Mega Quiz March : Based upon Current Affairs January 2009, February 2009 & March 2009

1.What is the name of the protocol to the UNFCCC produced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and development (UNCED), known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

2.Recently Bangladesh was rocked by a mutiny in the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR). Where are the headquarters of BDR?

3.Recently , two European Governments collapsed because of the international Financial Crisis. Which ones?

4.In which state of India, the " Jalayagnam" a chief minister flagship programme to construct 74 irrigation projects is running?

5.Recently central Government approved proposal to create two elephant reserves in which Indian State?

6.Recently Loksabha passed a bill to provide further relief and minimize avoidable hardships and irreparable loss to the residents of Delhi from Sealing. What is the name of the bill?

7." Jyotigram Yojna" is a flagship programme of Gujarat Government. What is the scope of this Scheme?

8.In which state " Beti Bachao Yojna" was launched to fight gender inequality??

9." Chiranjivi Yojna " of Gujarat is related to safety of ……….?

10." Pundit Deendayal Kisan Bagwaan Samridhhi Yojna" was recently launched in which state for " Irrigation to farmers" ?

11.Recently in which state of India , Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme " has been taken up to reduce the losses of Electricity Supplier Companies?

12.Recently Planning Commission approved a plan outlay of 17322 crore , the highest ever allocation to the state by a central body. Which state?

13.Recently " Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna " was launched in which state?

14.Recently UP chief minister Mayavati allotted 900 crore rupees for making the girls self dependent under which scheme?

15.Which state government has sanctioned " Atal Behari Vajpayee Awas Yojna" for providing free houses to 10000 poor dalits?

16.Who is new ambassador of India in Washington?

17.Who was elected as President of Bangladesh Recently ?

18.Who has recently become the First Ever Muslim Director General of Police in Gujarat?

19.Recently, who became the world’s First woman to fly the MIG-35 fighter jet at Aero Indian International Air Show at Bangalore?

20.Who got the Oscar Award for " Documentary Short" ?

21.An Indian Banking Industry Executive was given Asiamoney Best Executive of the Year 2008 . Who is he?

22.What is Tropex 2009?

23.To provide the much needed boost to dwindling tiger population , government recently launched a new force in under the aegis of National Tiger Conservation Authority. What is the name of the force?

24.As per the latest report brought out by United Nations World Food Program how many people in India are undernourished??

25.Who has been appointed as the First Director General of National Investigation Agency?

26.Where are the 35th National Games are scheduled to held in May 2010 ?

27.Recently CNN IBN Best Indian Award for 2008 was given to whom? (February 2009)

28.Who was sworn in as Somalia’s New President on February 1, 2009?

29." Pappu Can’t Vote" Which State Election Commission launched this campaign?

30.FA Cup is related to which sports?

31.Who got Oscar award recently for Best Sound Mixing?

32.Recently 58 MP’s sought permission to impeach Justice Soumitra Sen of which High court?

33.The motion to impeach Justice Soumitra Sen was filed under which articles?

34.What is the difference in procedure for impeachment of Judges of Supreme Courts and High Courts?

35." Federal Investigation Agency " is a central Investigation Agency of Which Country??

36.Who is leading the women’s world Cup cricket team India?

37."Sprinter’s Cup" is related to which sports?

38.Recently Planning Commission approved how much amount for ISRO’s manned mission to be launched by 2015?

39.In January 2009, Chief Minister of an Indian State signed an agreement with several companies to provide "Solar Lanterns" in the villages where kerosene is used. Which State?

40.As per a recent notification by Union Government of India , the government will pay how much for each unit of solar power produced under the National Solar Mission to maximize solar power?

41.In the UNICEF’s flagship report , State of the World’s children (2009) released in New Delhi in January 2009 , What is India’s rank in Under-5 Death of children?

42.Recently , Planning Commission approved a scheme which aims to cover 2.42 lakh villages to have rich forest by 2012 and sanctioned Rs. 890 crore rupees for it. What is the name of this scheme?

43.As per the recent Data , what is the percentage of area covered by forests in India?

44.India recently signed nuclear deal pact with a French Firm to build nuclear power plants and supply of nuclear fuel. What is the name of company?

45.Indian navy is acquiring " Admiral Gorshkov" an aircraft carrier from Russia. What Indian name has been given to it?

46.Recently keel of the first Indigenous aircraft carrier was layed at Cochin Shipyard Ltd. When will be this ship be completed?

47.Recently parliament of a Central Asian Country voted to shut US airbase which is a foothold of America in Central Asia . Which country is this?

48.Recently Barak Obama said, " The increase was necessary to stabiles a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan , which has not received strategic attention, direction and resources it urgently requires" . What he referred to?

