Mega Quiz December 2009 (First) Based Upon Current Affairs

1.Recently two of Indian music maestros A R Rahmanand Ustad Amjad Ali Khan have been nominated for Grammy awards. Ustad Amjad ali khan has been nominated for which of his work?
(A)Abba- God’s Greatest Gift to us
(B)Common Destination
(C)Ancient Sounds
(E)None of them

2.Which among the following is correct about “Dastkar” which was recently in news as it collaborates with Marie Claire magazine for Made in India Awards?
(A)It is an NGO working for welfare of Crafts people
(B)It is a magazine which publishes issues related to Indian handicrafts
(C)It is a society for crafts and Craft People
(D)It is a scheme of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
(E)None of them

3.Recently where was inaugurated country’s first arbitration centre for the speedy disposal of cases?
(B)New Delhi

4.NASSCOM has started a series of reports title as ”Opportunities for Indian IT Industry” which analyses the opportunities for IT BPO companies of India in Foreign Markets. While the earlier reports focused the China and Japan markets, the latest report which was published in November 2009 has focused on which of the following markets?
(A)European Market
(B)Far East Market
(C)Nordic Countries
(D)Latin American countries

5.Where was held the World Scrabble Championship 2009 in November 2009?

6.In how many cities the mega festival ” Bonjour India” organized by the Embassy of France in India and Culturesfrance in association with the Government of India, is being organized to boost friendship between India and France?
(A)12 Cities
(B)15 Cities
(C)20 Cities
(D)25 Cities
(E)18 Cities

7.The following options are abbreviations of Indian Council of Agricultural Research institutions / universities followed by the cities in brackets where they are located. Which among them is not correct?
(A)CIRCOT (Mumbai)
(B)IVRI (Izatnagar)
(C)NIRJAFT (Bangalore)
(D)CIFT (Cochin),
(E)JNKVV (Jabalpur),

8.What is the correct designation of V K Saraswat as of December 9, 2009?
(A)Head DRDO
(B)Chief of Strategic Command
(C)Defense Secretary of India
(D)Scientific Advisor to Defense Minister of India
(E)A & D

The DRDO is headed by the Scientific Advisor to the Raksha Mantri (Defence Minister) who is also the Director General Research & Development in the Ministry of Defence and the Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development (DDR&D;).

9.In context with the Development of Defense in India, UCAV is a __?
(A)Manned Vehicle
(B)Unmanned Vehicle
(C)Military Robot
(D)Missile launcher
(E)None of them

10.In which of the following states the controversial India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) which is country’s biggest physics projects. was proposed to set up. The proposed site was recently rejected by the Government due to the proximity of the lab near a wild life sanctuary ?
(B)West Bengal
(C)Tamil Nadu
(E)Andhra Pradesh

11.Which among the following states in India has been worst affected of ” Japanese encephalitis ” in 2009?
(B)Uttar Pradesh
(C)West Bengal

12.In which of the following countries HINDRAF or Hindu Rights Action Force is active?

13.Recently India has completed its first ever Human Genome Sequencing due to the efforts of CSIR scientists & Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology . Where is located Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology ?
(C)New Delhi
(E)None of them

14.Recently we read in the newspapers that , a Committee has been constituted to look into the issues relating to National Permit system and rationalization of motor vehicle taxes. This committee has recommended a lump sum amount to be collected as a composite fee per annum. What is this
(A)Rs. 10000
(B)Rs. 15000
(C)Rs. 20000
(D)Rs. 25000
(E)None of them

15.In which month India Corporate Week is observed?

16.Which of the following teams was defeated by Indian Cricket team to mark its 100th test victory?
(A)New Zealand
(D)Sri Lanka

17.In which year the 12 member Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure was constituted ?

18.Recently we read in the newspapers that the IAEA resolution to prevent Iran from developing a uranium-enrichment facility in secret was unanimously passed by a 25-3 vote with six abstentions. India Voted____?
(A)In favor of Iran
(B)In favor of IAEA
(C)remain abstained
(D)India did not vote
(E)None of them

19.Recently Tom Joseph has been selected for the 21st Jimmy George Foundation award, 2009, for his contributions to sports. With which sports Tom Joseph has been associated with ?
(A)Basket Ball
(B)Foot ball

20.As per the latest state of the forest report, what fraction of India’s area is covered by Forests?
(B)21.02 %

21.The 2009 Strasbourg-Kehl Summit which was held in first half of 2009, marked the 60th anniversary of the establishment of which of the following bodies?
(A)United Nations
(B)Non Alignment Movement
(C)North Ataltic Treaty Organization
(D)International Monetary Fund
(E)None of them

22.By what fraction Indian Economy grew as all major sectors — manufacturing, mining and electricity generation — showed higher growth in April -September 2009?

