MATSYA 6000 is an undersea submersible vehicle. It was designed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The navigation and electronics aspects of the vehicle was designed by the National Institute of Ocean Technology. It is to be deployed in the first manned ocean mission of India called the Samudrayaan. With Matsya 6000 India has joined the elite club of countries holding undersea vehicle. These countries are Japan, USA, Russia, France and China.

About MATSYA 6000

The MATSYA 6000 is capable of carrying three people. It can reach a maximum depth of 6,000 metres. The vehicle will look for cobalt crust, hydrothermal sulphides, hydrates and polymetallic manganese nodules in the Indian Ocean. Also, it will investigate the tectonic boundaries of Sumatra Island. It will also study the low temperature methane seeps and chemosynthetic biodiversity in high temperature hydrothermal vents. The vehicle is spherical in shape. It is made of titanium alloy that is 80 mm thick. The sphere is 2.1 metres in diameter. The vehicle uses a battery powered propulsion. It can stand for 12 hours. During emergencies, the vehicle can stand 96 hours. The subsystems of the vehicle is produced from international markets as well. The subsystems of the vehicle are ballast and trim system, low density buoyancy modules, batteries and propulsion system, launching and recovery system and control and communication system.

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