49.What was the number of earlier US troops in International Security Assistance Force IASF ?(as of January 12, 2009)

50.Morgan Tsvangirai was recently sworn in as prime Minister of Zimbabwe , defeating party of Rober Mugabe’s first time after 1980 independence of Zimbabwe. Which party he belongs to ?

51.Recently a new government of Iceland was sworn in as First Woman prime Minister. What is her name?

52.Recently President of Venezuela was in news for winning referendum in February 2009 to eliminate term that limits him to run again for Third Time Premiership of the country. What is his name?

53.Recently which (eighth / ninth / tenth) Delhi Sustainable Development Summit held in New Delhi in February 2009?

54.Who from India won which award for a project called " Golden Drum" recently?

55.What is the latest rank of Sania Mirza in WTA ranking ? (on Feb 23, 2009)

56.At what rate, the central Statistical Organization has estimated the India’s national income growth in 2008-09?

57.During 2007-08 manufacturing in India grew by 8.2%. What is the 2008-09 percentage growth?

58.What is the per capita income of India based upon 1999-00 prices and current prices?

59.Recently government announced third stimulus package to Indian Industry. Under this stimulus, what change has been made in the rate of service tax?

60.Recently government announced third stimulus package to Indian Industry. Under this stimulus, what change has been made in the rate of Excise Duty?

61.Which one is the UPA government’s scheme for rural infrastructure comprising six components viz. rural roads, telephone, irrigation, drinking water supply , housing and electrification.?

62.What was the quarterly growth of India’s Economy in the third quarter of 2008-09?

63.The Index of Industrial Production (IIP ) had grown 8% in December 2007. What was the figure in December 2008?

64.Under the market risk, banks may apply to RBI for graduating to more advanced method of internal models approach (IMA) by April 2010. Under what framework does this come?

65.There is only one air port in India which has been allowed to charge " Airport Development Fees" (ADF)

66.Which states gets the largest chunk of various union taxes , duties etc. ?

67.Sasan , Krishnapatnam & Tilaiya Ultra Mega Power Projects have been won by which company ?

68." Mundra " Ultra Mega Power Project is won by which company recently?

69.Among the 26 measures announced by Commerce Minister recently , to promote exports by simplifying trade schemes obligation period under the advance authorization scheme is increased from 24 months to …..?

70.How much " textile" sector accounts for India’s Total Exports?

71.Sugar Production in U.P. has fallen by 50% recently. What was the major region behind this?

72.What is measured in Million Metric Standard Cubic Meters (MMSCM )?

73.Which bank has recently started distributing Biometric Cards to the weaker sections of the society in Uttar Pradesh?

74.Which public sector bank recently completed 100% core banking system in all its 4604 branches?

75.How many new " Gharib Raths" have been introduced in recent Interim Railway Budget presented by LaluPrasad Yadav?

76.How much increase in the Freight Earnings for Year 2009-10 has been projected by Interim Railway Budget?

77.What is the operating ratio of Indian Railways in the Interim Budget 2009-10?

78.Approximately how much (percentage portion) of a rupee comes (earnings) from Goods traffic to the Indian Railways? How much from passenger traffic?

79.What is the Total expenditure for FY 2009 as per Interim Union Budget 2009?

80.What are the estimated revenue deficit and fiscal deficit of GDP in the Interim Union Budget 2009-10?

81.How much amount was allocated to NREGS in the Interim Union Budget 2009-10?

82.How much increase was provisioned in Interim Union Budget for Defense ? (in percentage)

83.The fertilizer subsidies allocated for 2009-10 were projected Rs. 49,980 crore in the Interim Budget . This is how much less or more than revised estimates for current year?

84.What are the three items include getting major subsidies in the Interim Budget?

85.How much was allocated to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the Interim Budget 2009?

86.UPA Government’s which flagship programme was allotted maximum ?

87.Haryana & Punjab have a common high court at Chandigarh. Which article gives the power to parliament to establish such common high courts?

88." Butterfly Stroke" is a term related to which sports?

89.Which country will host the 2010 Men’s Hockey World Cup?

90.Which city shall host the 2012 Olympic games?

91." Sheru" is official mascot of which Games?

92.With which game " Radha Mohan Cup " is related to ?

93.Which organization celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in January 2009?

94.Which are the three Indian cricketers recently inducted in ICC hall of Fame?

95.Who is the new chief of RAW, appointed in January 2009?

96.Who recently won the Parshvanath International Open Chess Tournament?

97.Which award has been given to " Pankaj Advani" this year?

98.Shyam Manohar was given National Sahitya Award 2008. He writes in which language?

99.Saroja Vaidyanathan is a dancer recently given Sangeet natak Academy Award 2009. What type of dance she performs?