23.Which of the following country is introducing Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme , a cap-and-trade system of emissions trading for greenhouse gases in 2010. (recently the government outlined changes to its planned carbon trading scheme )?
(D)United States

24.Former President Charles Taylor of which of the following African countries was in news recently as he is the first African ruler to stand trial for war crimes ?
(A)Sierra Leone,

25.In context with Korea what is DMZ which was recently in news ?
(A)A Free Trade Zone in South Korea
(B)A Military Zone of North Korea
(C)A Satellite launch Center of North Korea
(D)A No man’s land dividing the Korean peninsula
(E)A Space Research Center of South Korea

26.What are Cadillac health plans?
(A)High-cost insurance plans that require little or no out-of-pocket expenses for medical treatment in USA
(B)A type of therapy used to remedy a health problem related to Heart
(C)Experimental treatment, the levels of treatment factor’s) (variables controlled by the experimenter) applied
(D)A National treatment principle, the term related to USA
(E)A Health Insurance Policy in India

27.How many Indian businessmen have featured in Forbes magazine’s first-ever World’s Most Powerful People list? (November 30, 2009)

28.We have reading in the newspapers that Global Internet giants Microsoft, Yahoo and Google have been approaching the government for a collaboration – cooperation in UID project. Which among them was the first to approach the government?
(D)Yahoo followed by Microsoft and Google
(E)Google followed by Microsoft and Yahoo

29.After taking charge, Union transport Ministry had made it mandatory for the states to sign the State Support Agreement under which the states would have to acquire land for highway construction to get central funds. Till December 9, 2009, how many states have signed this pact?

30.In context with the capital markets , what is FPO?
(A)First Public Offer
(B)Final Public Offer
(C)Follow on Public Offer
(D)Fixed Public Offer
(E)Full Public Offer

31.Which among the following country is World Bank’s single largest borrower?

32.As per a recent study made by CII (confederation of Indian Industry) which state has ranked No.1 with regard to the total number of investments made in textile projects in 2009?
(A)Tamil Nadu
(C)Andhra Pradesh
(E)Uttar Pradesh

33.Platts , a Global provider of energy and commodities information on November 16m, 2009 announced the 2009 Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings which included 55 companies. How many companies from India were included this list?

34.Tiger Woods is a well known personality in which of the following sports?
(D)Horse Races
(E)Formula One

35.Which among the following Asian Country has raised the value of its currency in December 2009 for the first time in 17 years?
(B)North Korea
(C)South Korea

36.Which among the following countries have opted out of the “Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union” part of Lisbon treaty?
(A)United Kingdom
(C)Czech Republic
(D)All of Them
(E)None of them

37.Who among the following is the first permanent President of the European Council, who has taken charge recently?
(A)Patrick Dewael
(B)Fredrik Reinfeldt
(C)Yves Leterme
(D)Herman De Croo
(E)Herman Van Rompuy

38.Recently Thierry Henry handball incident was in controversial limelight which is related to a FIFA World Cup championship Qualification match. Which among the following were teams playing this match?
(A)France vs. Ukraine
(B)France vs. Slovenia
(C)France vs. Republic of Ireland
(D)Portugal vs. Republic of Ireland
(E)None of them

39.In context with structure of FIFA, International Federation of Association Football, there are 6 confederations recognized by FIFA which oversee the game in the different continents and regions of the world. Which among them does this in South America?

40.Who among the following players is associated with the infamous “Hand of God” goal in the history of Football?
(A)Ronald de Boer
(C)Alberto Acosta

41.Recently we remembered the Bhopal Gas tragedy , on 25th anniversary of the industrial disaster that took place in Bhopal. Which is that black day of 1984?
(A)December 4,
(B)December 3
(C)December 5
(D)December 6
(E)December 7

42.In December 2009, after the US president announced more 30,000 troops to Afghanistan and Britain announced more 500 troops, NATO announced that 25 member countries will contribute how many troops?

