Market Study on E-commerce initiated by the Competition Commission of India

With a view of a better understanding of the function of e-commerce and its inferences for markets & competition in India, The Competition Commission of India (CCI) delivered a report named `Market Study on E-commerce in India: Key Findings and Observations’ today, on 8th January 2020.

Its objective is to identify obstacles emerging from e-commerce to competition and to discover the Commission’s application and advocacy priorities in light of the same.

The study helped to gather useful perceptions and information about the key features of e-commerce in India and also provided an opportunity to learn from business enterprises on the way they are responding to the appearance of digital trade and helped to measure the key parameters of competition in digital commerce.

The report delivered today presents the identified key trends and discusses the problems that have a relation with the competition or may obstruct the realization of the full pro-competitive potential of e-commerce and enumerates certain areas for self-regulation by the e-commerce marketplace platforms.


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