100.Who was the runner-up in Australian Open 2009 Men’s Singles?


  1. Anonymous

    March 12, 2009 at 12:16 am

    hi just now gone through the mega quiz really very useful. you are doing very good work keep going.thank u for posting these.

  2. Anonymous

    March 12, 2009 at 6:14 am

    hi, this is for all visitors. This blog is doing so much good work . shouldn't we people support this blog …..

  3. Anonymous

    March 12, 2009 at 7:00 am

    superb work
    hats off to u

  4. Anonymous

    March 12, 2009 at 11:19 am

    thanks a lot

  5. rej

    March 12, 2009 at 10:07 pm

    really a very good work… so much useful for everybody. thanks a lot to those who are behind this, keep going

  6. sensi

    March 12, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    marvellous work… to see more mega quizzzzzes…..

  7. ajay

    March 13, 2009 at 3:04 am

    hi,this blog is incredible to help for every person

  8. Anonymous

    March 13, 2009 at 5:49 am

    mind blowing….thanks a lot…

  9. manu

    March 13, 2009 at 6:57 am

    amazing work …..never seen such a god work for students..

  10. Anonymous

    March 13, 2009 at 11:42 am


  11. Anonymous

    March 13, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    gud but tough

  12. Anonymous

    March 14, 2009 at 9:51 pm….

  13. Anonymous

    March 15, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    I like this blog very much…….

  14. Anonymous

    March 18, 2009 at 9:16 am

    This is a very good work………hats off to you and thank you very much for your efforts…

  15. sirisha

    March 21, 2009 at 1:45 am

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  17. shaina

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  19. Anonymous

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  20. Anonymous

    April 3, 2009 at 3:00 am

    Very nice quiz!keep it up

  21. Sakshi, Gwalior

    April 8, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    The quiz which are posted in this blog are from all major news magazines and newspapers and even the internet resources. What is bad vivek if the people behind this blog are aggregating all the important fact altogether at one place. This not only minimises the time of people to search for points and make note but also helps to revise the answers. Keep it up suresh ….This is only the best way of keeping making students smart.. god bless u .

  22. jency

    April 17, 2009 at 12:13 am

    Its really very useful. Thank u very much.

  23. jyoti sharma

    April 22, 2009 at 5:45 am

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  24. .................

    April 23, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    its really good … i want 2008's gk if it possible.. thx

  25. aditya

    April 30, 2009 at 10:40 pm

    thanks a lot very helpful for my entrance examinations

  26. Mayank

    May 23, 2009 at 3:50 am

    Thanks a ton sir very helpful for my entrance examinations.

  27. Anonymous

    May 31, 2009 at 1:29 am

    great work……..keep it up!!!!!

  28. Akhil

    June 4, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    Awesome work!!!! Continue doin the same..

  29. Anonymous

    July 1, 2009 at 3:22 am

    thanx a lot it is very useful 4 my exam

  30. Anonymous

    July 7, 2009 at 11:02 am

    its amazing. thanks

  31. suresh

    July 12, 2009 at 2:21 am

    sir i'm suresh kumar persuing MCA final year. Im preparing for the bank exams for the probationary officers and the clerical exams. So, i request you to send me the latest current affairs questions from january 2009 to june 2009 and also after that also to my mail-id.
    My mail-id is. [email protected]

  32. Sneh

    August 7, 2009 at 8:55 am

    Thank you so much….
    You are doing excellent job……..

  33. ashish

    August 14, 2009 at 9:04 am

    decent job dude
    keep going this way

  34. A.J.Srivatsav

    August 23, 2009 at 8:58 pm

    Thank u very much really a helpfull information. Now I have no fear for general awareness questions in Competetive Exams.

  35. Prachi

    August 26, 2009 at 8:05 am

    Excellent questions. I have started preparing for General Awareness questions solely on the basis of this site. Thanks a lot

  36. Ruchi

    November 14, 2009 at 4:15 am

    Excellent, I am preparing for my net exam this site is helping me lot. Plz include more question like reasoning. Thanks a lot

  37. Anonymous

    November 17, 2009 at 3:50 am

    Hi, d current affairs r excellent & its very useful for d people who preparin for bank exams, civil services etc,

  38. Anonymous

    November 18, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    the current affairs is outstanding .thank for the one who is the author of this blog .

  39. Rajeev Dhawan

    November 20, 2009 at 11:00 am

    Great work…By going thru this blog daily and practising GK questions available here…any student can get thru any competitive exams easily…!!!

  40. Anonymous

    April 1, 2010 at 11:25 am

    thank you very much sir for doing this marvellous service

  41. Anonymous

    April 2, 2010 at 12:28 am

    Thanks for a wonderful site people
    its very helpful


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