Mawlynnong village, which is cleanest village in Asia, is located in which state?

Mawlynnong village, which is cleanest village in Asia, is located in which state?
[A]Arunachal Pradesh

Mawlynnong village, which is termed as Asia’s cleanest village, is located at the East Khasi Hills district of the Meghalaya. It is famous for its cleanliness and natural attraction. Mawlynnong was awarded the prestigious tag of ‘Cleanest Village in Asia’ in 2003 by Discover India Magazine. Approx 500 tourists across India and abroad visit the village daily. To maintain its reputation as clean village, all 550 villagers carry cleanliness drive on every Saturday. Through cleanliness, the villagers have created opportunities to earn money as the village has become tourists’ prime destination in North East.

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