Mapping Indian Ocean Floor for Climate and Weather Prediction

India is the country being surrounded by the Indian Ocean, plays a critical role in understanding ocean currents and their impact on weather and climate prediction. A recent study by scientists at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) has highlighted the importance of mapping the Indian Ocean floor to study currents and improve forecasting accuracy.

Mapping the Indian Ocean Floor

  • INCOIS scientists Raheema Rahman and Hasibur Rahaman conducted a study to map the Indian Ocean floor, known as bathymetry.
  • The study revealed that the previously used ocean modeling systems had underestimated coastal currents around India.
  • The bathymetry study showed a significant improvement in upper ocean salinity, temperature, and currents, especially near the coast.

Key Findings of the Study

  • The study found deep-swirling patterns in the ocean depths that were opposite to the surface currents. The East India Coastal Current (EICC) flows were estimated to be different at depths of 1,000 meters and 2,000 meters, showing a unique pattern compared to surface currents.
  • The presence of the Maldives Islands was found to influence the Equatorial Under Current (EUC) and its direction.

Importance of Ocean Dynamics

  • Oceans play a crucial role in weather and climate prediction as well as in the maritime industry.
  • Accurately forecasting oceanographic parameters such as currents, temperature, and salinity is essential for various applications.
  • The study highlights the importance of bathymetry in ocean general circulation models to advance the understanding of ocean dynamics and improve forecasting accuracy.

About the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)

  • INCOIS is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India.
  • Established in 1999, it is headquartered in Hyderabad.
  • It is mandated to provide ocean data, information, and advisory services.
  • Focus areas include ocean observation, ocean modeling, ocean state forecasting, and ocean data management.
  • INCOIS operates ocean observation systems like Argo floats, drifting buoys, and moored buoys.
  • It provides services like potential fishing zone advisories, ocean state forecasts, and tsunami early warnings.
  • INCOIS plays a crucial role in understanding ocean dynamics for climate and weather prediction.

By accurately predicting oceanographic parameters, researchers can enhance weather and climate forecasts for Indian rim countries and the subcontinent.

This study contributes to a better understanding of ocean dynamics and its impact on various applications.



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