43.Recently which among the two nations were in news for holding cabinet meetings at Unusual places to draw attention of the world towards problem of the climate change?
(A)Seychelles and Mauritius
(B)Seychelles and Maldives
(C)Maldives & Australia
(D)Maldives & Nepal
(E)Maldives & Mauritius

44.Which among the following dates is observed as International Day against Corruption ?
(A)December 6
(B)December 8
(C)December 9
(D)December 12
(E)December 15

45.Which among the following not matched correctly ?
(A)December 2 – International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
(B)December 3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities
(C)December 7 – International Civil Aviation Day
(D)December 10 – Human Rights Day
(E)All correctly matched

46.Former world number one Amelie Mauresmo who announced her retirement was an ace player of ___?
(A)Table Tennis
(C)Basket Ball
(E)None of them

47.Recently World Antidoping Agency marked its 10th anniversary. Who is the current head of WADA?
(A)John Fahey
(B) Paul Wolfowitz
(C)Ralph Backstrom
(D)Louis Vipers
(E) None of them

48.Which of the following agency publishes “Global Tobacco Epidemic”?
(A)World Health Organization
(B)British Medical Association
(C)National Safety Council
(D)World Tobacco
(E)None of them

49.Bhumibol Adulyadej who is world’s longest reigning monarch belongs to which of the following countries?

50.Yukiya Amano who has recently taken office of the IAEA is a citizen of ___?
(A)North Korea
(B)South Korea
(E)None of them


  1. Anonymous

    December 9, 2009 at 6:28 am

    Thanx a ton sir

    You r doing a gr8 job………very useful.

  2. Anonymous

    December 9, 2009 at 9:47 am

    grt work sir keep it up…………

  3. Anonymous

    December 9, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Fantastic, and give some imporatnce to state governmnt exam like Revenue inspector.

  4. Anonymous

    December 9, 2009 at 6:55 pm


  5. Anonymous

    December 9, 2009 at 8:45 pm

    Amazing, really helpful for the students

    May U continue for centuries

    God bless U

  6. Anonymous

    December 9, 2009 at 10:36 pm

    Really nice.. Thanks a lot :)

  7. VIKAS

    December 11, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    fantastic sir,please post more material for BSNL JAO exam.

  8. Anonymous

    December 14, 2009 at 3:25 am

    V k Saraswat is head of DRDO OR R & D!!

  9. Swetha L

    December 15, 2009 at 8:20 am

    V V V useful…Thanks a lot..

  10. Anonymous

    December 16, 2009 at 1:30 am

    its wonderful……..amazing job thank u

  11. Pooja

    December 16, 2009 at 5:05 am

    Good job. Really useful info. It will be very thankful if u cud include some previous questions of Airport Authority exams-ATC..Thanking u..

  12. Anonymous

    December 19, 2009 at 4:28 am

    Kindly post some questions for bank of India PO.

  13. pawan

    December 19, 2009 at 7:09 am

    thanks a lot

  14. Ankit

    December 19, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    Really a good collection of questions.. Thanks..

  15. Anonymous

    December 24, 2009 at 12:13 am

    thanks, for sharing this useful information

  16. Anonymous

    December 29, 2009 at 8:49 am

    keep up the good work thankz

  17. shweta

    January 1, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    Canu please post some general awareness, computer and marketing questions for SBI P.O's.

  18. ramm

    January 10, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    could you pls post in downloadable vesion?


  19. Anonymous

    January 10, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    thanx…realyy very helpful…gr8 job

  20. Anonymous

    January 18, 2010 at 12:21 am

    I'm Truly grateful.
    Great Work.

  21. Anonymous

    January 19, 2010 at 5:27 am

    thanks sir…

  22. Nag

    January 23, 2010 at 11:34 pm

    Please try to cover more evetns of RBI and Govt of India

  23. $hamim

    February 1, 2010 at 10:18 am

    Good Collection Sir Ji……..

  24. The JO..

    February 18, 2010 at 8:55 am

    GOD bless u sir.. this is indeed very very helpfull to everyone who wants to enter the world of knowledge

  25. Anonymous

    February 22, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    good wrk …………sir ji…..

  26. Anonymous

    February 22, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    this is first time I entered this blog..mindblowing..words cant be expressed

    Truly amazing work..applause

  27. Bharathy

    March 2, 2010 at 7:03 am

    I have become a regular visitor for this website. I am also recommending it to all my friends who are preparing for Central Services.

    Thanks again for your dedication and commitment.
    We are grateful to you.

    May God bless you.

  28. archana

    March 11, 2010 at 3:12 am

    thnk uu verymuch sir, for providing useful kind of information..

  29. zakz

    May 3, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    please post question for cpl pilot test to be held on 16th may ….

  30. Anonymous

    May 9, 2010 at 10:28 am

    continue your fantastic work

  31. Nikhil

    June 21, 2010 at 9:14 am

    Keep updated about the recent news happening see the Bhopal Gas Tragedy Quiz


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