Services 2010 and you have 5 months in hand. So, to assist you all, I am starting Mega Quiz Series in this blog. Now onwards on every Sunday I shall be publishing a Free Mock test which shall be a difficult paper & at par with the UPSC examination.
There will be 50 questions in this test Series and they will be multiple choice and based upon complex thinking and rational decision making. I know the mood of the examiners and will try to create the best tests, which actually help all of you.
This mega quiz series is absolutely free and accessible to everybody. Those who follow will definitely get an edge over others. I plan to publish around 30 Mock tests.
To be very honest, if some of you aspirants get selected in the preliminary and mains of 2010, that will be the actual starting of my New Career.
To be honest, my equity capital in this venture is just my hardwork. I know and can forsee my future but today I am struggling as you are struggling for your career. So, if anybody voluntarily wishes to come forward for financial help, he / she is welcome to do so.
Bank PO Exams
For Upcoming Bank examinations like SBI PO which has over 1700 vacancies, I am increasing the number of Finance & Economy Awareness quizzes to 4 quizzes every week.


  1. sreedhar

    January 3, 2010 at 9:02 am

    really u r the best sir!…hats off to ur work!….i am really blessed to be a sincere and regular reader of ur blog…i am hugely benefited of ur blog… itself by reading ur blog i am feeling great difference than others in my environment…thank you again…

  2. Anonymous

    January 3, 2010 at 9:39 am

    jitni bhi tarif ki jaye , kam hai. thanx by heart

  3. Dhilip

    January 3, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    ThankYou sir,

  4. DIVYA

    January 3, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    this will be my second attempt at civil service…
    i think i realized the mistakes tat i made laSt time after i got acquainted to this site..
    I'm pretty sure tat i can make the cut at the prelims tis time….
    if i make it then i attribute almost half of the success to u and this site..
    Thank u so much for ur efforts…
    can u also mention hw do we send u financial assistance (the mode of payment).. it may be a small amount but will surely reciprocate with all tat i can wen i can stand on my own foot..

  5. Anonymous

    January 3, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Can u plz send details about how to provide financial assistance i.e. method for transfer

  6. the Y

    January 3, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    Ur committment to my cause makes me go full throttle for it…If at all there is one resource which makes me quit lookin for any other options, it is this website…
    Can keep it repeating forever: U r an inspiration, for this examination…for any examination….for life!
    U can take it for granted that all of us who will manage to get through this exam will attribute our success only to u and gktoday.
    Commercial success has to come, sooner than later.

    This is one venture which wont fail. Shouldnt fail.

    One request: U plz put ur account details at the home page. Let us pay our small token of appreciation for this mammoth project!

    – the Y

  7. Anonymous

    January 4, 2010 at 12:38 am

    Sir… I will ask you to make this venture commerical from this moment….success will follow you naturally this time….

  8. basir

    January 4, 2010 at 12:50 am

    Most respected sir,I m very proud to be a visitor of this site. Though I m nt an aspirant i want to help u financial help. Pl tel me the mode of transfer.ur work is Most commendable

  9. Anonymous

    January 4, 2010 at 7:25 am

    Dear Sir…please tell the mode of transfer…it will be our pleasure to help you in any way!

  10. Swamy 05 2010

    January 4, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    Respected Sir….I'm very thankful to you for getting all the information necessary for Civils under one place……and leave your details for we can transfer some money when we have…..make sure that the transfer mode is a bit careful because wrong account number or open posting for the data might lead to stealth of money by wrong members….

  11. Anonymous

    January 6, 2010 at 2:19 am

    ThankYou sir,


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